International staff and guests

PIK is part of a global network of scientific and academic institutions working on questions of global environmental change; this is reflected in international collaboration and in terms of the PIK staff working in Potsdam.

Around a third of PIK’s scientific staff were of non-German nationality at the end of 2021. For PhD students doing their doctorates at PIK, it was over 40%. The share of scientists with international backgrounds employed at PIK has been growing gradually over the last few years.

In addition, each year PIK hosts visiting researchers from abroad and young scientists working on their dissertations. International PhD students at PIK have access to resources offered by collaborating graduate schools, in particular the Potsdam Graduate School and the Humboldt Graduate School.

PIK promotes an inclusive and friendly international research culture. The working language is English. International guest lecturers frequently speak at the institute.

The Berlin-Potsdam region, and Potsdam in particular with its many scientific institutions, provides a welcoming environment for incoming international researchers. PIK is a partner of the Potsdam Welcome Center, which provides information and support for international scientists planning a research stay.

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