
BePerfekt – Empowering individuals and teams in transfer structures

BePerfektBePerfekt is a BMBF-funded joint project to develop an instrument for empowering individuals and teams in transfer structures. The instrument is intended to help non-university research institutions, universities and universities of applied sciences, as well as research-oriented transfer and even business companies, to set up, further educate and permanently establish efficient transfer managers and teams to tap the existing transfer potential in a targeted manner. The project is based on a broad concept of transfer, which comprises both knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) and refers to transfer as a bilateral exchange between science on the one hand and society, politics and business on the other.

The project is coordinated by PIK and carried out together with the Karlsruhe Institute  of Technology (KIT) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in the period from 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2020.

The overarching goal is to make the innovation potential of the German science and research landscape more accessible to players from society, culture, politics and the economy in the future. For this purpose, many research institutions and universities – mostly funded by the Federal Government and the Länder – have already set up structures for the transfer of knowledge and technology or are planning to do so. Nevertheless, KTT often still only occupies a niche position in science and outside the KTT community. Moreover, there is as yet no consistent or universally accepted job profile for KTT managers.

At the same time, however, KTT is gaining in importance. On the one hand, it is becoming ever more relevant as an indicator for assessing the performance of research institutions and universities. On the other hand, the perspective for a later exploitation of research results is increasingly playing a role in many funding programmes. Against this background, the future professionalisation of transfer structures is an urgent need. This is where BePerfekt starts.

As a result, the instrument should contain practical recommendations for the identification of existing and required skills and competences of transfer teams as well as a range of different educational formats. Furthermore, the KTT community will be provided with opportunities for more intensive networking. The instrument should give recommendations for the development of strategic transfer goals for research institutions and universities and, last but not least, demonstrate possibilities for cooperation, networking and financing to sustainably empower transfer managers.



Dr. Ulrike Sylla
Phone: +49 331 288 20785

Nicole Pastrik
Phone: +49 331 288 2631

Eva Rahner, M.A. (parental leave)
Phone: +49 331 288 2631

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