
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995): Gratwanderung - Bild der Wissenschaft
Lasch, P., Lindner, M. (1995): Application of two forest succession models at sites in Northeast Germany, In: Abstracts of the First GCTE Science Conference, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 23-27 May 1994, GCTE Core Project Office, Lyneham - Application of two forest succession models at sites in Northeast Germany, In: Abstracts of the First GCTE Science Conference, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 23-27 May 1994, GCTE Core Project Office, Lyneham, PIK Reports ; 9
Toth, F.L., Farag¢, T., Bartholy, J. (1995): Climate Policy in Eastern Europe: Implications of Economic Transition - Climate Policy in Eastern Europe: Implications of Economic Transition, Regional Climate Change in Central-Eastern Europe
Petschel-Held, G. (1995): Der globale Klimawandel als Steuerungsproblem: Der Tolerable Window Ansatz - Der globale Klimawandel als Steuerungsproblem: Der Tolerable Window Ansatz
Lindner, M., Lasch, P., Cramer, W. (1995): Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe - Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe, PIK Reports ; 10
Wechsung, Frank, Wechsung, G., Kimball, B.A., Pinter Jr., P.J. Garcia (1995): CO2-(Düngungs-)effekt im Freilandversuch: Ergebnisse von Versuchen mit Weizen und Gerste in Maricopa, Arizona, USA - Proceedings of the 'Klimaveränderung und Landwirtschaft- Wechselwirkungen, mögliche Entwicklungen un
Toth, F. (1995): Policy Exercises: An Interface Between Models and Policy - Policy Exercises: An Interface Between Models and Policy
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Sprinz, D., Kaiser, K., Maull, H.W. (1995): Umweltkrisen und internationale Sicherheit - Umweltkrisen und internationale Sicherheit, Deutschlands neue Außenpolitik, Bd. 2 Herausforderungen
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (1995): Referat zu: "Klimatologie v. C.-D. Schönwiese" - Referat zu: "Klimatologie v. C.-D. Schönwiese"
Bugmann, H., Solomon, A. (1995): The use of a European forest model in North America: A study of ecosystem response to climate gradients - The use of a European forest model in North America: A study of ecosystem response to climate gradients, PIK Reports ; 06
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1995): Thermodynamic Idea in Ecology - Ecological Modelling
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995): Darf's ein bißchen mehr sein? Zur Darstellung von klimatischen Extremsituationen in den Medien - Darf's ein bißchen mehr sein? Zur Darstellung von klimatischen Extremsituationen in den Medien
Bronstert, A., Vollmer, S., Ihringer, J. (1995): A review of the impact of larid consolidation on runoff production and flooding in Germany - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Fischer, A., Guyot, G. (1995): CO2 -Fluxes at Regional Scale over Agricultural Areas - CO2 -Fluxes at Regional Scale over Agricultural Areas, Photosynthesis and Remote Sensing. Satellite Meeting of the 10th International Congress of Photosynt
Linneweber, V., Katama, A. (1995): Evaluating the use of global commons: lessons from research on social judgment - Evaluating the use of global commons: lessons from research on social judgment, Equity and Sozial Considerations Related to Climate Change (Proceedings of the IPCC WG III Workshop;
Petschel-Held, G. (1995): Chaos in the Next Century: Climate Change and Global Warming - Chaos in the Next Century: Climate Change and Global Warming
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995): Globaler Wandel: Die Menschheit verändert ihren Lebensraum - Globaler Wandel: Die Menschheit verändert ihren Lebensraum
Sprinz, D. (1995): International Negotiations Related to Global Environmental Change. Keynote Address - International Negotiations Related to Global Environmental Change. Keynote Address
Bronstert, A. (1995): Simulation of the Water Dynamics of Rural Catchments Using the HILLFLOW Model - Simulation of the Water Dynamics of Rural Catchments Using the HILLFLOW Model
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1995): Conception of Virtual Biospheres: Global Change and Mathematical Ecology - Conception of Virtual Biospheres: Global Change and Mathematical Ecology
Fischer, A., Juhle, Y. (1995): Couplage modele de fonctionnement/observations satellitaires pour ameliorer les estimations de production - SCOT Conseil. Suivi et/ou modelisation de la production agricole utilisant les donnees SPOT4/VEGETAT
Fleischmann, R., Geisel, T., Ketzmerick, R., Petschel, G. (1995): Chaos und fraktale Energiespektren in Antidot-Gittern - Physikalische Blätter
Stock, Manfred, Toth, F.L., Stock, M., Toth, F.L. (1995): Einleitung: Klimafolgenforschung für Brandenburg - Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen auf das Land Brandenburg, Forschungsbericht des PIK
Toth, F.L., Jäger, J., Liberatore, A., Grundlach, K. (1995): Global Environmental Change: Impacts on and Contributions of Specific Economic Sectors - Global Environmental Change: Impacts on and Contributions of Specific Economic Sectors, Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Europe
Linneweber, V. (1995): Justice Considerations in Allocating Resource Use and Emission Permits - Justice Considerations in Allocating Resource Use and Emission Permits
Lasch, P., Lindner, M. (1995): Application of two Forest Succession Models at Sites in North East Germany - Journal of Biogeography
Zharova, N., Krysanova, Valentina, Voinov, A. (1995): Decision Support System for Water Quality Monitoring in an Uncertain Economy. Watershed of Oka River (Russia) as a Case Study - Decision Support System for Water Quality Monitoring in an Uncertain Economy. Watershed of Oka River (Russia) as a Case Study
Fischlin, A., Bugmann, H., Gyalistras, D. (1995): Sensitivity of a forest ecosystem model to climate parameterization schemes" - Environmental Pollution