
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Bürger, G. (1996): Expanded Downscaling for Generating Local Weather Scenarios - Climate Research
Toth, F. (1996): Cost-Benefit Analyses of Climate Change - Cost-Benefit Analyses of Climate Change
Toth, F. (1996): Integrated Environmental Assessments: The Science-Policy Interface - Integrated Environmental Assessments: The Science-Policy Interface
Bronstert, A. (1996): Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review - Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources & Environment Research: Towards the 2
Zimmermann, H., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, et al, None (1996): Welt im Wandel: Herausforderung für die deutsche Wissenschaft - Welt im Wandel: Herausforderung für die deutsche Wissenschaft
Kirschbaum, M.U.F., Bullock, P., Evans, J.R., Goulding, K. Jarvis, Noble, I.R., Rounsevell, M., Sharkey, T.D., Austin, M.-P., Brookes, P., Brown, S., Bugmann, H.K.M., Cramer, W., Diaz, S., Gitay, H., Hamburg, S.P., Harris, J., Holten, J.I., Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C., Moss, R.H. (1996): Ecophysiological, Ecological, and Soil Processes in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Primer on General Concepts and Relationships - Ecophysiological, Ecological, and Soil Processes in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Primer on General Concepts and Relationships, Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical An
Hanf, K., Andresen, S., Boehmer-Christiansen, S., Kux, S. Lewanski, Morata, F., Skea, J., Sprinz, D., Underdal, A., Vaahtoranta, T., Wettestad, J. (1996): The Domestic Basis of International Environmental Agreements: Modelling National/International Linkages, Final Report to the European Commission, (EU Contract EV5V-CT92-0185) - The Domestic Basis of International Environmental Agreements: Modelling National/International Linkages, Final Report to the European Commission, (EU Contract EV5V-CT92-0185)
Becker, A. (1996): Verfügbarkeit von Wasser in einer sich ändernden Welt - Dokumentation zum 2. Bad Pyrmonter Aqua-Forum. Bad Pyrmont: Stadt Bad Pyrmont
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1996): Towards an Integrated Model of the Earth System - EGS Newsletter
Lindner, M. (1996): Regionale Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen - dargestellt am Beispiel Brandenburgs - Regionale Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen - dargestellt am Beispiel Brandenburgs
Reußwig, Fritz (1996): Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Modellierung komplexer Systeme - Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Modellierung komplexer Systeme
Worlikar, A., Knio, O. M., Klein, R., Gagnon, Y., Cottet, G.-H., Ghoniem, A. F., Dritschel, D. G., Meiburg, E. (1996): Numerical simulation of a thermoacoustic refrigerator - ESAIM: Proceedings
Flechsig, M. (1996): Raum-zeitliche Dynamik von Ökosystemverbänden unter sich verändernden Immissionsbedingungen am Beispiel der Dübener Heide - Raum-zeitliche Dynamik von Ökosystemverbänden unter sich verändernden Immissionsbedingungen am Beispiel der Dübener Heide
Kirschbaum, M.U.F., Fischlin, A., Cannell, M.G.R., Cruz, R.V.O., Cramer, W., Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C., Moss, R.H. (1996): Climate Change Impacts on Forests - Climate Change Impacts on Forests, Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical An
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1996): Umwelt und Sicherheit - gestern, heute, morgen ... - Umwelt und Sicherheit - gestern, heute, morgen ...
Reußwig, Fritz (1996): Syndromes of Global Change: Non-Sustainable Patterns of Nature- Society-Interactions - Syndromes of Global Change: Non-Sustainable Patterns of Nature- Society-Interactions
Zimmermann, H., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1996): World in transition: Ways towards global environmental solutions - World in transition: Ways towards global environmental solutions
Kücken, M. (1996): REMO - Implementation of a Parallel Version of a Regional Climate Model - REMO - Implementation of a Parallel Version of a Regional Climate Model
Stock, Manfred (1996): Globale und regionale Klimaänderungen - Auswirkungen auf Berlin-Brandenburg - Globale und regionale Klimaänderungen - Auswirkungen auf Berlin-Brandenburg
Leemans, R., Cramer, W., van Minnen, J.G., Breymeyer, A.I., Hall, D.O., Melillo, J.M., gren, G.I. (1996): Prediction of Global Biome Distribution Using Bioclimatic Equilibrium Models - Prediction of Global Biome Distribution Using Bioclimatic Equilibrium Models, Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grassland SCOPE
Helm, C. (1996): Fair play in the greenhouse - economic basics - Fair play in the greenhouse - economic basics
Helm, C. (1996): Propositions currently discussed in negotiations - Propositions currently discussed in negotiations
Fröhlich, A., Erhard, M., Gah, E., Cramer, W. (1996): Assessment of Climate Change Threats on Protected Areas in Germany - Study for the WWF-Germany
Rahmstorf, Stefan (1996): What Drives the Atlantic Conveyor Belt? - What Drives the Atlantic Conveyor Belt?
Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D., Cramer, W., Becker, A. (1996): Identification of vulnerable subregions in the Elbe drainage basin under global change impact - Identification of vulnerable subregions in the Elbe drainage basin under global change impact, PIK Reports ; 19
Stock, Manfred (1996): Neue Erkenntnisse zum Klimaschutz: IPCC-Gutachten 1995 und Brandenburgstudie des PIK - Neue Erkenntnisse zum Klimaschutz: IPCC-Gutachten 1995 und Brandenburgstudie des PIK
Kropp, Jürgen P., Schweitzer, F. (1996): Simple Rules Versus Complex Data in Megacity Growth: (i) Generic Data Structures of Cities Obtained by Neural Networks. (ii) Estimation of Megacity Growth by Means of Self- Organization Theory - Simple Rules Versus Complex Data in Megacity Growth: (i) Generic Data Structures of Cities Obtained by Neural Networks. (ii) Estimation of Megacity Growth by Means of Self- Organization Theory