Reußwig, Fritz (1998):
Transdisciplinary global environmental change analysis by syndromes
- Transdisciplinary global environmental change analysis by syndromes
Claussen, M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Wenzel, V. (1998):
On the inconsistency at the interface of climate impact studies and global climate simulations
- On the inconsistency at the interface of climate impact studies and global climate simulations, Earth system analysis: integrating science for sustainability
Krysanova, Valentina, Becker, A., Klöcking, B., Summer, W, Klaghofer, E., Zhang, W. (1998):
The linkage between hydrological processes and sediment transport at the river basin scale
- The linkage between hydrological processes and sediment transport at the river basin scale, Modelling soil erosion, sediment transport and closely related hydrological processes, 249
Bronstert, A. (1998):
Influence of the land surface and possible climate change on flood conditions: some basic considerations
- Influence of the land surface and possible climate change on flood conditions: some basic considerations
Krysanova, Valentina, Bronstert, A., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. (1998):
Modelling runoff dynamics of the Elbe drainage basin: an application of a modified version of the HBV model
- Modelling runoff dynamics of the Elbe drainage basin: an application of a modified version of the HBV model
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Zweiter Zwischenbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben "Dynamische skalenübergreifende Modellierung des Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltes in Gebieten des pleistozänen Tieflandes, Modellgebiet Stepenitz
- Zweiter Zwischenbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben "Dynamische skalenübergreifende Modellierung des Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltes in Gebieten des pleistozänen Tieflandes, Modellgebiet Stepenitz
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Simulated impacts of mean vs. intra-annual climate changes on forests
- Simulated impacts of mean vs. intra-annual climate changes on forests, Simulated impacts of interannual vs. absolute climate changes on the functioning of forests
Krysanova, Valentina (1998):
Modelling hydrological processes, nutrient dynamics and crop growth at the watershed scale (model SWIM)
- Modelling hydrological processes, nutrient dynamics and crop growth at the watershed scale (model SWIM)
Lahmer, W., Becker, A., Bucek, J., Sir, M., Tesar, M. (1998):
Macro- and mesoscale hydrological modelling in the Elbe river basin
- Macro- and mesoscale hydrological modelling in the Elbe river basin
Toth, F.L., Leimbach, Marian, Bruckner, T., Petschel-Held, G., Laege, E., Schaumann, P. (1998):
Tolerable climate windows and emission corridors: new results with the ICLIPS model
- Tolerable climate windows and emission corridors: new results with the ICLIPS model, Energy models for decision support - new challenges and possible solutions
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Klimaänderungen und die Auswirkungen auf das Hochwasserverhalten
- Klimaänderungen und die Auswirkungen auf das Hochwasserverhalten
Toth, F. (1998):
Modeling land-use and land-cover change in the context of the climate change problem
- Modeling land-use and land-cover change in the context of the climate change problem
Krysanova, Valentina, Becker, A., Bronstert, A., Krysanova, V., Schröder, A., Becker, A. (1998):
Gekoppelte hydrologische und Wasserqualitätsmodellierung in meso- und großskaligen Einzugsgebieten
- PIK Report
Kubatzki, C., Claussen, M. (1998):
Simulation of the global bio-geophysical interactions during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Simulation of the global bio-geophysical interactions during the Last Glacial Maximum, PIK Report; 34
Klein, R., Breitung, W., Rehm, W., Olivier, H., He, L., Armand, P., Ang, M. (1998):
Models and criteria for prediction of deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in hydrogen-air-steal systems under severe accident conditions
- Fission safety
Hutjes, R., Kabat, P., Hoff, H. (1998):
Biospheric aspects of the hydrological cycle
- Journal of Hydrology
Lasch, P., Suckow, F., Bürger, G., Lindner, M. (1998):
Sensitivity analysis of a forest gap model concerning current and future climate variability
- Sensitivity analysis of a forest gap model concerning current and future climate variability, PIK Reports ; 45
Stock, Manfred, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1998):
Klimawirkungsforschung - ein Schritt auf dem Weg zur Erdsystemanalyse
- Physik in unserer Zeit
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Altner, G., Mettler-von Meiborn, B., Simonis, U.E., von Weizsäcker, E.U. (1998):
Globales Umweltmanagement oder Dr. Lovelock übernimmt Dr. Frankensteins Praxis
- Globales Umweltmanagement oder Dr. Lovelock übernimmt Dr. Frankensteins Praxis, Jahrbuch Ökologie 1999
Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Bronstert, A. Fleckenstein, Wheater, H., Kirby, C. (1998):
Modelling runoff dynamics of the Elbe drainage basin: an application of the HBV model
- Modelling runoff dynamics of the Elbe drainage basin: an application of the HBV model, Hydrology in a changing environment: global hydrological processes, ecological and hydrological inte, 1
Toth, F., Nordhaus, W.D. (1998):
Applicability of techniques of cost-benefit analysis to climate change: a commentary
- Applicability of techniques of cost-benefit analysis to climate change: a commentary, Economics and policy issues in climate change. Resources for the future
Toth, F., Kasemir, B., Masing, V. (1998):
Climate policy as a business opportunity for venture capital in Europe
- Climate policy as a business opportunity for venture capital in Europe
Toth, F. (1998):
Integrating models of intermediate complexity: the tolerable windows approach
- Integrating models of intermediate complexity: the tolerable windows approach
Menzel, L., Lang, H., Kovar, K., Tappeiner, U., Peters, N.E., Craig, R.G. (1998):
Spatial variation in evapotranspiration in Swiss Alpine regions
- Spatial variation in evapotranspiration in Swiss Alpine regions, Hydrology, water resources and ecology in headwaters
Helm, C. (1998):
International cooperation behind the veil of scientific uncertainty: the case of transboundary acidification
- Environmental and Resource Economics
Svirezhev, Y. (1998):
Globalistics: a new synthesis. Philosophy of global modelling
- Ecological Modelling
Lüdeke, M.K.B. (1998):
Qualitative modelling of environmentally problematic land use changes: an integrative approach based on the syndrome concept
- Qualitative modelling of environmentally problematic land use changes: an integrative approach based on the syndrome concept
Kite, G., Haberlandt, U. (1998):
Atmospheric model data for macroscale hydrology
- Journal of Hydrology
Reußwig, Fritz (1998):
Berichte über (1) den PIK-Workshop "Absolute Armut und Katastrophenanfälligkeit" und (2) "Syndromare Katastrophenindikatoren"
- Berichte über (1) den PIK-Workshop "Absolute Armut und Katastrophenanfälligkeit" und (2) "Syndromare Katastrophenindikatoren"
Krysanova, Valentina, Wechsung, Frank (1998):
Regional application of the model SWIM in Brandenburg
- Regional application of the model SWIM in Brandenburg