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Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen am Beispiel einer Untersuchung für das Land Brandenburg
- Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen am Beispiel einer Untersuchung für das Land Brandenburg
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Syndrome des Globalen Wandels als transdisziplinäres Konzept
- Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie
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- Klima, Agenda 21 Vision: nachhaltige Entwicklung
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Erfahrungen mit der makroskaligen hydrologischen Modellierung des Mackenzie-Einzugsgebietes
- Erfahrungen mit der makroskaligen hydrologischen Modellierung des Mackenzie-Einzugsgebietes
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Tropical palaeoclimates at the Last Glacial Maximum: A new synthesis of terrestrial data
- Climate Dynamics
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Linking forest dynamics and forest economics in a virtual forest enterprise - the approach of the project "German Forest Sector under Global Change"
- Linking forest dynamics and forest economics in a virtual forest enterprise - the approach of the project "German Forest Sector under Global Change"
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Optimization of solar district heating systems: seasonal storage, heat pumps, and cogeneration
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World in transition: strategies for managing global environmental risks
- World in transition: strategies for managing global environmental risks
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Numerics in combustion
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Models and criteria for prediction of deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in hydrogen-air-steam systems under severe accident conditions
- Fission safety
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Numerical study of the effective impedance of a thermoacoustic stack
- Acustica - acta acustica
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Klimaveränderung im nordatlantisch-europäischen Raum
- ACCCtuell, 2
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Umweltgerechtes Verhalten in verschiedenen Lebensstil- Kontexten
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Results of a workshop of the European Commission on the Oder flood in summer 1997
- Results of a workshop of the European Commission on the Oder flood in summer 1997
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The influence of quasi-realistic high-frequency wind variability on wave modelling in the North Atlantic
- The influence of quasi-realistic high-frequency wind variability on wave modelling in the North Atlantic
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Capabilities and limitations of detailed hillslope hydrological modelling
- Hydrological Processes
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On the response of ocean waves to changes of wind fields
- On the response of ocean waves to changes of wind fields, The wind-driven air-sea interface, electromagnetic and acoustic sensing, wave dynamics and turbulent
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Simulation results from the ICLIPS model
- Simulation results from the ICLIPS model
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Simulation and visualization of climate scenarios on a distributed memory platform
- Simulation and visualization on the grid
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Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation at the end of the mid-Holocene
- Geophysical Research Letters
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CLIMBER-2: a climate system model of intermediate complexity
- CLIMBER-2: a climate system model of intermediate complexity
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- Law and State
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Regime effectiveness and its measurement: the Kyoto protocol
- Regime effectiveness and its measurement: the Kyoto protocol
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A neural solution: a data driven assessment of global climate and vegetation classes
- A neural solution: a data driven assessment of global climate and vegetation classes
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Konzept eines wissensbasierten Systems zur Analyse des globalen Wandels
- Konzept eines wissensbasierten Systems zur Analyse des globalen Wandels, Umweltsystemanalyse: Dynamik natürlicher und anthropogener Systeme und ihre Wechselwirkungen, 33
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Auswirkungen komplexer Landnutzungsänderungen auf den regionalen Wasserhaushalt
- Auswirkungen komplexer Landnutzungsänderungen auf den regionalen Wasserhaushalt
Kropp, Jürgen P. (1999):
Neuronale Netze und qualitative Wissensbasen in der integrativen Umweltsystemanalyse
- Neuronale Netze und qualitative Wissensbasen in der integrativen Umweltsystemanalyse
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Mesoscale hydrological modelling - possibilities of validation
- Mesoscale hydrological modelling - possibilities of validation
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Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP)
- Global Change Biology