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A new model for climate system analysis: outline of the model and application to palaecoclimate simulations
- Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Svirezhev, Y. M., von Bloh, Werner, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1999):
'Emission game': some applications of the theory of games to the problem of CO2 emission
- Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Helm, C., Toth, F. (1999):
Applying fairness criteria to the allocation of climate protection burdens: an economic perspective
- Applying fairness criteria to the allocation of climate protection burdens: an economic perspective, Fair weather? Fairness and equity concerns in climate change
Toth, F. (1999):
Regions and climate change: introduction to the workshop
- Regions and climate change: introduction to the workshop
Bondeau, A., Kicklighter, D.W., Kaduk, J (1999):
Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP): importance of vegetation structure on seasonal NPP estimates
- Global Change Biology
Erhard, M. (1999):
Wachstum von Kiefern-Ökosystemen in Abhängigkeit von Klima und Stoffeintrag - Eine regionale Fallstudie auf Landschaftsebene
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Actors, structures and environments. A comparative and transdisciplinary view on regional case studies of global einvironmental change
- Coping with changing environments. Social dimensions of endangered ecosystems in the developing world
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Struktur, Aufbau und statistische Programmbibliothek der meteorologischen Datenbank am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
- Struktur, Aufbau und statistische Programmbibliothek der meteorologischen Datenbank am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, PIK Reports ; 49
Lahmer, W., Klöcking, B., Pfützner, B. (1999):
Meteorological input variables in meso and macroscale hydrological modelling
- Meteorological input variables in meso and macroscale hydrological modelling
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Simulation of tree and stand development under different environmental conditions with a physiologically based model
- Forest Ecology and Management
Ruimy, A., Kergoat, L., Bondeau, A. (1999):
Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP): analysis of differences in light absorption and light-use efficiency
- Global Change Biology
Ganopolski, A. (1999):
Simulating quarternary Earth system history with models of intermediate complexity
- Simulating quarternary Earth system history with models of intermediate complexity
Klein, R.J.T., Nicholls, R.J., Mimura, N. (1999):
Coastal adaptation to climate change: can the IPCC Technical Guidelines be applied?
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
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Klimaszenarien für Niedrigwasseranalysen
- Klimaszenarien für Niedrigwasseranalysen
Güntner, A., Uhlenbrook, S., Seibert, J., Leibundgut, C. (1999):
Multi-criterial validation of TOPMODEL in a mountainous catchment
- Hydrological Processes
Toth, F. (1999):
Regional policy panels and European venture capital policy exercises
- Regional policy panels and European venture capital policy exercises
Toth, F. (1999):
Climate change and the challenge for research and technological development policy
- Climate change and the challenge for research and technological development policy
Nemry, B., Francois, L., G,rard, J.-C., Bondeau, A. (1999):
Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP): analysis of the seasonal atmospheric CO2 signal
- Global Change Biology
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GIS-basierte großskalige hydrologische Modellierung
- GIS-basierte großskalige hydrologische Modellierung
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Socio-economic implications of land use change modelling on a regional scale
- Socio-economic implications of land use change modelling on a regional scale
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Großräumige hydrologische Parametrisierung und Modellierung als Teil der integrierten Modellierung
- Großräumige hydrologische Parametrisierung und Modellierung als Teil der integrierten Modellierung
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Achievements and future needs towards an improved flood protection in the Oder river basin: results of the EU-expert meeting on the Oder flood in summer 1997
- Achievements and future needs towards an improved flood protection in the Oder river basin: results of the EU-expert meeting on the Oder flood in summer 1997
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Estimation of saturation excess overland flow areas - comparison of topographic index calculations with field mapping
- Estimation of saturation excess overland flow areas - comparison of topographic index calculations with field mapping, Regionalization in hydrology
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Genestete Analysen zu den Auswirkungen der Landnutzung auf den Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt im Elbe-Einzugsgebiet
- Statusseminar Elbe-Ökologie. Tagungsband, BfG Mitteilung Nr. 6
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A new model for deflagration fronts in reactive fluids
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
Reußwig, Fritz (1999):
Der Syndromansatz als Beispiel problemorientiereter Forschung
- TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten
Ganopolski, A. (1999):
Stability and variability of the thermohaline ocean circulation during the glacial cycle
- Stability and variability of the thermohaline ocean circulation during the glacial cycle
Sterflinger, K., Block, A., Grote, G., Krumbein, W.E. Schellnhuber (1999):
Irreversible physical growth as a new interpretation for 'metallogenium symbioticum' and 'metallogenium' microfossils
- Archives of Microbiology
Lindner, M. (1999):
Waldbewirtschaftung unter Klimaänderungen - Anwendungen von Gap-Waldmodellen in Mitteleuropa
- Waldbewirtschaftung unter Klimaänderungen - Anwendungen von Gap-Waldmodellen in Mitteleuropa
Lahmer, W., Becker, A., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Pfützner, B., Diekkrüger, B., Kirkby, M.J., Schröder, U. (1999):
A GIS-based approach for regional hydrological modelling
- IAHS publication no.254