
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Schaber, J., Badeck, F.-W., Lasch, P., Pelz, D.R., Rau, O., Saborowski, J. (1999): Ein Modell der Sukzessionsdynamik europäischer Wälder - Forest ecosystems in a changing environment (4C) - Ein Modell der Sukzessionsdynamik europäischer Wälder - Forest ecosystems in a changing environment (4C)
Krysanova, Valentina, Bronstert, A., Menzel, L. (1999): Comparison of data requirements and performance of two semi- distributed hydrological models of different complexity - Comparison of data requirements and performance of two semi- distributed hydrological models of different complexity
Cramer, W., Kicklighter, D.W., Bondeau, A., Moore, B., Nemry, B., Ruimy, A., Schloss, A. (1999): Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP): Overview and key results - Global Change Biology
Toussaint, F., Lautenschlager, M., Reinke, M., Kramer, R., Hosenfeld, F. (1999): Das CERA-2: Ein raumbezogenes Daten- und Metadatenmodell - Das CERA-2: Ein raumbezogenes Daten- und Metadatenmodell, Heterogene, aktive Umweltdatenbank, 8
Helm, C. (1999): A mechanism for the fair division of climate change protection burdens - A mechanism for the fair division of climate change protection burdens
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (1999): Estimation of the beginning and end of recurrent events within a climate regime - Climate Research
Petschel-Held, G., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Bruckner, T., Hasselmann, K. (1999): The tolerable windows approach: theoretical and methodological foundations - Climatic Change
Fritsch, U., Katzenmaier, D., Menzel, L., Musy, A., Pereira, L.S., Fritsch, M. (1999): Land use scenarios for flood risk assessment studies - Land use scenarios for flood risk assessment studies
Menzel, L., Lang, H., Rohmann, M. (1999): Mittlere jährliche aktuelle Verdunstungshöhen 1973-1992 - Hydrologischer Atlas der Schweiz
Toth, F. (1999): Options and costs for climate change mitigation - Options and costs for climate change mitigation
Kartschall, T., Grossman, S., Michaelis, P., Wechsung, Frank, Gräfe, J., Waloszczyk, K., Wechsung, G., Blum, E., Blum, M. (1998): Untersuchung der Auswirkungen erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentrationen auf Weizenbestände des Free-Air Carbondioxid Enrichment (FACE) - Experimentes Maricopa (USA) - Untersuchung der Auswirkungen erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentrationen auf Weizenbestände des Free-Air Carbondioxid Enrichment (FACE) - Experimentes Maricopa (USA), PIK Report ; 37
Hüttl, R.F., Bellmann, K., Hüttl, R.F., Bellmann, K. (1998): Site and stand description - Site and stand description, Changes of atmospheric chemistry and effects on forest ecosystems
Bronstert, A. (1998): Klimaänderung und Hochwasser - Klimaänderung und Hochwasser
Bauer, E. (1998): On the history of ocean waves in the North Sea - On the history of ocean waves in the North Sea
Helm, C. (1998): A general mechanism for the fair division of common property resources with an application to climate change - A general mechanism for the fair division of common property resources with an application to climate change
Reußwig, Fritz, Lass, W., Kühn, K.-D. (1998): Katastrophenanfälligkeit und nachhaltige Vorsorge in Deutschland - Bevölkerungsschutz
Bronstert, A., Krysanova, Valentina, Schröder, A., Becker, A., Bork, H. (1998): Modellierung des Wasser- und Stofftransportes in großen Einzugsgebieten: Zusammenfassung der Beiträge des Workshops am 15. Dezember 1997 in Potsdam - Modellierung des Wasser- und Stofftransportes in großen Einzugsgebieten: Zusammenfassung der Beiträge des Workshops am 15. Dezember 1997 in Potsdam, PIK Reports ; 43
Bellmann, K., Grote, R., Hüttl, R.F., Bellmann, K. (1998): Introduction to the SANA-project - Introduction to the SANA-project, Changes of atmospheric chemistry and effects on forest ecosystems
Wechsung, Frank, Wall, G., Pinter Jr., P.J., Gräfe, J., Kimball, B.A. (1998): Effects of free air CO2 enrichment on single leaves of the wheat foliage during vegetative growth - Effects of free air CO2 enrichment on single leaves of the wheat foliage during vegetative growth
Toth, F. (1998): Modelling river analysis: the tolerable windows approach - Modelling river analysis: the tolerable windows approach
Smit, B., Burton, I., Klein, R.J.T. (1998): The science of adaptation: a framework for assessment - The science of adaptation: a framework for assessment
Toth, F. (1998): Kyoto and the long-term climate stabilization - Kyoto and the long-term climate stabilization
Helm, C. (1998): The economics of conflicts over water resources - The economics of conflicts over water resources
Fosberg, M.A., Steffen, W.L., Shvidenko, A., Goldammer, J.G. Oldfield, Schulze, E.-D. (1998): The IGBP Northern Eurasia study - The IGBP Northern Eurasia study
Toth, F. (1998): Integrated assessment models of global climate change: building blocks and integration techniques - Integrated assessment models of global climate change: building blocks and integration techniques
Toth, F. (1998): Climate change and energy transition: issues for strategic research in the Asia-Pacific region - Climate change and energy transition: issues for strategic research in the Asia-Pacific region
Lahmer, W. (1998): Macro- and mesoscale hydrological modelling in the Elbe river basin - Macro- and mesoscale hydrological modelling in the Elbe river basin
Bronstert, A., Krysanova, Valentina, Bronstert, A (1998): Ansätze zur großskaligen Simulation der Wasserflüsse und ein Anwendungsbeispiel für das Elbeeinzugsgebiet - PIK Report
Szegi-Toth, F. (1998): A glob lis sz,ndioxid-kibocs t s jöv¢k,pei (Scenarios of global CO2 emissions) - Magyar Tudom ny (Hungarian Science)