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- Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes
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CLIMBER 2: Earth system model of intermediate complexity
- CLIMBER 2: Earth system model of intermediate complexity
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Welt im Wandel: Strategien zur Bewältigung globaler Umweltrisiken
- Welt im Wandel: Strategien zur Bewältigung globaler Umweltrisiken
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- On the response of ocean waves to changes of wind fields, The wind-driven air-sea interface, electomagnetic and acoustic sensing, wave dynamics and turbulent
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Energy and cost optimization in integrated energy-supply systems
- Energy and cost optimization in integrated energy-supply systems
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Changes in probability of sequences, exit time distribution and dynamical entropy in the Potsdam temperature record
- Theoretical and Applied Climatology
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Anmerkungen zum Nachhaltigkeitskonzept der Studie "Nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft in Deutschland"
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The science of adaptation: a framework for assessment
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
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Climate change protection: the tolerable windows approach
- IPTS Report
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A large-scale hydrological model for the semi-arid tropics of north-eastern Brazil
- A large-scale hydrological model for the semi-arid tropics of north-eastern Brazil
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Simulating forest development with alternative forest management strategies under climatic change - application of a forest gap model in risk analysis
- Simulating forest development with alternative forest management strategies under climatic change - application of a forest gap model in risk analysis
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Costs and decisions in climate change
- Costs and decisions in climate change
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Prototyping the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) BRDF and albedo product
- Prototyping the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) BRDF and albedo product
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Welt im Wandel: Umwelt und Ethik
- Welt im Wandel: Umwelt und Ethik
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Investigation of the performance of a regional climate model in reproducing extreme conditions during the drought year 1983
- Investigation of the performance of a regional climate model in reproducing extreme conditions during the drought year 1983
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Data needs and limitations for broad-scale ecosystem modelling
- Data needs and limitations for broad-scale ecosystem modelling, The terrestrial biosphere and global change: implications for natural and managed ecosystems
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Probleme der statistischen Mustererkennung
- Probleme der statistischen Mustererkennung
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C., Fraedrich, K. (1999):
Applying non-hierarchical cluster analysis algorithms to climate clasification: some problems and their solution
- Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Casale, R., Bronstert, A., Samuels, P. (1999):
Impact of climate change on flooding and sustainable river management
- Impact of climate change on flooding and sustainable river management
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Integrated modelling of hydrological processes and nutrient dynamics at the river basin scale
- Hydrobiologia
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Weltmeere und Küsten im Wandel des Klimas
- Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen
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Sensitivity of ventilation rates and radiocarbon uptake to subgrid-scale mixing parameterization in ocean models
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
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Modelling water dynamics in mesoscale river basins with ARC/ EGMO
- Modelling water dynamics in mesoscale river basins with ARC/ EGMO
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- Heti Világgazdaság
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Nord-Süd Politik im Treibhaus: Fair-Play Regeln für die Klimapolitik
- Nord-Süd Politik im Treibhaus: Fair-Play Regeln für die Klimapolitik, Staat und Entwicklung. Tagungsband der 18. Tübinger Gespräche für Entwicklungsfragen
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Klimawirkungsstudien in Wirtschaftswäldern mit dem Modell FORSKA
- AFZ - Der Wald
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Tutorial modelling of geosphere-biosphere interactions: the effect of percolation-type habitat fragmentation
- Physica A
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Räumliche Interpretation von Niederschlag, Lufttemperatur und Verdunstung
- Berichte und Skripten
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State of the art report on flame acceleration and DDT in nuclear reactor safety
- State of the art report on flame acceleration and DDT in nuclear reactor safety