
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Petschel-Held, G., Block, A., Cassel-Gintz, M., Kropp, Jürgen P., Lüdecke, M. K. B., Moldenhauer, O., Reußwig, Fritz, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1999): Syndromes of global change: a qualitative modelling approach to assist global environmental management - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Sprinz, D., Lietzmann, K.M., Vest, G.D. (1999): Contributions to "Environment & security in an international context" - Final report
Menzel, L. (1999): Flächenhafte Modellierung der Evapotranspiration mit TRAIN - Flächenhafte Modellierung der Evapotranspiration mit TRAIN, PIK Reports ; 54
Klein, R., Berestycki, H., Pomeau, Y. (1999): Numerical methods for high and low speed combustion simulations - PDE's in models of superfluidity, superconductivity and reactive flows
Cramer, W., Shugart, H. H., Noble, I. R., Woodward, F. I., Bugmann, H., Bondeau, A., Foley, J. A., Gardner, R. H., Lauenroth, B., Pitelka, L. F., Sala, O., Sutherst, S. W., Walker, B. H., Steffen, W. L., Canadell, J., Ingram, J. S. I. (1999): Ecosystem composition and structure - The terrestrial biosphere and global change: Implications for natural and managed ecosystems
Kicklighter, D.W., Bruno, M., Donges, S., Esser, G., Ift, F., Joos, F., Kaduk, J., Kohlmaier, G.H., McGuire, A.D., Melillo, J.M., Sauf, W., Schloss, A.L., Sitch, S., Wittenberg, U., Wurth, G. (1999): A first-order analysis of the potential role of CO2 fertilization to affect the global carbon budget: a comparison of four terrestrial biosphere models - Tellus B
Schneider, T., Botta, N., Geratz, K. J., Klein, R. (1999): Extension of finite volume compressible flow solvers to multi- dimensional, variable density zero mach number flows - Journal of Computational Physics
Toussaint, F., Wrobel, M. (1999): AFRI and CERA: a flexile storage and retrieval system for spatial data - AFRI and CERA: a flexile storage and retrieval system for spatial data
Klein, R.J.T. (1999): Small island states and coastal adaptation to climate change - Small island states and coastal adaptation to climate change
Becker, A., Wenzel, V., Krysanova, Valentina, Lahmer, W. (1999): Regional analysis of global change impacts: concepts, tools and first results - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Toth, F.L., Ravichandran, V. (1999): Modeling land use and land cover changes in Africa: the global context - Modeling land use and land cover changes in Africa: the global context, Regional land cover changes, sustainable agriculture and their interactions with global change
Fosberg, M. A., Cramer, W., Brovkin, V., Fleming, R., Gardner, R. H., Gill, A. M., Goldammer, J. G., Keane, R., Koehler, P., Lenihan, J., Neilson, R. P., Sitch, S., Thonicke, Kirsten, Venevski, S., Weber, M. G., Wittenberg, U. (1999): Strategy for a fire module in dynamic global vegetation models - International Journal of Wildland Fire
Böhm, U. (1999): Eine Methode zur Validierung von Klimamodellen für die Klimawirkungsforschung hinsichtlich der Wiedergabe extremer Ereignisse - Eine Methode zur Validierung von Klimamodellen für die Klimawirkungsforschung hinsichtlich der Wiedergabe extremer Ereignisse
Hauschild, A. (1999): Struktur der Amplitudengleichung des Klimas - Struktur der Amplitudengleichung des Klimas, PIK Reports ; 51
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, et al, None (1999): World in transition: ways towards sustainable management of freshwater resources - World in transition: ways towards sustainable management of freshwater resources
Sprinz, D.F., Churkina, G.E. (1999): The analysis of environmental thresholds - The analysis of environmental thresholds
Wenzel, V., Horsch, H. (1999): Ein integrativer Algorithmus zur Unterstützung regionaler Landnutzungsentscheidungen - "Flußeinzugsgebietsmanagement und Sozioökonomie". UFZ-Ergebnisbericht, , 30.
Bronstert, A., Heidenreich, M., Katzenmaier, D. Köhler, Balabanis, P., Bronstert, A., Casale, R., Samuels, P. (1999): Effects of climate change influencing storm runoff generation: basic considerations and a pilot study in Germany - Effects of climate change influencing storm runoff generation: basic considerations and a pilot study in Germany, The impact of climate change on flooding and sustainable river management (Proceedings of the final
Claussen, M., Brovkin, V., Ganopolski, A., Kubatzki, C., Petoukhov, V., Rahmstorf, Stefan (1999): A new model for climate system analysis: outline of the model and application to palaecoclimate simulations - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Svirezhev, Y. M., von Bloh, Werner, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1999): 'Emission game': some applications of the theory of games to the problem of CO2 emission - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Helm, C., Toth, F. (1999): Applying fairness criteria to the allocation of climate protection burdens: an economic perspective - Applying fairness criteria to the allocation of climate protection burdens: an economic perspective, Fair weather? Fairness and equity concerns in climate change
Toth, F. (1999): Regions and climate change: introduction to the workshop - Regions and climate change: introduction to the workshop
Erhard, M. (1999): Wachstum von Kiefern-Ökosystemen in Abhängigkeit von Klima und Stoffeintrag - Eine regionale Fallstudie auf Landschaftsebene - Wachstum von Kiefern-Ökosystemen in Abhängigkeit von Klima und Stoffeintrag - Eine regionale Fallstudie auf Landschaftsebene, PIK Report ; 56
Petschel-Held, G., Lüdeke, M.K.B., Reußwig, Fritz, Lohnert, B., Geist, H. (1999): Actors, structures and environments. A comparative and transdisciplinary view on regional case studies of global einvironmental change - Coping with changing environments. Social dimensions of endangered ecosystems in the developing world
Österle, G., Glauer, J., Denhard, M. (1999): Struktur, Aufbau und statistische Programmbibliothek der meteorologischen Datenbank am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung - Struktur, Aufbau und statistische Programmbibliothek der meteorologischen Datenbank am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, PIK Reports ; 49
Lahmer, W., Klöcking, B., Pfützner, B. (1999): Meteorological input variables in meso and macroscale hydrological modelling - Meteorological input variables in meso and macroscale hydrological modelling