
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Lucht, Wolfgang, Schaaf, C.B., Strahler, A.H., dEntremont, R.P. (2000): Remote sensing of albedo using the BRDF in relation to land surface properties - Observing land from space: Science, customers and technology, Advances in global change research
Biermann, F. (2000): Weltumweltpolitik: Die neue Verhandlungsmacht der Entwicklungsländer - Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
Hoff, H., Gash, J.H.C., Oyebande, L., Odada, E., Schulze, R. (2000): Recharge and sustainable use of groundwater in arid and semi-arid Africa - a new African initiative by IGBP-BAHC and partners, proceedings of the workshop freshwater resources in Africa - Recharge and sustainable use of groundwater in arid and semi-arid Africa - a new African initiative by IGBP-BAHC and partners, proceedings of the workshop freshwater resources in Africa
Bolin, B., Sukumar, R., Ciais, P., Cramer, W., Jarvis, P., Kheshgi, H., Nobre, C. A., Semenov, S., Steffen, W., Watson, R. T., Noble, I. R., Bolin, B., Ravindranath, N. H., Verardo, D. J., Dokken, D. J. (2000): Global perspective - Land use, Land-use change, and forestry - A special report of the IPCC
Bugmann, H., Lindner, M., Lasch, P., Flechsig, M., Ebert, B. Cramer (2000): Scaling issues in forest succession modelling - Climatic Change
Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Bürger, G., Lahmer, W. (2000): Response of a river catchment to climatic change: Application of expanded downscaling to Northern Germany - Response of a river catchment to climatic change: Application of expanded downscaling to Northern Germany, PIK Report ; 57
Biermann, F., Simonis, U.E., Kreller, J.H., Wagner, J.H. (2000): Plädoyer für eine Weltorganisation für Umwelt und Entwicklung - Europa vor globalen Herausforderungen. Beiträge des Trierer Kolloquiums Zukunft
Petschel-Held, G., Lüdeke, M.K.B. (2000): Integrating case studies on global change by means of qualitative differential equations - Integrated Assessment
Lahmer, W., Pfützner, B., Becker, A. (2000): Data-related uncertainties in meso- and macroscale hydrological modelling - Data-related uncertainties in meso- and macroscale hydrological modelling
Biermann, F. (2000): The environment and trade negotiations: Developing country stakes - Progress in Development Studies
Kasemir, B., Toth, F.L., Masing, V. (2000): European agenda: Climate policy, venture capital and European integration - Journal of Common Market Studies
Badeck, F.-W. (2000): Sollte die Forstwirtschaft mit dem Klimawandel rechnen? - AFZ - Der Wald
Lahmer, W., Becker, A. (2000): Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen am Beispiel einer Untersuchung für das Land Brandenburg - KA - Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser, Abfall 2000
Mäkelä, A., Sievänen, R., Lindner, M., Lasch, P. (2000): Application of volume growth and survival graphs in the evaluation of four process-based forest growth models - Tree Physiology
Jaeger, C.C., Kasemir, B., Stoll-Kleemann, S., Schibli, D., Dahinden, U. (2000): Climate change and the voice of the public - Integrated Assessment
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, et al, None (2000): Welt im Wandel: Umwelt und Ethik - Welt im Wandel: Umwelt und Ethik
Fritsch, U., Katzenmaier, D., Bronstert, A., Bronstert, A., Bismuth, C., Menzel, L. (2000): Land-use and land-cover scenarios for scenarios for flood risk analysis and river basin management - Land-use and land-cover scenarios for scenarios for flood risk analysis and river basin management
Parry, M. L., Arnell, N. W., Beniston, M., Berz, G., Bindi, M., Brander, K., Carter, T., Cramer, W, et al, None (2000): Assessment of potential effects and adaptations for climate change in Europe: The Europe ACACIA Project - summary and conclusions - Assessment of potential effects and adaptations for climate change in Europe: The Europe ACACIA Project - summary and conclusions
Uhlmann, M. (2000): A parallel algorithm for the discrete orthogonal wavelet transform - A parallel algorithm for the discrete orthogonal wavelet transform, PIK Report ; 68
Block, A., Petschel-Held, G., von Bloh, Werner, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Huch, M., Warnecke, G., Germann, K. (2000): Klimawirkungsforschung im Rahmen des Globalen Wandels. Beschreibungsweisen auf virtuellen Bühnen - Klimazeugnisse der Erdgeschichte. Perspektiven für die Zukunft
Slawig, T. (2000): Coupling distributed Fortran applications using C++ wrappers and the Corba sequence type - Coupling distributed Fortran applications using C++ wrappers and the Corba sequence type, PIK Report ; 67
Kasemir, B., Dahinden, U., Swartling, A.G., Schüle, R., Tabara, D., Jaeger, C.C. (2000): Citizens' perspectives on climate change and energy use - Global Environmental Change
Gupta, A. (2000): Governing biosafety in India: The relevance of the Cartagena Protocol. Environment and natural resources program - Governing biosafety in India: The relevance of the Cartagena Protocol. Environment and natural resources program
Jaeger, Carlo C. (2000): Keynote Speech "Klimaänderung, regionale Konflikte und Klimapolitik" - Umwelt und Sicherheit: Krisenprävention durch Kooperation
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2000): Integrated assessment of climate change: Regularity and singularity - Integrated assessment of climate change: Regularity and singularity
Krysanova, Valentina, Mueller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Cramer, W., Becker, A., Wilson, J., Gallant, J. (2000): Spatial Analysis of soil moisture deficit and potential soil loss in the Elbe river basin. Chapter 6 - Terrain analysis: principles and applications