
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Dehn, M., Bürger, G., Buma, J., Gasparetto, P. (2000): Impact of climate change on slope stability using expanded downscaling - Engineering Geology
Sprinz, D.F., Wahl, A., Underdal, A., Hanf, K. (2000): Reversing (inter)national policy - Germany's response to transboundary air pollution - International environmental agreements and domestic politics: The case of acid rain
Nicholls, R.J., Klein, R.J.T. (2000): Adaptation frameworks for sea-level rise impacts - Adaptation frameworks for sea-level rise impacts
Biermann, F. (2000): Science as power in international environmental negotiations: Global environmental assessments between North and South - Science as power in international environmental negotiations: Global environmental assessments between North and South
Franck, S., Block, A., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Svirezhev, Y. (2000): Habitable zone for Earth-like planets in the solar system - Planetary and Space Science
Barnsley, M.J., Hobson, P.D., Hyman, A.H., Lucht, Wolfgang (2000): Characterising the spatial variability of broadband albedo in a semi-desert environment for MODIS validation - Remote Sensing of Environment
Biermann, F., Simonis, U.E. (2000): Institutional reform of international environmental policy: Advancing the debate on a world environment organization - Institutional reform of international environmental policy: Advancing the debate on a world environment organization
Toth, F.L., Pachauri, R., Taniguchi, T., Tanaka, K. (2000): Decision analysis frameworks in the Third Assessment Report - Guidance papers on the cross cutting issues of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC
Sutton, M. A., Dragosits, U., Cramer, W., Sutton, A., Moreno, J. M., Van der Putten, W. H., Struwe, S. (2000): Application of European scale transects in the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Initiative - Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: Successes, challenges and policy
Ekschmitt, K., Baxter, R., Campbell, C., Ceulemans, R., Günther, K., Hector, H., Henning, F., Kjøller, A., Matouch, S., Molau, U., Nagy, P., Otte, A., Pausas, J., Pflug, A., Schroeter, D., Sillence, G., Steiner, N., Struwe, S., Wolters, V., Wookey, P. (2000): Ecosystem functioning ander management under multiple stresses and extreme events - Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy
Toth, F. (2000): Intergenerational equity and discounting - Integrated Assessment
Svirezhev, Y., Jørgensen, S.E. (2000): Application of thermohaline concepts to real ecosystems: anthropogenic impact and agriculture - Thermodynamics and ecological modelling
Althammer, W., Biermann, F., Dröge, S., Kohlhaas, M. (2000): Ansätze zu einer Stärkung der umweltpolitischen Ziele in der Welthandelsordnung: Ein Beitrag zur Vorbereitung der Millenniumsrunde aus institutionell-ökonomischer Sicht - Ansätze zu einer Stärkung der umweltpolitischen Ziele in der Welthandelsordnung: Ein Beitrag zur Vorbereitung der Millenniumsrunde aus institutionell-ökonomischer Sicht
Svirezhev, Y., Jørgensen, S.E. (2000): Thermodynamics of the biosphere - Thermodynamics and ecological modelling
Cramer, W., Sterr, H., Blotevogel, H. H., Ossenbrügge, J., Wood, G. (2000): Auswirkungen globaler Umweltveränderungen auf Küsten und Meere (Einleitung) - Auswirkungen globaler Umweltveränderungen auf Küsten und Meere (Einleitung)
Toth, F.L., Munasinghe, M., Swart, R. (2000): Development, equity and sustainability concerns in climate change decisions - Development, equity and sustainability concerns in climate change decisions
Franck, S., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Burdyuzha, V., Khozin, G. (2000): The future of the planet Earth and the life span of the biosphere - The future of the Universe and the Future of our Civilization
Bárdossy, A., Bronsert, A., Buiteveld, H., Disse, M., Fritsch, U., Katzenmaier, D., Lammersen, R. (2000): Influence of the land surface and river training on flood conditions in the Rhine basin - Influence of the land surface and river training on flood conditions in the Rhine basin
Reußwig, Fritz, Environment Directorate, Environment Policy Committee (2000): Environmental awareness and education in Germany - Environmental awareness and education in Germany
Svirezhev, Y., Jørgensen, S.E., Müller, F. (2000): Stability concepts in ecology - Handbook of ecosystem theories and management
Claussen, M., Ganopolski, A., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Cramer, W., IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm (2000): Earth-system models of intermediate complexity - Global Change Newsletter
Svirzhev, Y., Steinborn, W. (2000): Energy of solar radiation: information or approach - Ecological Modelling
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Österle, H., Werner, P. C. (2000): Wie erkennt man signifikante Klimaänderungssignale? - Klimastatusbericht 1999
Stoll, S., Kasemir, B., Schibli, D., Jaeger, C.C. (2000): Citizens' perspectives of climate change in Europe: Perceived barriers to action - Citizens' perspectives of climate change in Europe: Perceived barriers to action
Franck, S., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Kossacki, K., Lenton, T. (2000): Predicting the long-term future of the biosphere - Predicting the long-term future of the biosphere
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Biermann, F. (2000): Eine ökologische Weltordnungspolitik: Globales Umweltmanagement statt Untergangskultur - Internationale Politik