
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Kenntemich, W. (2002): Nicht das Klima spielt verrückt, sondern der Mensch - Die Jahrhundertflut
Bronstert, A., Niehoff, D., Bürger, G. (2002): Effects of climate and land-use change on storm runoff generation: Present knowledge and modelling capabilities - Hydrological Processes
Lindner, M., Sohngen, B., Joyce, L. A., Price, D. T., Bernier, P. Y., Karjalainen, T. (2002): Integrated forestry assessments for climate change impacts - Forest Ecology and Management
Claussen, M., Brovkin, V., Ganopolski, A., Steffen, W., Jäger, J., Carson, D.J., Bradshaw, C. (2002): Africa: Greening of the Sahara - Challenges of a changing Earth. Proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 10-13, 2001
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Beniston, M. (2002): Floods in the context of climate change and variability - Climatic change: Implications for the hydrological cycle and for water management
Bogardi, J. J., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Bogardi, J.J., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2002): Introduction - Risk, reliability, uncertainty, and robustness of water resources systems
Suckow, F., Lasch, P., Badeck, F.-W. (2002): Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen auf die Grundwasserneubildung - Funktionen des Waldes und Aufgaben der Forstwirtschaft in Verbindung mit dem Landschaftswasserhaushalt
Kabat, P., Hoff, H., Lütkemeier, S., IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm (2002): BAHC: Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle - Global Change Newsletter
Brovkin, V., Hofmann, M., Bendtsen, J., Ganopolski, A. (2002): Ocean biology could control atmospheric d13C during glacial-interglacial cycle - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3)
Bürger, G. (2002): Selected precipitation scenarios across Europe - Journal of Hydrology
Gupta, A., Jasanoff, S., Long-Martello, M. (2002): When global is local: Framing the 'safe use' of biotechnology in a multilateral context - Globalizing and localizing: Knowledge cultures of environment and development
Petschel-Held, G. (2002): Umweltmedien und Umweltqualität - Globale Trends
Titz, S., Kuhlbrodt, T., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Feudel, U. (2002): On freshwater-dependent bifurcations in box models of the interhemispheric thermohaline circulation - Tellus A
Pan, Y., McGuire, A. D., Melillo, J. M., Kicklighter, D. W., Sitch, S., Prentice, I. C. (2002): A biogeochemistry-based dynamic vegetation model and its application along a moisture gradient in the continental United States - Journal of Vegetation Science
von Bloh, Werner, Cuntz, M., Bounama, C., Franck, S. (2002): The habitable zone of Earth-like planets around 47 UMa - The habitable zone of Earth-like planets around 47 UMa
Oppermann, R., Wenzel, V., Eidner, R., Finke, W., Pfützner, B., Rachimow, C. (2002): Stakeholder driven integrative studies of water availability and quality in the urbanized region of Berlin considering global change impacts - GLOWA. German programme on global change in the hydrological cycle (Phase I, 2000-2003), Status Report 2002
Güntner, A., Bronstert, A., Schmitz, G. H. (2002): Process-based modelling of large-scale water availability in a semi-arid environment: process representation and scaling issues - Modeling Water Resources Phenomena & Water Resources. Vol. 1
Zickfeld, K., Bruckner, T. (2002): Emissions corridors preserving the Atlantic ocean thermohaline circulation - Integrated assessment and decision support proceedings of the 1st biennial meeting of the international environmental modelling and software society ; Vol. 3
Siebenhüner, B. (2002): How do scientific assessments learn? Part 1. Conceptual framework and case study of the IPCC - Environmental Science and Policy
Graßl, H., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2002): Entgelte für die Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter - Entgelte für die Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter, WBGU Politikpapier; 2
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Lucht, Wolfgang, Jaeger, Carlo C. (2002): How to 'geoscope' a transition to sustainable water use - GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Venevsky, S., Thonicke, Kirsten, Sitch, S., Cramer, W. (2002): Simulating fire regimes in human-dominated ecosystems: Iberian Peninsula case study - Global Change Biology
Siebenhüner, B., Zabel, H.-U. (2002): Internationale Organisationen zur Unterstützung nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Managements - Betriebliches Umweltmanagement ? Nachhaltig und interdisziplinär
Kelman, I., Thomalla, F., Brown, J., Möller, I., Spence, R., Spencer, T. (2002): Coastal flood-risk assessment in England - Coastal flood-risk assessment in England
Gupta, A., Clark, W.C., Mitchell, R.B., Alcock, F., Cash, D. (2002): Information as influence in anticipatory governance: The case of biosafety - Information as influence: The role of scientific assessments in global environmental decision-making