
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Kropp, Jürgen P., Zickfeld, K., Eisenack, K., Bunde, A., Kropp, J., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2002): Assessment and management of critical events: The breakdown of marine fisheries and the North Atlantic circulation - The science of disasters: Climate disruption, heart attacks, and market crashes
Kubatzki, C. (2002): Nordafrika im mittleren Holozän - Computersimulationen - Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten
Brovkin, V., Bendtsen, J., Claussen, M., Ganopolski, A., Kubatzki, C., Petoukhov, V., Andreev, A. (2002): Carbon cycle, vegetation and climate dynamics in the Holocene: Experiments with the CLIMBER-2 model - Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Held, H., Jaeger, C., Hauser, W. (2002): Langfristige Optionen einer globalen Energie- und Umweltpolitik - Das Experiment mit dem Planeten Erde
Werner, P. C., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Österle, H. (2002): Klimatypänderungen in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert - Klimastatusbericht 2001
Bronstert, A., Fritsch, U., Leonhardt, H., Niehoff, D. (2002): Quantifizierung des Einflusses von Landnutzungs- und Klimaänderungen auf die Hochwasserentstehung am Beispiel ausgewählter Flußgebiete - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung
Füssel, H.-M., Klein, R. J. T. (2002): Assessing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: An evolution of conceptual thinking - Assessing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: An evolution of conceptual thinking
Orlowsky, B. (2002): Zur Klimatologie der Station Jena - Zur Klimatologie der Station Jena, PIK Report ; 76
Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2002): Editorial: A five-year perspective - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Scheffran, J. (2002): Militärische Nutzung des Weltraums und Möglichkeiten für Rüstungskontrolle im Weltraum. Völkerrechtliche Grundlagen, politische Rahmenbedingungen udn technische Möglichkeiten - Militärische Nutzung des Weltraums und Möglichkeiten für Rüstungskontrolle im Weltraum. Völkerrechtliche Grundlagen, politische Rahmenbedingungen udn technische Möglichkeiten
Karjalainen, T., Pussinen, A., Liski, J., Nabuurs, G.-J., Erhard, M., Eggers, T., Sonntag, M., Mohren, F. (2002): An approach towards an estimate of the impact of forest management and climate change on the European forest sector carbon budget: Germany as a case study - Forest Ecology and Management
Pretzsch, H., Lindner, M., Suda, M. (2002): Editorial: German forest sector under Global Change: An interdisciplinary impact assessment - Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt
Menzel, L., Niehoff, D., Bürger, G., Bronstert, A., Beniston, M. (2002): Climate change impacts on river flooding: A modelling study of three meso-scale catchments - Climatic change, implications for the hydrological cycle and for water management. Advances in global change research
Claussen, M., Mysak, L.A., Weaver, A.J., Crucifix, M., Fichefet, T., Loutre, M.-F., Weber, S.L., Alcamo, J., Alexeev, V.A., Berger, A., Calov, R., Ganopolski, A., Goosse, H., Lohman, G., Lunkeit, F., Mokhov, I.I., Petoukhov, V., Stone, P., Wang, Zh. (2002): Earth system models of intermediate complexity: Closing the gap in the spectrum of climate system models - Climate Dynamics
Heilmeier, H., Wartinger, A., Erhard, M., Zimmermann, R., Horn, R., Schulze, E.-D. (2002): Soil drought increase leaf and whole-plant water use of Prunis dulcis grown in Negev desert - Oecologia
Siebenhüner, B. (2002): How do scientific assessments learn? A comparative study of the IPCC and LRTAP - How do scientific assessments learn? A comparative study of the IPCC and LRTAP
Biermann, F., Kopfmüller, J. (2002): Green Global Governance: Neue institutionelle Arrangements in der Umweltpolitik - Globaler Wandel und Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für Forschung und Politik
Biermann, F., Clark, W.C., Mitchell, R.B., Alcock, F., Cash, D. (2002): Whose experts? The relevance of participation for the effectiveness of scientific advisory institutions - Information as influence: The role of scientific assessments in global environmental decision-making
Welp, M., Hamidovic, D., Buchori, D., Ardhian, D., Stoll-Kleemann, S., ORiordan, T. (2002): The uncertain role of biodiversity management in emerging democracies - Biodiversity, sustainability and human communities: Protecting beyond the protected
Lasch, P., Lindner, M., Erhard, M., Suckow, F., Wenzel, A. (2002): Regional impact assessment on forest structure and functions under climate change - The Brandenburg case study - Forest Ecology and Management
Franck, S. (2002): Von GAIA zu GAIA: Lovelock im Lichte der Erdsystemforschung - GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Erhard, M., van Minnen, J., Voigt, T. (2002): Proposed core set of climate change state and impact indicators in Europe, EEA, ETC on air and climate change - Proposed core set of climate change state and impact indicators in Europe, EEA, ETC on air and climate change
Schaaf, C., Gao, F., Strahler, A., Lucht, Wolfgang, Li, X., Tsang, T., Strugnell, N., Zhang, X., Jin, Y., Muller, J., Lewis, P., Barnsley, M., Hobson, P., Disney, M., Roberts, G., Dunderdale, M., Doll, C., Entremont, R., Hu, B., Liang, S., Privette, J., Roy, D. (2002): First operational BRDF, albedo and nadir reflectance products from MODIS - Remote Sensing of Environment
Stoll-Kleemann, S., ORiordan, T., Stoll-Kleemann, S., ORiordan, T. (2002): Enhancing Biodiversity and Humanity - Managing Biodiversity for Sustainability
Klöcking, B., Haberlandt, U. (2002): Impact of land-use changes on water dynamics - a case study in temperate meso- and macroscale river basins - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Toth, F., Bruckner, T., Füssel, H.-M., Leimbach, Marian, Petschel-Held, G., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2002): Exploring options for global climate policy: A new analytical framework - Environment
Brovkin, V., Boutron, C.F. (2002): Climate-vegetation interaction - European Research Course on Atmospheres
Gregory, P.J., Ingram, J.S.I., Andersson, R., Betts, R.A., Brovkin, V., Chase, T.N., Grace, P.R., Gray, A.J., Hamilton, N., Hardy, T.B. (2002): Environmental consequences of alternative practices for intensifying crop production - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Füssel, H.-M. (2002): The ICLIPS impacts tool: Presenting climate impact response functions for integrated assessments of global change - Integrated assessment and decision support proceedings of the 1st biennial meeting of the international environmental modelling and software society ; Vol. 3