
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Bronstert, A., Bárdossy, A. (2003): Uncertainty of runoff modeling at the hillslope scale due to temporal variations of rainfall intensity - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Biermann, F., Biermann, F. (2003): The case for a world environment organisation - A world environment organization: Solution or threat for effective international environmental governance?
Güntner, A., Bronstert, A., Gaiser, T., Krol, M., Frischkorn, H., de Auraujo, J.C. (2003): Large-scale hydrological modeling of a semiarid environment: Model development, validation and application - Global change and regional impacts. Water availability and vulnerability of ecosystems and society in the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil
Werner, P.C., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Gaiser, T., Krol, M., Frischkorn, H., Araújo, J.C. (2003): The climate of Piauí and Ceará - Global change and regional impacts. Water availability and vulnerability of ecosystems and society in the semiarid Northeast of Brazil
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2003): Rote Karte für die Leugner - Bild der Wissenschaft
Hoff, H. (2003): Planning for climate change - Water 21
Sausen, R., Lucht, Wolfgang, Fichter, C. (2003): DEKLIM-Bereich Klimavariabilität und Vorhersagbarkeit - Klimastatusbericht 2002
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2003): Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Klima- und Energiepolitik - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
Hoff, H., Jaeger, C., Leveque, C., Vorosmarty, C. (2003): TSAI and the global water system - ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Altmann, J., Scheffran, J. (2003): New rules in outer space: Options and scenarios - Security Dialogue
Rock, J., Gockel, H. A., Schulte, A. (2003): Vegetationsdiversität in Eichen-Jungwüchsen aus unterschiedlichen Pflanzschemata - Beiträge für Forstwirtschaft und Landschaftsökologie
Nocke, T., Schumann, H., Böhm, U., Flechsig, M., Chick, S., Sánchez, P. J., Ferrin, D., Morrice, D. J. (2003): Information visualization supporting modelling and evaluation tasks for climate models - Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference
Siebenhüner, B., Simonis, U. E., Altner, G., Böhm, N., Göll, E., Löffler, K., Pilardeaux, B., Siebenhüner, B., Volkery, A. (2003): Umweltökonomie - Öko-Lexikon
Döll, P., Krol, M., Fuhr, D., Gaiser, T., Herfort, J., Höyneck, S., Jaeger, A., Külls, C., Mendiondo, E.M., Printz, A., Voerkelius, S., Gaiser, T., Krol, M., Frischkorn, H., Araujo, J.C. (2003): Integrated scenarios of regional development in Ceara and Piaui - Global change and regional impacts. Water availability and vulnerability of ecosystems and society in the semiarid northeast of Brazil
Petoukhov, V., Ganopolski, A., Claussen, M. (2003): POTSDAM - A set of atmosphere statistical-dynamical models: Theoretical background - POTSDAM - A set of atmosphere statistical-dynamical models: Theoretical background, PIK Report ; 81
Siebenhüner, B., Simonis, U. E., Altner, G., Böhm, N., Göll, E., Löffler, K., Pilardeaux, B., Siebenhüner, B., Volkery, A. (2003): Lernen, ökologisches - Öko-Lexikon
Stoll-Kleemann, S., Light, S. (2003): Linking case study material to social-psychological theories to avoid conflicts in biodiversity conservation in the transition to rural sustainability - The role of biodiversity in rural sustainability in Europe and North America. Working report
Zickfeld, Kirsten (2003): Modeling large-scale singular climate events for integrated assessment - Modeling large-scale singular climate events for integrated assessment
Halsnæs, K., Verhagen, J., la Rovere, E., Klein, R. J. T., Huq, S. (2003): Linkages between development and climate change - Linkages between development and climate change
Graßl, H., Kokott, J., Kulessa, M., Luther, J., Nuscheler, F., Sauerborn, R., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schulze, E.-D. (2003): Über Kioto hinaus denken - Klimaschutzstrategien für das 21. Jahrhundert - Über Kioto hinaus denken - Klimaschutzstrategien für das 21. Jahrhundert
Botta, N., Klein, R., Langenberg, S., Lützenkirchen, S. (2003): Well balanced finite volume methods for nearly hydrostatic flows - Well balanced finite volume methods for nearly hydrostatic flows, PIK Report ; 84
Stock, Manfred, Simonis, U. E., Altner, G., Böhm, N., Göll, E., Löffler, K., Pilardeaux, B., Siebenhüner, B., v, A. (2003): Klima - Öko-Lexikon
Jaeger, C., Tol, R., Rotmans, J., Rothman, D. S. (2003): Sustainability and economics: a matter of scale? - Scaling in integrated assessment.
Schröder, B. E., Lucht, Wolfgang (2003): Improved estimates of the terrestrial carbon cycle by coupling of a process-based global vegetation model (LPJ-DGVM) with a 17-year time series of satellite-derived fPAR data (AVHHR) - Proceedings of the international geoscience remote sensing symposium ; Vol. 2
Krause, S., Bronstert, A., Hennrichs, K., Rode, M., Bronstert, A. (2003): Gekoppelte Modellierung von Abflussbildung und Oberflächenwasser - Grundwasser - Interaktionen in einem Flachlandeinzugsgebiet an der Unteren Havel - 6. Workshop zur großskaligen Modellierung in der Hydrologie. Flussgebietsmanagement. Proceedings des Workshops am 28./29. November 2002 in Magdeburg
Kaplan, J.O., Bigelow, N.H., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S.P., Bartlein, P.J., Christensen, T.R., Cramer, W., Matveyeva, N.V., McGuire, A.D., Murray, D.F., Razzhivin, V.Y., Smith, B., Walker, D.A. (2003): Climate change and arctic ecosystems: 2. modeling, paleodata-model comparisons, and future projections - Journal of Geophysical Research
Sterr, H., Klein, R.J.T., Reese, S., Guipponi, C., Schechter, M. (2003): Climate change and coastal zones: An overview of the state-of-the-art of regional and local vulnerability assessment - Climate change in the Mediterranean: Socio-economic perspectives of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation