
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Svirejeva-Hopkins, A., Pomaz, V.L., Svirejev, Y.M. (2003): The global city database - The global city database
Gerber, S., Joos, F., Brügger, P., Stocker, T. F., Mann, M. E., Sitch, S., Scholze, M. (2003): Constraining temperature variations over the last millennium by comparing simulated and observed atmospheric CO2 - Climate Dynamics
Krol, M.S., Jaeger, A., Bronstert, A., Gaiser, T., Krol, M., Frischkorn, H., de Auraujo, J.C. (2003): Integrated modeling of climate change impacts in Northeastern Brazil - Global change and regional impacts. Water availability and vulnerability of ecosystems and society in the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil
Kundzewicz, Z.W. (2003): Flood Risk Growth under Global Change - Yangtze Floods in Perspective - Journal of Lake Sciences
Jin, Y., Schaaf, C. B., Gao, F., Li, X., Strahler, A. H., Lucht, Wolfgang, Liang, S. (2003): Consistency of MODIS surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function and albedo retrievals, 1. Algorithm performance - Journal of Geophysical Research
Cuntz, M., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Franck, S. (2003): On the possibility of Earth-type habitable planets around 47UMa - Icarus
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Simonis, U.E. (2003): Golfstrom - Öko-Lexikon
Franck, S., Cuntz, M., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C. (2003): The habitable zone of Earth-mass planets around 47 UMa: results for land and water worlds - International Journal of Astrobiology
Thonicke, Kirsten (2003): Fire disturbance and vegetation dynamics - analysis and models - Fire disturbance and vegetation dynamics - analysis and models
Foster, C., Landy, M., Patt, A., DeWitt, J., Donahue, B., Ingerson, A., Shutkin, W., Moore, R. (2003): Civic environmentalism - Memos to the governor: Management advice from the Commonwealth's experts in public administration and policy
Scheffran, J., Booss-Bavnbeck, B., Hoyrup, J. (2003): Mathematical modelling of conflict and cooperation - Mathematics and war
von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Franck, S. (2003): Cambrian explosion triggered by geosphere-biosphere feedbacks - Geophysical Research Letters
von Bloh, Werner, Cuntz, M., Franck, S., Bounama, C. (2003): On the existence of habitability around 55 Cancri - Astrobiology
Stock, Manfred, Karl, H., Pohl, J. (2003): Chancen und Risiken von Regionen im Kliawandel: Welche Strategien kann die Wissenschaft ableiten? - Raumorientiertes Risikomanagement in Technik und Umwelt
Schröter, D., Zaehle, S., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Lucht, Wolfgang, Cramer, W. (2003): Modelling global change effects on vegetation and exploring our vulnerability - Modelling global change effects on vegetation and exploring our vulnerability
Leimbach, Marian (2003): Equity and carbon emissions trading: A model analysis - Energy Policy
Füssel, H.-M. (2003): Impacts analysis for inverse integrated assessments of climate change - Impacts analysis for inverse integrated assessments of climate change
Bronstert, A., Niehoff, D., Fritsch, U. (2003): Auswirkungen von Landnutzungsänderungen auf die Hochwasserentstehung - Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Hempek, G., Schulz-Baldes, M. (2003): Geoengineering: Was können wir, was dürfen wir - Nachhaltigkeit und globaler Wandel
Lahmer, W., Pfützner, B., Henning, K., Rode, M., Bronstert, A. (2003): Entscheidungshilfemodelle - eine Hilfe bei der integrierten Einzugsgebietsmodellierung - Entscheidungshilfemodelle - eine Hilfe bei der integrierten Einzugsgebietsmodellierung
Stock, Manfred (2003): Klimafolgenforschung. Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen auf die Gesellschaft - Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
Renssen, H., Brovkin, V., Fichefet, T., Goosse, H. (2003): Holocene climate instability during the termination of the African Humid Period - Geophysical Research Letters
Khodri, M., Ramstein, G., Paillard, D., Duplessy, J.C., Kageyama, M., Ganopolski, A. (2003): Modelling the climate evolution from the last interglacial to the start of the last glaciation: The role of Arctic Ocean freshwater budget - Geophysical Research Letters
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2003): Nicht das Klima spielt verrückt - Universitas
Stoll-Kleemann, S., O'Riordan, T., Burns, T., Kasemir, B., Jäger, J., Jaeger, C.C. (2003): Linking the citizen to governance for sustainable climate futures - Public Participation and Integrated Assessment - European Perspectives
Downing, T. E., Patwardhan, A., Klein, R. J. T., Mukhala, E., Stephen, L., Winograd, M., Ziervogel, G. (2003): Vulnerability assessment for climate adaptation. Technical paper - Vulnerability assessment for climate adaptation. Technical paper, 3
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Held, H., Simonis, U. E., Altner, G., Böhm, N., Göll, E., Löffler, K., Pilardeaux, B., Siebenhüner, B., Volkery, A. (2003): Erdsystem - Öko-Lexikon
Wolff, B., Erhard, M., Holzhausen, M., Kuhlow, T. (2003): Das Klima in den forstlichen Wuchsgebieten und Wuchsbezirken Deutschlands - Das Klima in den forstlichen Wuchsgebieten und Wuchsbezirken Deutschlands, Mitteilungen der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Nr. 211