
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Reußwig, Fritz, Schwarzkopf, J., Pohlenz, P. (2004): Double impact. The climate blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow and its impact on the German public - Double impact. The climate blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow and its impact on the German public, PIK Report ; 92
Biermann, F., Sohn, H.-D. (2004): Europe and multipolar global governance: India and East Asia as new partners - Europe and multipolar global governance: India and East Asia as new partners, Global Governance Working Paper ; 10
Lucht, Wolfgang, Pachauri, R. K., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Crutzen, P. J., Clark, W. C., Claussen, M. (2004): The mental component of the earth system - Earth system analysis for sustainability
Lindner, M., Lucht, Wolfgang, Bouriaud, O., Green, T., Janssens, I. A., Brumme, R., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Grace, J., Lehtonen, A., Lettens, S., Liski, J., Mencuccini, M., Milne, R., Nabuurs, G.-J., Olsson, M., Schadauer, K., Troeltzsch, K., Camp, N. V., de Vries, W., Williams, M., Zaehle, S. (2004): Specific study on forest greenhouse gas budget - Specific study on forest greenhouse gas budget, CarboEurope GHG Report SS1
Callaghan, T. V., Björn, L. O., Chernov, Y., Chapin, T., Christensen, T. R., Huntley, B., Ims, R. A., Johansson, M., Jolly, D., Jonasson, S., Matveyeva, N., Panikov, N., Oechel, W., Shaver, G., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Sitch, S., Zöckler, C. (2004): Key findings and extended summaries - Ambio
Lozán, J. L., Grassl, H., Hupfer, P., Menzel, L., Raschke, E., Schönwiese, C.-D., Lozán, J. L., Grassl, H., Hupfer, P., Menzel, L., Schönwiese, C.-D. (2004): The water problem of our earth: from climate and the water cycle to the human right for water - Global Change: Enough water for all?
Bronstert, A. (2004): Wasserhaushalt und Abfluss - Flussgebietsbewirtschaftung - quo vadis Modellierung
Stock, Manfred (2004): Klimafolgenforschung. Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen auf die Gesellschaft - Fallstudien - Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2004): Editorial - Searching for change in hydrological data - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Lind, P.G., Titz, S., Kuhlbrodt, Till, Corte-Real, J.A., Kurths, Jürgen, Gallas, J.A.C., Feudel, U. (2004): Coupled bistable maps: A tool to study convection parametrization in ocean models - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Bronstert, A. (2004): Probleme, Grenzen und Herausforderungen der hydrologischen Modellierung: Wasserhaushalt und Abfluss - Probleme, Grenzen und Herausforderungen der hydrologischen Modellierung: Wasserhaushalt und Abfluss, BfG-Veranstaltungen, 1/2004
Steffen, W., Andreae, M.O., Bolin, B., Cox, P.M., Crutzen, P.J., Cubasch, U., Held, H., Nakicenovic, N., Scholes, R.J., Talaue-McManus, L., Turner II, B.L. (2004): Abrupt changes: The Achilles' heels of the earth system - Environment
Dirmeyer, P. A., Halldin, S., Hoff, H., Hutjes, R. W. A., Jenne, R., Kabat, P., Leese, J., Olson, R. J., Polcher, J. (2004): Achieving full data consolidation - Vegetation, water, humans and the climate – A new perspective on an interactive system, Global Change - The IGBP Series
Becker, A., Bonell, M., Feddes, R. A., Krysanova, Valentina, McDonnell, J., Schulze, R. E., Valentin, C:, Kabat, P., Claussen, M., Dirmeyer, P. A (2004): Responses of hydrological processes to environmental change at small catchment scales - Vegetation, water, humans and the climate, Global Change - The IGBP Series
Badeck, F.-W., Lasch, P., Hauf, Y., Rock, J., Suckow, F., Thonicke, Kirsten (2004): Steigendes klimatisches Waldbrandrisiko - AFZ - Der Wald
Asghari, N., Broeg, C., Carone, L., Casas-Miranda, R., Palaris, J., Csillik, I., Dvorak, R., Freistetter, F., Hadjivantsides, G., Hussmann, H., Khramova, A., Khrisoforova, M., Khromova, I., Kitiashvilli, I., Kozlowski, S., Laskso, T., Laczkowski, T., Lytvinenko, D., Miloni, O., Morishima, R., Moro-Martin, A., Paksyutov, V., Pal, A., Patidar, V., Pecnik, B., Peles, O., Pyo, J., Quinn, T., Rodriguez, A., Romano, C., Sakia, E., Stadel, J., Thiel, M., Todorovic, N., Veras, D., Nieto, E., Vilagi, J., von Bloh, Werner, Zechner, R., Zhohkova, E. (2004): Stability of Terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of GI 777 A, HD 72659, GI 614, 47 Uma and HD 4208 - Astronomy and Astrophysics
Watson, A., Brovkin, V., Claussen, M., Falkowski, P., Held, H., Payne, A.J., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Scholes, R.J., Schrag, D.P., Sirocko, F., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Clark, W.C., Crutzen, P.J., Claussen, M. (2004): Group Report: Possible states and modes of operation of the quaternary earth system - Earth system analysis for sustainability. Dahlem workshop report
Kromer, B., Claussen, M., Latuske, N., Lüken, M., Remmele, S., Schleser, G. (2004): Solar variability and Holocene climate: Evidence from radiocarbon, tree-ring proxies and climate system modeling - PAGES News
Post, J., Krysanova, Valentina, Suckow, F., Pahl-Wostl, C. C., Schmidt, S., Rizzoli, A. E., Jakeman, T. (2004): Simulation of water and carbon fluxes in agro- and forest ecosystems at the regional scale - Simulation of water and carbon fluxes in agro- and forest ecosystems at the regional scale
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Graczyk, D., Pińskwar, I., Radziejewski, M., Szwed, M., Bärring, L., Giannakopoulos, C., Holt, T., Palutikof, J., Leckebusch, G. C., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2004): Changes in the occurrence of extremes. Part I. Climatic background - Papers on Global Change IGBP
Hattermann, F., Krysanova, Valentina, Wechsung, Frank, Wattenbach, M. (2004): Integrating groundwater dynamics in regional hydrological modelling - Environmental Modelling and Software
Stock, Manfred (2004): Mögliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wasserwirtschaft - ATV-DVWK Bundestagung 2004 Tagungsband
Lasch, P., Badeck, F.-W., Fürstenau, C., Jäger, D., Lexer, M., Lindner, M., Suckow, F. (2004): Analysis of adaptive forest management practices under climate change - Analysis of adaptive forest management practices under climate change
Jaeger, C.C., Michel, D. (2004): Climate Change: Combining mitigation and adaptation - Climate policy for the 21st century. Meeting the long-term challenge of global warming
Alberini, A., Chiabai, A., Daniel, M., Danielova, V., Ebi, K. L., Füssel, H.-M., Jendritzky, G., Klein, R. J. T., Koppe, C., Kovats, S., Kriz, B., Lindgren, E., Martens, P., Menne, B., Lieshout, M. (2004): European climate change impact and adaptation assessment - Information document - European climate change impact and adaptation assessment - Information document
Dingwerth, K. (2004): Democratic governance beyond the state: Operationalising an idea - Democratic governance beyond the state: Operationalising an idea, Global Governance Working Paper ; 14