
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Lenton, T.M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Szathmáry, E. (2004): Climbing the co-evolution ladder - Nature
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Svirejeva-Hopkins, A. (2004): Commentary: From Kyoto via to Moscow to nowhere? - Climate Policy
Krönert, R., Behrendt, H., Becker, A., Becker, A., Lahmer, W. (2004): Zielorientierungen für die Landschaftsentwicklung und Möglichkeiten zur Minderung diffuser Stoffeinträge in die Gewässer. Leitbilder, Zielvorgaben und Indikatoren für die Gewässerqualität - Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt im Elbegebiet und Möglichkeiten zur Stoffeintragsminderung
Sirocko, F., Cubasch, U., Kaspar, F., von Storch, H., Widmann, M., Litt, T., Kühl, N., Mangini, A., Pachur, H.-J., Claussen, M., Kubatzki, C., Junge, F. W., Böttger, T., Krbetschek, M., Degering, D. (2004): Climate change at the very end of a warm stage: First results from the last glacial inception at 117,000 yr BP - PAGES News
Clark, W.C., Crutzen, P.J., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Crutzen, P.J., Clark, W.C., Claussen, M., Held, H. (2004): Science for global sustainability: Towards a new paradigm - Earth system analysis for sustainability
Patt, A. (2004): Climate affairs: A primer - Ecological Economics
Bauer, S., Biermann, F., Biermann, F., Bauer, S. (2004): The debate on a world environment organization: An introduction - A world environment organization. Solution or threat for effective international environmental governance?
Menzel, L., Thieken, A., Schwandt, D., Bürger, G. (2004): Impact of climate change on the regional hydrology. Scenarios and modelling studies in the German Rhine catchment - Natural Hazards
Bauer, E., Handorf, D., Fischer, H., Kumke, T., Lohmann, G., Floeser, G., Miller, H., von Storch, H., Negendank, J.F.W. (2004): Holocene climate variability from model simulations - State of the art - The climate in historical times: Towards a synthesis of Holocene proxy data and climate models
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Lucht, Wolfgang (2004): How to observe and model transitions towards sustainability: The geoscope initiative - Proceedings of the 2002 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Dirmeyer, P. A., Hoff, H. (2004): Motivation for data consolidation - Vegetation, water, humans and the climate – A new perspective on an interactive system, Global Change - The IGBP Series
Kleinen, T., Füssel, H.-M., Bruckner, T., Böschen, S., Schneider, M., Lerf, A. (2004): Vorsorgeprinzip und Klimawandel: Der Leitplankenansatz - Handeln trotz Nichtwissen. Vom Umgang mit Chaos und Risiko in Politik, Industrie und Wissenschaft
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2004): Foreword - Papers on Global Change IGBP
Claussen, M. (2004): Introduction to part A: Does the land surface matter in climate and weather? - Vegetation, water, humans and the climate – A new perspective on an interactive system, Global Change - The IGBP Series
Kallache, M., Rust, H.W., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2004): Trend assessment: applications for hydrology and climate research - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Biermann, F., Dingwerth, K. (2004): Introduction: Global environmental change and the nation state - Global Environmental Politics
Dougherty, W. W., Downing, T. E., Klein, R. J. T., Osman, B. M. E., Perez, R. T., Spanger-Siegfried, E., Stephen, L., Huq, S. (2004): Application of methods and tools for assessing impacts and developing adaptation responses - Application of methods and tools for assessing impacts and developing adaptation responses, Background Paper FCCC/SBSTA/2004/INF.13
Leimbach, Marian, Jaeger, C. (2004): A modular approach to integrated assessment modeling - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Biermann, F., Dingwerth, K. (2004): Global Change als Herausforderung für die deutsche Umweltpolitologie - Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht
Sprinz, D.F., Wolinsky-Nahmias, Y.N., Sprinz, D.F., Wolinsky-Nahmias, Y.N. (2004): Introduction: Methodology in international relations research - Models, numbers & cases: Methods for studying international relations
Scheffran, J., Battaglini, A., Weber, M., Johnke, B., Scheffran, J., Soyez, K. (2004): Energie aus Biomasse und Bioabfällen: Brennstoff der Zukunft? - Abfall, Energie und Klima
Reußwig, Fritz, Gerlinger, K., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2004): Lebensstile und globaler Energieverbrauch - Analyse und Strategieansätze zu einer nachhaltigen Energiestruktur - Lebensstile und globaler Energieverbrauch - Analyse und Strategieansätze zu einer nachhaltigen Energiestruktur, PIK Report ; 90
Cramer, W., Bondeau, A., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Lucht, Wolfgang, Smith, B., Sitch, S. (2004): Tropical forests and the global carbon cycle: Impacts of atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate change and rate of deforestation - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Bauer, Nicolas (2004): Der Lohn des Mutes. Gestaltungsspielräume für eine internationale Klima- und Energiepolitik - Internationale Politik
Rial, J.A., Pielke Sr., R.A., Beniston, M., Claussen, M., Canadell, J., Cox, P., Held, H., de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Prinn, R., Reynolds, J., Salas, J.D. (2004): Nonlinearities, feedbacks and critical thresholds within the Earth's climate system - Climatic Change
Botta, N., Klein, R., Langenberg, S., Lützenkirchen, S. (2004): Well balanced finite volume methods for nearly hydrostatic flows - Journal of Computational Physics
Badeck, F.-W., Bondeau, A., Böttcher, K, Doktor, D., Lucht, Wolfgang, Schaber, J., Sitch, S. (2004): Responses of spring phenology to climate change - New Phytologist
Fu, C., Yasunari, T., Lütkemeier, S., Kabat, P., Claussen, M., Dirmeyer, P.A., Gash, J.H.C., Lütkemeier, S. (2004): The Asian monsoon climate - Vegetation, water, humans and the climate - a new perspective on an interactive system