
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Lucht, Wolfgang, Gerten, Dieter, Schaphoff, Sibyll, Rixecker, T., Schröder, B. (2005): CVECA - climate, vegetation and carbon: biospheric cycles in the earth system - Research for the Environment, German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006), Final Symposium 2005
Adrian, R., Behrendt, H., Freyhof, J., Gerten, Dieter, Golosov, S., Kirillin, G., Mehner, T. (2005): The impact of climate variability on aquatic ecosystems: match and mismatch resulting from shifts in seasonality and distribution - the concept of AQUASHIFT - IGB Annual Report 2004
Adamsen, F. J., Wechsung, G., Wechsung, Frank, Wall, G. W., Kimball, B. A., Pinter, Jr., LaMorte, R. L., Garcia, R. L., Hunsaker, D. J., Leavitt, S. W. (2005): Temporal changes in soil and biomass nitrogen for irrigated wheat grown under free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) - Agronomy Journal
Ciais, P., Reichstein, M., Viovy, N., Granier, A., Ogee, J., Allard, V., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Bernhofer, C., Carrara, A., Chevallier, F., de Noblet, N., Friend, A. D., Friedlingstein, P., Grünwald, T., Heinesch, B., Keronen, P., Knohl, A., Krinner, G., Loustau, D., Manca, G., Matteucci, G., Miglietta, F., Ourcival, J. M., Papale, D., Pilegaard, K., Rambal, S., Seufert, G., Soussana, J. F., Sanz, M. J., Schulze, E. D., Vesala, T., Valentini, R. (2005): Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003 - Nature
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2005): Doubts about the advent of spring - Doubts about the advent of spring, RealClimate Blog - Climate science from climate scientists
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2004): The Arctic climate impact assessment - The Arctic climate impact assessment, RealClimate Blog - Climate science from climate scientists
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Warren, R., Haxeltine, A., Naylor, L., Morlot, J.C., Agrawala, S. (2004): Integrated assessment of benefits of climate policy - The benefits of climate change policies
Menzel, L., Kundzewicz, Z., Lozán, J. L., Grassl, H., Hupfer, P., Menzel, L., Schönwiese, C.-D. (2004): Strategies to combat floods and droughts - Global Change: Enough water for all?
Svensson, C., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Maurer, T. (2004): Trends in flood and low flow series (POT) - Trends in flood and low flow series (POT), WCASP-66
Rust, H.W., Maraun, D., Kropp, Jürgen P., Timmer, J. (2004): DFA and the detection of long-range corelation - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Cassel-Gintz, M., Gallati, J., Sietz, D. (2004): Group model building - a transdisciplinary method of knowledge integration for the NCCR North-South. Part 2: report, outcomes and conclusions of the JACS East Africa Workshop 2004 - Group model building - a transdisciplinary method of knowledge integration for the NCCR North-South. Part 2: report, outcomes and conclusions of the JACS East Africa Workshop 2004, IP1 working paper Dialogue ; 4
Schröter, D., Metzger, M. J., Cramer, W., Leemans, R. (2004): Vulnerability assessment - analysing the human-environment system in the face of global environmental change - The ESS Bulletin
Metzger, M. J., Leemans, R., Schröter, D. (2004): The ATEAM vulnerability mapping tool - The ATEAM vulnerability mapping tool, Quantitative approaches in systems analysis ; 27 ; CD ROM
Behrendt, H., Becker, A., Becker, A., Lahmer, W. (2004): Prozesse und Modelle. Stoffhaushalt, Stofftransport und Retention. Übersicht und Charakterisierung der Stoffeintragspfade - Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt im Elbegebiet und Möglichkeiten zur Stoffeintragsminderung
Badeck, F.-W., Rizza, F., Stanca, A. M., Delogu, G. (2004): Produttività dell'orzo in Italia, prospettive per il futuro - L'Informatore Agrario
Sprinz, D., Bauer, A., Krause, J., Birkel, K., Zondervan, R. (2004): International environmental policy. E-learning project of the German Political Science Association - International environmental policy. E-learning project of the German Political Science Association, PolitikON
Petoukhov, V., Österle, H. (2004): Recent changes in the baroclinity of the free troposphere in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere - Recent changes in the baroclinity of the free troposphere in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere, Geophysical Research Abstracts ; 6, 00091
Lucht, Wolfgang, Pachauri, R. K. (2004): The mental component of the earth system - Earth system analysis for sustainability
Güntner, A., Krol, M. S., de Araújo, J. C., Bronstert, A. (2004): Simple water balance modelling of surface reservoir systems in a large data-scarce semiarid region - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Graßl, H., Schubert, R., Epiney, A., Kulessa, M., Luther, J., Nuscheler, F., Sauerborn, R., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schulze, E.-D. (2004): Welt im Wandel: Armutsbekämpfung durch Umweltpolitik - Welt im Wandel: Armutsbekämpfung durch Umweltpolitik
Gerten, Dieter, Schaphoff, Sibyll, Haberlandt, U., Lucht, Wolfgang, Sitch, S. (2004): Terrestrial vegetation and water balance - hydrological evaluation of a dynamic global vegetation model - Journal of Hydrology
Graßl, H., Schubert, R., Epiney, A., Kulessa, M., Luther, J., Nuscheler, F., Sauerborn, R., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schulze, E.-D. (2004): Erneuerbare Energien für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Impulse für die renewables 2004 - Erneuerbare Energien für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Impulse für die renewables 2004, WBGU Politikpapier; 3
Becker, A., Becker, A., Lahmer, W. (2004): Einleitung - Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt im Elbegebiet und Möglichkeiten zur Stoffeintragsminderung
Hattermann, F., Krysanova, Valentina, Habeck, A. (2004): Integrating wetlands and riparian zones in regional hydrological modeling - Complexity and Integrated Resources Management
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2004): Cosmic rays, carbon dioxide and climate - Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union
Roche, D., Paillard, D., Ganopolski, A., Hoffmann, G. (2004): Oceanic oxygen-18 at the present day and LGM: Equilibrium simulations with a coupled climate model of intermediate complexity - Earth and Planetary Science Letters