
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Claussen, M., Brovkin, V., Calov, R., Ganopolski, A., Kubatzki, C. (2005): Did humankind prevent a holocene glaciation? - Climatic Change
Lindner, M., Lasch, P., Badeck, F.-W., Prieto Beguiristain, P., Junge, S., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Gracia, C., Sabaté, S., Jäger, D., Lexer, M., Freeman, M., Kellomäki, S., Leinonen, S. (2005): SilviStrat model evaluation exercises - Management of European forests under changing climatic conditions. Final report of the project, Research Notes, 163
Wenzel, V., Wechsung, F., Becker, A., Gräfe, P. (2005): Integrierende Studien zum Berliner Wasserhaushalt - Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Wasser, Umwelt und Gesellschaft im Elbegebiet, Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft ; 6
Klein, R. (2005): Multiple spatial scales in engineering and atmospheric low mach number flows - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Wenzel, V., Wechsung, F., Becker, A., Gräfe, P. (2005): Integrierende Studien zum Berliner Wasserhaushalt - PIK Report
Jahn, A., Claussen, M., Ganopolski, A., Brovkin, V. (2005): Quantifying the effect of vegetation dynamics on the climate of the Last Glacial Maximum - Climate of the Past
Calov, R., Ganopolski, A., Petoukhov, V., Claussen, M., Brovkin, V., Kubatzki, C. (2005): Transient simulation of the last glacial inception. Part II: Sensitivity and feedback analysis - Climate Dynamics
von Bloh, Werner, Romano, M. C., Thiel, M. (2005): Long-term predictability of mean daily temperature data - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
Lasch, P., Badeck, F.-W., Suckow, F., Lindner, M., Mohr, P. (2005): Model-based analysis of management alternatives at stand and regional level in Brandenburg (Germany) - Forest Ecology and Management
Francou, B., Coudrain, A., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2005): Glacier shrinkage in the Andes and consequences for water resources-Editorial - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Selbmann, K., Couturier, M., Lachmann, C., Neuhaus, K., Orth, S., Schlichter, A. (2005): Mission Blue Planet: Rettet die Erde! Das Quiz zu Wetter, Energie und Klimawandel - Mission Blue Planet: Rettet die Erde! Das Quiz zu Wetter, Energie und Klimawandel
Siebenhüner, B., Farrell, A. E., Jäger, J. (2005): Can assessments learn, and if so, how? A study of the IPCC - Assessments of regional and global environmental risks: Designing processes for the effective use of science in decisionmaking
Förster, S., Kneis, D., Gocht, M., Bronstert, A. (2005): Flood risk reduction by the use of retention areas at the Elbe River - International Journal of River Basin Management
Reichstein, M., Kätterer, T., Andren, O., Ciais, P., Schulze, E.-D., Cramer, W., Papale, D., Valentini, R. (2005): Temperature sensitivity of decomposition in relation to soil organic matter pools: critique and outlook - Biogeosciences
Scheffer, M., Holmgren, M., Brovkin, V., Claussen, M. (2005): Synergy between small- and large-scale feedbacks of vegetation on the water cycle - Global Change Biology
Metzger, M. J., Leemans, R., Schröter, D. (2005): A multidisciplinary multi-scale framework for assessing vulnerabilities to global change - International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Lüdeke, M.K.B., Hummel, D., Hertler, C., Janowicz, C., Lux, A., Niemann, S. (2005): Die Bevölkerungsdynamik im Syndrom-Ansatz des PIK - Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme - Modelle für Wechselwirkungen
Schmidt, H., Klein, R., Warnecke, G. (2005): Flexible flame structure modelling in a flame front tracking scheme - Analysis and numerics for conservation laws
Wenzel, V., Wechsung, F., Becker, A., Gräfe, P. (2005): Der Integrative Methodische Ansatz im stringenten Sprachkalkül - Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Wasser, Umwelt und Gesellschaft im Elbegebiet, Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft ; 6
Plummer, S., Arino, O., Fierens, F., Chen, J., Dedieu, G., Simon, M., Cramer, W., Ciais, P., Quegan, S., Schultz, M., Hoelzemann, J., Lacoste, H., Ouwehand, L. (2005): The GLOBCARBON initiative: multi-sensor estimation of global biophysical products for global terrestrial carbon studies - The GLOBCARBON initiative: multi-sensor estimation of global biophysical products for global terrestrial carbon studies, ESA SP-572
Kriegler, Elmar, Held, H. (2005): Utilizing belief functions for the estimation of future climate change - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Haug, G. H., Ganopolski, A., Sigman, D. M., Rosell-Mele, A., Swann, G. E. A., Tiedemann, R., Jaccard, S. L., Bollmann, J., Maslin, M. A., Leng, M. J., Eglinton, G. (2005): North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago - Nature
Levermann, Anders, Griesel, A., Hofmann, M., Montoya, M., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2005): Dynamic sea level changes following changes in the thermohaline circulation - Climate Dynamics
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2005): Statusbericht 2005 zum Umweltplan Baden-Württemberg - Statusbericht 2005 zum Umweltplan Baden-Württemberg
Hovi, J., Huseby, R., Sprinz, D.F. (2005): When do (imposed) economic sanctions work? - World Politics