
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Wörner, U., Zimmermann-Timm, H., Pusch, M., Fischer, H. (2006): Planktische Bakterien und Einzeller - Stoffdynamik und Habitatstruktur in der Elbe
Schneider von Deimling, T., Held, H., Ganopolski, A., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2006): Climate sensitivity estimated from ensemble simulations of glacial climate - Climate Dynamics
Lindenschmidt, K.-E., Wodrich, R., Hesse, C. (2006): The effects of scaling and model complexity in simulating the transport of inorganic micropollutants in a lowland river reach - Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
House, J., Brovkin, V., Betts, R., Constanza, B., Silva Dias, M. A., Holland, B., Le Quéré, C., Phat, N. K., Riebesell, U., Scholes, M., Hassan, R., Scholes, R., Ash, N. (2006): Climate and air quality - Ecosystems and human well-being. Current state and trends
Mueller, E. N., Batalla, R. J., Bronstert, A., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, F. F. (2006): Dryland river modelling of water and sediment fluxes using a representative river stretch approach - Natural systems and global change
Rebetez, M., Mayer, H., Dupont, O., Schindler, D., Gartner, K., Kropp, Jürgen P., Menzel, A. (2006): Heat and drought 2003 in Europe: a climate synthesis - Annals of Forest Science
Brazdil, R., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Benito, G. (2006): Historical Hydrology for studying flood risk in Europe - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Svensson, C., Hannaford, J., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Marsh, T.J., Tchiguirinskaia, I., Thein, K.N.N., Hubert, P. (2006): Trends in river floods: why is there no clear signal in observations? - Frontiers in flood research/le point de la recherche sur les crues, IAHS Publications ; 305
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Jaeger, C. (2006): Gefährlichen Klimawandel abwenden - Carbon Disclosure Project, Bericht 2005, Deutschland
Werner, P. C. (2006): Analyse meteorologischer Phänomene im Elbeeinzugsgebiet - Proceedings der 7. Deutschen Klimatagung
Marschinski, R., Lecocq, F. (2006): Do intensity targets control uncertainty better than quotas? Conditions, calibrations, and caveats - World Bank Policy Research Working Papers
Smith, P., Smith, J., Wattenbach, M., Meyer, J., Lindner, M., Zaehle, S., Hiederer, R., Jones, R. J. A., Montanarella, L., Rounsevell, M., Reginster, I., Kankaanpaa, S. (2006): Projected changes in mineral soil carbon in European forests, 1990-2100 - Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Hare, B., Meinshausen, M. (2006): How much warming are we committed to and how much can be avoided? - Climatic Change
Haller, M. (2006): Comparing CO2 mitigation options in the electricity sector: Nuclear power, renewable energy and carbon sequestration - Comparing CO2 mitigation options in the electricity sector: Nuclear power, renewable energy and carbon sequestration
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm (2006): Langfristige Änderungen im Tagesgang meteorologischer Größen und deren Ursachen - Proceedings der 7. Deutschen Klimatagung
Suckow, F., Lasch, P., Badeck, F.-W., Hauf, Y., Stock, M. (2005): Forstsektor - KLARA. Klimawandel - Auswirkungen, Risiken, Anpassung, PIK Report ; 99
Zebisch, M., Grothmann, T., Schröter, D., Hasse, C., Fritsch, U., Cramer, W., Mahrenholz, P. (2005): Climate change in Germany. Vulnerability and adaptation of climate sensitive sectors - Climate change in Germany. Vulnerability and adaptation of climate sensitive sectors, Climate Change ; 10
Füssel, H.-M. (2005): Vulnerability in climate change research: A comprehensive conceptual framework. - Vulnerability in climate change research: A comprehensive conceptual framework., International and Area Studies. Breslauer Symposium 6
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2005): The climate sceptics - Weather catastrophes and climate change - Is there still hope for us?
Acosta-Michlik, L., Galli, F., Klein, R. J. T., Campe, S., Kavi Kumar, K. S., Eierdanz, F., Alcamo, J., Krömker, D., Carius, A., Tänzler, D. (2005): How vulnerable is India to climatic stress? Measuring vulnerability to drought using the Security Diagram concept - How vulnerable is India to climatic stress? Measuring vulnerability to drought using the Security Diagram concept
Kellomäki, S., Lindner, M., Erhard, M., Skokibusic, N., Junge, S., Kellomäki, S., Leinonen, S. (2005): Forests and climate in Europe and climate scenarios used in the project - Management of European forests under changing climatic conditions. Final report of the project, Research Notes, 163
Klein, R. J. T., Dougherty, W. W., Alam, M., Rahman, A. (2005): Technology to understand and manage climate risks. Background paper for the UNFCCC seminar on the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies for adaptation to climate change, Tobago, 14-16 June 2005 - Technology to understand and manage climate risks. Background paper for the UNFCCC seminar on the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies for adaptation to climate change, Tobago, 14-16 June 2005
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2005): Jenseits von Kyoto. Klimaschutz ohne Wachstumseinbußen ist möglich - wenn man die Marktkräfte zu nutzen weiß - Technology Review: Das Magazin für Innovation
Nicholls, R. J., Klein, R. J. T., Vermaat, J. E., Bouwer, L., Turner, R. K., Salomons, W. (2005): Climate change and coastal management on Europe's coast - Managing European Coasts: Past, Present and Future
Noble, I., Parikh, J., Watson, R., Howarth, R., Klein, R. J. T., Abdelkader, A., Forsyth, T., Chopra, K., Leemans, R., Kumar, P., Simons, H. (2005): Climate change - Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Policy Responses. Volume 3 of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Zimmermann-Timm, H., Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hupfer, P., Menzel, L., Schönwiese, C.-D. (2005): Versalzung von Gewässern - Warnsignal Klima: Genug Wasser für alle?
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Held, H., Bauer, Nicolas, Rubin, E. S., Keith, D. W., Gilboy, C. F. (2005): A regulatory framework for carbon capturing and sequestration within the Post-Kyoto Process - Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Volume 1: Peer-Reviewed Paper and Plenary Presentations
Nunneri, C., Turner, R. K., Cieslak, A., Kannen, A., Klein, R. J. T., Ledoux, L., Marquenie, J. M., Mee, L. D., Moncheva, S., Nicholls, R. J., Salomons, W., Sardá, R., Stive, M. J. F., Vellinga, T., Vermaat, J., Bouwer, L., Turner, K., Salomons, W. (2005): Group report: integrated assessment and future scenarios for the coast - Managing european coasts: Past, present and future, Environmental Science