
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
den Elzen, M., Meinshausen, M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Cramer, W., Nakicenovic, N., Wigley, T., Yohe, G. (2006): Multi-gas emission pathways for meeting the EU 2 degree celsius climate target - Avoiding dangerous climate change
Patt, A., Mitchell, R., Clark, W., Cash, D., Alcock, F. (2006): Trust, respect, patience, and sea-surface temperatures: Useful climate forecasting in Zimbabwe - Global environmental assessments. Information, institutions, and influence
Bronstert, A., Knight, D., Shamseldin, A.Y. (2006): Overview of current perspectives on climate change - River Basin Modelling for Flood Risk Mitigation, Chapter 3
Eisenack, K., Scheffran, J., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2006): Viability analysis of management frameworks for fisheries - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Ansell, T. J., Jones, P. D., Allan, R. J., Lister, D., Parker, D. E., Brunet, M., Moberg, A., Jacobeit, J., Brohan, P., Rayner, N. A., Aguilar, E., Alexandersson, H., Barriendos, M., Brandsma, T., Cox, N. J., Della-Marta, P. M., Drebs, A., Founda, D., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Hickey, K., Jónsson, T., Luterbacher, J., Nordli, Ø., Oesterle, H., Petrakis, M., Philipp, A., Rodwell, M. J., Saladie, O., Sigro, J., Slonosky, V., Srnec, L., Swail, V., García-Suárez, A. M., Tuomenvirta, H., Wang, X., Wanner, H., Werner, P. C., Wheeler, D., Xoplaki, E. (2006): Daily mean sea level pressure reconstructions for the European-North Atlantic region for the period 1850-2003 - Journal of Climate
Schmidt, H., Oevermann, M., Muench, M., Klein, R. (2006): Flame front capturing/tracking schemes for compressible and incompressible reactive flow - Proceedings
Goelzer, H., Mignot, J., Levermann, Anders, Rahmstorf, Stefan (2006): Tropical versus high latitude freshwater influence on the Atlantic circulation - Climate Dynamics
Füssel, H.-M. (2006): Social welfare functions in global climate-economy models: methodological inconsistencies and their policy implications - Social welfare functions in global climate-economy models: methodological inconsistencies and their policy implications
Greve, R., Takahama, R., Calov, R. (2006): Simulation of large-ice-sheet surges: The ISMIP HEINO experiments - Polar Meteorology and and Glaciology
Lucht, Wolfgang, Schaphoff, Sibyll, Erbrecht, T., Heyder, U., Cramer, W. (2006): Terrestrial vegetation redistribution and carbon balance under climate change - Carbon Balance and Management
Moberg, A., Jones, P. D., Lister, D., Walther, A., Brunet, M., Jacobeit, J., Alexander, L. V., Della-Marta, P. M., Luterbacher, J., Yiou, P., Chen, D., Klein Tank, A. M. G., Saladié, O., Sigró, J., Aguilar, E., Alexandersson, H., Almarza, C., Auer, I., Barriendos, M., Begert, M., Bergström, H., Böhm, R., Butler, C. J., Caesar, J., Drebs, A., Founda, D., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Micela, G., Maugeri, M., Österle, H., Pandzic, K., Petrakis, M., Smec, L., Tolasz, R., Tuomenvirta, H., Werner, P. C., Linderholm, H., Philipp, A., Wanner, H., Xoplaki, E. (2006): Indices for daily temperature and precipitation extremes in Europe analyzed for the period 1901-2000 - Journal of Geophysical Research
Stouffer, R. J., Yin, J., Gregory, J. M., Dixon, K. W., Spelman, M. J., Hurlin, W., Weaver, A. J., Eby, M., Flato, G. M., Hasumi, H., Hu, A., Jungclaus, J. H., Kamenkovich, I. V., Levermann, Anders, Montoya, M., Murakami, S., Nawrath, S., Oka, A., Peltier, W. R., Robitaille, D. Y., Sokolov, A., Vettoretti, G., Weber, S. L. (2006): Investigating the causes of the response of the thermohaline circulation to past and future climate changes - Journal of Climate
Brazdil, R., Kundzewicz, Z.W. (2006): Historical Hydrology - Editorial - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Bronstert, A., Itzerott, S., Jessel, B., Lahmer, W., Schanze, J., Schönfelder, J., Bronstert, A., Itzerott, S. (2006): Die Ziele im Havelverbundprojekt - Bewirtschaftungsmöglichkeiten im Einzugsgebiet der Havel, Brandenburgische Umwelt Berichte , 18
Zaehle, S., Sitch, S., Prentice, I. C., Liski, J., Cramer, W., Erhard, M., Hickler, T., Smith, B. (2006): The importance of age-related decline in forest NPP for modeling regional carbon balances - Ecological Applications
Rock, J. (2006): Welche Pflanzen-Herkünfte brauchen wir für morgen? - Deutsche Baumschule
Haberl, H., Weisz, H., Amann, C., Bondeau, A., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.-H., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F. (2006): The energetic metabolism of the European Union and the United States - decadal energy input time-series with an emphasis on biomass - Journal of Industrial Ecology
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, F. F. (2006): Introduction - Bridging the gap - Natural systems and global change
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2006): Testing climate reconstructions - Science
Ni, J., Harrison, S. P., Prentice, I. C., Kutzbach, J. E., Sitch, S. (2006): Impact of climate variability on present and Holocene vegetation: A model-based study - Ecological Modelling
Reußwig, Fritz, Battaglini, A. (2006): Lifestyle dynamics as a catalyst of a sustainable energy transition - Lifestyle dynamics as a catalyst of a sustainable energy transition, KyotoPlus - Papers
Schneider von Deimling, T., Ganopolski, A., Held, H., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2006): How cold was the Last Glacial Maximum? - Geophysical Research Letters
Österle, H., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C. (2006): Qualitätsprüfung, Ergänzung und Homogenisierung der täglichen Datenreihen in Deutschland, 1951-2003: Ein neuer Datenansatz - Proceedings der 7. Deutschen Klimatagung