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What the essence of a new climate protection agreement will have to be
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Gemeinsame Haftung - gemeinsames Engagement
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Welche Umwelt wollen wir?
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Confronting climate change: Avoiding the unmanageable and managing the unavoidable
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Global freshwater resources for sustainable development
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Kippt das Klimasystem?
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Alles nur Klimahysterie?
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Regionale Klimatologie (aus meteorologischer Sicht)
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Climate change adaption and poverty reduction: Key interactions and critical measures
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Trends and extreme values of river discharge time series
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Hydrological impact assessment of afforestation and change in tree-species composition - A regional case study for the Federal State of Brandenburg (Germany)
- Journal of Hydrology
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Adaptation planning for climate change: concepts, assessment approaches, and key lessons
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Impact of future Greenland deglaciation on global weathering fluxes and atmospheric CO2
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Warum die Lösung des Klimaproblems nicht die Welt kostet
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- Ecological Modelling
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Ökologische Aufwertung von Energieholzplantagen - Möglichkeiten und Kosten
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International Nonregimes: A Research Agenda
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Rahmstorf, Stefan (2007):
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Ernährungssicherung bei zunehmender Wasserknappheit?
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A common framework for qualitative and quantitative modelling
- A common framework for qualitative and quantitative modelling
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Wie bedroht sind die Ozeane?
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Uncertainties of modeling gross primary productivity over Europe: A systematic study on the effects of using different drivers and terrestrial biosphere models
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Lucht, Wolfgang (2007):
Air, a planetary hybrid
- Air, a planetary hybrid