
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Grothmann, T. (2009): The regional perspective: overview and methodology of regional case studies - Regional climate change and adaptation - the Alps facing the challenge of changing water resources, EEA Report ; 8/2009
Neuhoff, K., Dröge, S., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Flachsland, C., Held, H., Ragwitz, M., Strohschein, J., Türk, A., Michaelowa, A. (2009): Translating model results into economic policies. RECIPE working paper - Translating model results into economic policies. RECIPE working paper
Levermann, Anders, Schewe, Jacob, Petoukhov, V., Held, H. (2009): Basic mechanism for abrupt monsoon transitions - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Goelzer, H., Levermann, Anders, Rahmstorf, Stefan (2009): Two-way coupling of an ENSO model to the global climate model CLIMBER-3α - Ocean Modelling
Eisenack, K., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Kalkuhl, M. (2009): Efficiency and distribution effects of resource and energy taxes for climate protection - Efficiency and distribution effects of resource and energy taxes for climate protection
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander, Dietrich, J. P., Krause, M. (2009): Competition for land between food, bioenergy and conservation - Competition for land between food, bioenergy and conservation, Background note to the World Development Report 2010
Yu, P., Krysanova, Valentina, Wang, Y., Xiong, W., Mo, F., Shi, Z., Liu, H., Vetter, T., Huang, S. (2009): Quantitative estimate of water yield reduction caused by forestation in a water-limited area in northwest China - Geophysical Research Letters
Grothmann, T., Krömker, D., Homburg, A., Siebenhüner, B., Werner, J., Stolberg, A., Hoffmann, C., Grothmann, T., Krömker, D., Homburg, A., Siebenhüner, B. (2009): Zielsetzung und Handhabung des KyotoPlus-Navigators - KyotoPlus-Navigator. Praxisleitfaden zur Förderung von Klimaschutz und Anpassung an den Klimawandel – Erfolgsfaktoren, Instrumente, Strategie
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Knopf, B., Luderer, Gunnar (2009): Globale Klimapolitik jenseits harmloser Utopien - Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, Apr 09
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2009): Tipping Elements in the Earth System [Introductory Perspective] - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Warner, K., Loster, T., Zissener, M., Kreft, S., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Bals, C., Hoeppe, P., Gurenko, E., Burton, I., Haas, A. (2009): How disaster risk reduction and insurance can help vulnerable countries and people manage the risks of climate change: A look at the MCII proposal - How disaster risk reduction and insurance can help vulnerable countries and people manage the risks of climate change: A look at the MCII proposal
Bodirsky, B., Crassous-Doerfler, R., van Essen, H., Hourcade, J.-C., Kampman, B., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Markowska, A., Monjon, S., Neuhoff, K., Noleppa, S., Popp, Alexander, del Río González, P., Spielmans, S., Strohschein, J., Waisman, H. (2009): How can each sector contribute to 2C? RECIPE Background Paper - How can each sector contribute to 2C? RECIPE Background Paper
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Claussen, L., Dosch, A., Noleppa, S., Rock, J., Schuler, J., Uckert, G. (2009): Klimawandel und Kulturlandschaft Berlin - Klimawandel und Kulturlandschaft Berlin, PIK Report ; 113
Schinkel, S., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2009): Brain signal analysis based on recurrences - Journal of Physiology-Paris
Reyer, C. (2009): Sustainable development of the Amazon forest: a fine line between conservation and exploitation? - Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy
Nocke, T., Heyder, U., Petri, S., Vohland, K., Wrobel, M., Lucht, Wolfgang, Wohlgemuth, V. (2009): Visualization of biosphere changes in the context of climate change - Information Technology and Climate Change : 2nd International Conference IT for empowerment [ITCC'08, Berlin, 2008]
Donner, R., Barbosa, S., Kurths, Jürgen, Marwan, Norbert (2009): Understanding the earth as a complex system – recent advances in data analysis and modelling in earth sciences - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Lasch, P., Gutsch, M., Suckow, F., Spathelf, P., Kätzel, R. (2009): Klimawandel in Brandenburg - Risiken für Eichen-Kiefern-Mischbestände - Wald im Klimawandel - Risiken und Anpassungsstrategien, Eberswalder Forstliche Schriftenreihe ; 42
Reußwig, Fritz, Isensee, A., Lange, H., Meier, L. (2009): Rising capitalism, emerging middle-classes and environmental perspectives in China: a Weberian approach - The New Middle Classes: Globalizing Lifestyles, Consumerism and Environmental Concern
Coumou, Dim, Driesner, T., Geiger, S., Paluszny, A., Heinrich, C. A. (2009): High-resolution three-dimensional simulations of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems - Journal of Geophysical Research
Werg, J., Grothmann, T., Grothmann, T., Krömker, D., Homburg, A., Siebenhüner, B. (2009): Anpassungsprojekte im Bauen und Wohnen - KyotoPlus-Navigator. Praxisleitfaden zur Förderung von Klimaschutz und Anpassung an den Klimawandel – Erfolgsfaktoren, Instrumente, Strategie
Popp, Alexander, Domptail, S., Blaum, N., Jeltsch, F. (2009): Landuse experience does qualify for adaptation to climate change - Ecological Modelling
Eastaugh, C., Reyer, C., Moreno, P. G., Jian, W., Biscaia, A. G., Pentelkina, O. (2009): Forest agencies' early adaptations to climate change - Forest agencies' early adaptations to climate change, IUFRO Occasional Paper ; 23
Srinivasan, K., Senthilkumar, D. V., Suresh, R., Thamilmaran, K., Lakshmanan, M. (2009): Experimental realization of strange nonchaotic attractors in a nonlinear series LCR circuit with nonsinusoidal force - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Walkenhorst, O., Stock, Manfred (2009): Regionale Klimaszenarien für Deutschland. Eine Leseanleitung - Regionale Klimaszenarien für Deutschland. Eine Leseanleitung, E-Paper der ARL ; 6
Tuerk, A., Sterk, W., Haites, E., Mehling, M., Flachsland, C., Kimura, H., Betz, R., Jotzo, F. (2009): Linking emissions trading systems - Climate strategies synthesis report - Linking emissions trading systems - Climate strategies synthesis report