
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2010): Schlagzeile aus Absurdistan - Schlagzeile aus Absurdistan, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Schmidt, G., Zamora-López, G., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Simulation of large scale cortical networks by individual neuron dynamics - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Huang, S. (2010): Seasonal temperature extremes in Potsdam - Acta Geophysica
Krysanova, Valentina, Dickens, C., Timmermann, J., Varela-Ortega, C., Schlüter, M., Roest, K., Huntjens, P., Jaspers, F., Buiteveld, H., Moreno, E., de Pedraza Carrera, J., Slámová, R., Martínková, M., Blanco, I., Esteve, P., Pringle, K., Pahl-Wostl, C., Kabat, P. (2010): Cross-comparison of climate change adaptation strategies across large river basins in Europe, Africa and Asia - Water Resources Management
Senthilkumar, D. V., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Recurrence network approach to a phase space of a time-delay system - Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2010 (Krakow 2010)
Zou, Y., Donner, Reik V., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Identifying complex periodic windows in continuous-time dynamical systems using recurrence-based methods - Chaos
Smith, P. C., Ciais, P., Peylin, P., De Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Viovy, N., Meurdesoif, Y., Bondeau, A. (2010): European-wide simulations of croplands using an improved terrestrial biosphere model: 2. Interannual yields and anomalous CO2 fluxes in 2003 - Journal of Geophysical Research
Zakharova, A., Vadivasova, T., Anishchenko, V., Koseska, A., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Stochastic bifurcations and coherencelike resonance in a self-sustained bistable noisy oscillator - Physical Review E
Sprinz, D. F., Bansal, D., Glauner, C., Oppolzer, J. (2010): Die 'Sandwichlösung' für die globale Klimapolitik - Delivering Tomorrow - Zukunftstrend Nachhaltige Logistik
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2010): Es gibt keinen IPCC-Skandal - Es gibt keinen IPCC-Skandal, The European - Blog
Jeltsch, F., Blaum, N., Classen, N., Eschenbach, A., Grohmann, C., Gröngröft, A., Joubert, D.F., Horn, A., Lohmann, D., Linsenmair, K.E., Lück-Vogel, M., Medinski, T.V., Meyfarth, S., Mills, A., Petersen, A., Popp, Alexander, Poschlod, P., Reisch, C., Rossmanith, E., Rubilar, H., Schütze, S., Seymour, C., Simmons, R., Smit, G.N., Strohbach, M., Tews, J., Tietjen, B., Wesuls, D., Wichmann, M., Wieczorek, M., Zimmermann, I., Hoffman, M. T., Schmiedel, U., Jürgens, N. (2010): Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome - Implications for landuse and management, Biodiversity in southern Africa ; 3
Haas, A. (2010): Klimawandel und Finanzmärkte - uwf - UmweltWirtschaftsForum
Leimbach, Marian, Bauer, Nicolas, Baumstark, Lavinia, Lüken, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2010): Technological change and international trade - Insights from REMIND-R - The Energy Journal
Füssel, H.-M., Mastrandrea, M. D., Schneider, S. H., Rosencranz, A., Mastrandrea, M. D., Kuntz-Duriseti, K. (2010): Integrated assessment modeling - Climate Change Science and Policy
Knopf, B., Kowarsch, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Edenhofer, O., Wallacher, J., Reder, M., Lotze-Campen, H. (2010): Vermeidung des Klimawandels: Optionen und Kosten - Global aber gerecht
Rogelj, J., Chen, C., Nabel, J., Macey, K., Hare, W., Schaeffer, M., Markmann, K., Höhne, N., Krogh Andersen, K., Meinshausen, M. (2010): Analysis of the Copenhagen Accord pledges and its global climatic impact - a snapshot of dissonant ambitions - Environmental Research Letters
Gumpenberger, M., Vohland, K., Heyder, U., Poulter, B., Macey, K., Rammig, A., Popp, Alexander, Cramer, W. (2010): Predicting pan-tropical climate change induced forest stock gains and losses - implications for REDD - Environmental Research Letters
Wu, Y., Zhou, C., Xia, J., Kurths, Jürgen, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2010): Evidence for a bimodal distribution in human communication - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Breitenbach, S. F. M., Adkins, J. F., Meyer, H., Marwan, Norbert, Kumar, K. K., Haug, G. H. (2010): Strong influence of water vapor source dynamics on stable isotopes in precipitation observed in Southern Meghalaya, NE India - Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Bowong, S., Tewa, J. J. (2010): Global analysis of a dynamical model for transmission of tuberculosis with a general contact rate - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Levermann, Anders (2010): Role of the Arctic basin in the world climate system - Role of the Arctic basin in the world climate system
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Creutzig, F., Flachsland, C., McGlynn, E., Minx, J., Brunner, S. (2010): CITIES: Car industry, road transport and an international emission trading scheme – policy options - CITIES: Car industry, road transport and an international emission trading scheme – policy options
Rode, M., Arhonditsis, G., Balin, D., Kebede, T., Krysanova, Valentina, van Griensven, A., van der Zee, S. E. A. T. M. (2010): New challenges in integrated water quality modelling - Hydrological Processes