
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Selbmann, K. (2011): Interdisziplinarität - eine Herausforderung im monodisziplinären Forschungskontext - Interdisziplinarität - eine Herausforderung im monodisziplinären Forschungskontext, Schriften zur Transdisziplinarität
Tewa, J. J., Bowong, S., Mewoli, B., Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Two-patch transmission of Tuberculosis - Mathematical Population Studies
Hezel, B., Mayle, M., Schmelcher, P. (2011): Interaction-induced stabilization of circular Rydberg atoms - Physical Review A
Tang, Y., Wang, Z., Wong, W. K., Kurths, Jürgen, Fang, J. (2011): Multiobjective synchronization of coupled systems - Chaos
Romanova, V., Köhl, A., Stammer, D. (2011): Seasonal cycle of near surface freshwater budget in the western tropical Atlantic - Journal of Geophysical Research
Vohland, K., Wesemüller, H., Kuschniok, N., Schünemann, J. (2011): Schutzgebiete machen Klimaschutz - Europarc Fortschrittsbericht 2009/2010
Kallache, M., Rust, H. W., Lange, H., Kropp, J. P., Kropp, J. P., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2011): Extreme value analysis considering trends: application to discharge data of the Danube - In Extremis: Disruptive Events and Trends in Climate and Hydrology
Quegan, S., Beer, C., Shvidenko, A., McCallum, I., Handoh, I., Peylin, P., Rodenbeck, C., Lucht, Wolfgang, Nilsson, S., Schmullius, C. (2011): Estimating the carbon balance of central Siberia using a landscape-ecosystem approach, atmospheric inversion and dynamic global vegetation models - Global Change Biology
von Bloh, Werner, Cuntz, M, Franck, S., Bounama, C. (2011): Habitability of the Goldilocks planet Gliese 581g: results from geodynamic models - Astronomy and Astrophysics
Schüth, F., Behrendt, F., Renn, O., Schlögl, R., Umbach, E., Wagner, H.-J., Bradshaw, A., Drenckhahn, D., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Eichhammer, W., Emmermann, R., Erdmann, G., Gleiter, H., Horsfield, B., Hüttl, R., Janicka, J., Kemfert, C., Leo, K., Milow, B., Pfluger, B., Pitz-Paal, R., Ragwitz, M., Sauerbrey, R., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schleich, J., Schmid, J., Stock, G., Thrän, D., Wagemann, K., Wietschel, M., Ertmer, W., Leiderer, P., Thauer, R., Zenner, H.-P., Anton, C. (2011): Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme. Energiepolitische und forschungspolitische Empfehlungen nach den Ereignissen in Fukushima - Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme. Energiepolitische und forschungspolitische Empfehlungen nach den Ereignissen in Fukushima
Acosta-Michlik, L., Lucht, Wolfgang, Bondeau, A., Beringer, T. (2011): Integrated assessment of sustainability trade-offs and pathways for global bioenergy production: Framing a novel hybrid approach - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): 2 Grad relativ zu wann? - 2 Grad relativ zu wann?, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Mokhov, I. I., Smirnov, D. A., Nakonechny, P. I., Kozlenko, S. S., Seleznev, E. P., Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Alternating mutual influence of El-Niño/Southern Oscillation and Indian monsoon - Geophysical Research Letters
Lüttger, A., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Gutsch, M., Hattermann, F., Lasch, P., Murawski, A., Petraschek, J., Suckow, F., Werner, P. C. (2011): Klimawandel in der Region Havelland-Fläming - Klimawandel in der Region Havelland-Fläming, PIK Report ; 121
Schinkel, S., Zamora-López, G., Dimigen, O., Sommer, W., Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Functional network analysis reveals differences in the semantic priming task - Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Frieler, Katja, Meinshausen, M., Schneider von Deimling, T., Andrews, T., Forster, P. (2011): Changes in global-mean precipitation in response to warming, greenhouse gas forcing and black carbon - Geophysical Research Letters
Grothmann, T., Daschkeit, A., Felgentreff, C., Görg, C., Horstmann, B., Scholz, I., Tekken, V. (2011): Anpassung an den Klimawandel - Potenziale sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung in Deutschland - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Donner, Reik V., Trauth, M. H., Marwan, Norbert, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Nonlinear detection of paleoclimate-variability transitions possibly related to human evolution - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Donner, Reik V., Kropp, J. P., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2011): Spatial correlations of river runoffs in a catchment - In Extremis - Disruptive Events and Trends in Climate and Hydrology
Gang, F., Stern, N., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Shanda, X., Eklund, K., Ackerman, F., Lailai, L., Hallding, K., Gang, F., Stern, N., Edenhofer, O., Shanda, X., Eklund, K., Ackerman, F., Lailai, L., Hallding, K. (2011): The Economics of Climate Change in China: An Overview of the Possible - The Economics of Climate Change in China
Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Lüttger, A., Gerstengarbe, F.-W., Gutsch, M., Hattermann, F. F., Lasch, P., Murawski, A., Petraschek, J., Suckow, F., Werner, P. C. (2011): Expertise 2 'Klimawandel und Hydrologie in der Region Havelland-Fläming' - Klimawandel in der Region Havelland-Fläming, PIK-Report ; 121
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Es winkt die RWE-Lobby - Es winkt die RWE-Lobby, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge