
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Wechsung, Frank, Hansjürgens, B., Hartje, V., Kaden, S., Venohr, M., Wechsung, F., Koch, H., Gräfe, P. (2011): Bleibt genügend Wasser in den Flüssen? - Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels
Wechsung, Frank, Wechsung, F., Koch, H., Gräfe, P. (2011): Globaler Wandel und seine Folgen im Elbeeinzugsgebiet - Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels
Gornig, M., Hoymann, J., Wechsung, F., Koch, H., Gräfe, P. (2011): Stand der sozioökonomischen Entwicklung 2003 - Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Kowarsch, M., Stoecker, R., Neuhäuser, C., Raters, M.-L. (2011): Klimaschutz und Klimawandel - Handbuch Angewandte Ethik
Kulkarni, A., Marwan, Norbert, Parrott, L., Proulx, R., Webber Jr., L. (2011): Recurrence Plots at the Crossroad Between Theory and Application - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Lamarque, J.-F., Kyle, G. P., Meinshausen, M., Riahi, K., Smith, S. J., Van Vuuren, D. P., Conley, A. J., Vitt, F. (2011): Global and regional evolution of short-lived radiatively-active gases and aerosols in the Representative Concentration Pathways - Climatic Change
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Vergesst Amerika! - zeo2 - Magazin für Umwelt, Politik und Neue Wirtschaft
Lapola, D. M., Schaldach, R., Alcamo, J., Bondeau, A., Msangi, S., Priess, J. A., Silvestrini, R., Soares-Filho, B. S. (2011): Impacts of climate change and the end of deforestation on land use in the Brazilian legal Amazon - Earth Interactions
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Eine neue Klimawette + Update - Eine neue Klimawette + Update, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Zou, W., Lu, J., Tang, Y., Zhang, C., Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Control of delay-induced oscillation death by coupling phase in coupled oscillators - Physical Review E
Schleussner, C.-F. (2011): Ganteförs Laienklimatologie - Ganteförs Laienklimatologie, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Álvarez-Solas, J., Montoya, M., Ritz, C., Ramstein, G., Charbit, S., Dumas, C., Nisancioglu, K., Dokken, T., Ganopolski, A. (2011): Heinrich event 1: an example of dynamical ice-sheet reaction to oceanic changes - Climate of the Past
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2011): Vorwärts zur Natur - Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Conradt, T., Schmidt, S. R., Hoymann, J., Wechsung, F., Koch, H., Gräfe, P. (2011): Landbedeckung und Landnutzung - Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Deutscher Klimaatlas - Deutscher Klimaatlas, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Lienhoop, N., Grossmann, M., Koch, H., Wechsung, F., Koch, H., Gräfe, P. (2011): Landwirtschaftliche Beregnung und Teichwirtschaft - Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels
Piontek, Franziska (2011): Cooperation over Nile Waters: Needed More under Climate Change, More Attainable after the 'Arab spring'? - Regional and International Cooperation, The Environment and the Middle East ; 3
Haddeland, I., Clark, D. B., Franssen, W., Ludwig, F., Voß, F., Arnell, N. W., Bertrand, N., Best, M., Folwell, S., Gerten, Dieter, Gomes, S., Gosling, S. N., Hagemann, S., Hanasaki, N., Harding, R., Heinke, J., Kabat, P., Koirala, S., Oki, T., Polcher, J., Stacke, T., Viterbo, P., Weedon, G. P., Yeh, P. (2011): Multimodel estimate of the terrestrial global water balance: setup and first results - Journal of Hydrometeorology
Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Mayer, A., Bringezu, S., Moriguchi, Y., Schütz, H., Schandl, H., Weisz, H. (2011): Methodology and indicators of economy-wide material flow accounting - Journal of Industrial Ecology
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Richardson, K., Steffen, W., Liverman, D., Barker, T., Jotzo, F., Kammen, D. M., Leemans, R., Lenton, T. M., Munasinghe, M., Osman-Elasha, B., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Stern, N., Vogel, C., Wæver, O. (2011): Statistical sea level models - Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schellekens, G., Finlay, C., Battaglini, A., Fürstenwerth, D., Lilliestam, J., Schmidt, P., Patt, A. (2011): Foreword - Moving towards 100% Renewable Electricity in Europe & North Africa by 2050
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Nobel Laureates Speak Out - Nobel Laureates Speak Out, RealClimate Blog
Jaeger, Carlo C., Paroussos, L., Mangalagiu, D., Kupers, R., Mandel, A., Tàbara, J. D. (2011): A new growth path for Europe. Generating prosperity and jobs in the low-carbon economy. Synthesis report - A new growth path for Europe. Generating prosperity and jobs in the low-carbon economy. Synthesis report
Klingenfeld, D. (2011): Kooperation 2.0 - Kooperation 2.0, The European - Debatten
Schmidt, S. R., Conradt, T., Wechsung, F., Koch, H., Gräfe, P. (2011): Grundwasserneubildung - Elbe-Atlas des globalen Wandels
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Coumou, Dim (2011): The Moscow Warming Hole - The Moscow Warming Hole, RealClimate Blog
Albrecht, T., Martin, M. A., Haseloff, M., Winkelmann, Ricarda, Levermann, Anders (2011): Parameterization for subgrid-scale motion of ice-shelf calving-fronts - The Cryosphere
Mastrandrea, M. D., Mach, K. J., Plattner, G.-K., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Stocker, T. F., Field, C. B., Ebi, K. L., Matschoss, P. R. (2011): The IPCC AR5 guidance note on consistent treatment of uncertainties: a common approach across the working groups - Climatic Change
Richardson, K., Steffen, W., Liverman, D., Barker, T., Jotzo, F., Kammen, D. M., Leemans, R., Lenton, T. M., Munasinghe, M., Osman-Elasha, B., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Stern, N., Vogel, C., Wæver, O. (2011): Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions - Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions