
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Schiffers, K., Tielbörger, K., Tietjen, B., Jeltsch, F. (2011): Root plasticity buffers competition among plants: theory meets experimental data - Ecology
Müller, C., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Huber, V., Popp, Alexander, Svirejeva-Hopkins, A., Krause, M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Brauch, H. G., Oswald Spring, Ú., Mesjasz, C., Grin, J., Kameri-Mbote, P., Chourou, B., Dunay, P., Birkmann, J. (2011): Towards a great land-use transformation? - Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security - Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace ; 5
Rust, H. W., Kallache, M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Kropp, J. P., Kropp, J. P., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2011): Confidence intervals for flood return level estimates assuming long-range dependence - In Extremis: Disruptive Events and Trends in Climate and Hydrology
Hare, W. L., Cramer, W., Schaeffer, M., Battaglini, A., Jaeger, Carlo C. (2011): Climate hotspots: key vulnerable regions, climate change and limits to warming - Regional Environmental Change
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Nobelpreisträger diskutieren Weltprobleme - Nobelpreisträger diskutieren Weltprobleme, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Müller, C. (2011): Harvesting from uncertainties - Nature Climate Change
Schneider von Deimling, T., Richardson, K., Steffen, W., Liverman, D., Barker, T., Jotzo, F., Kammen, D. M., Leemans, R., Lenton, T. M., Munasinghe, M., Osman-Elasha, B., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Stern, N., Vogel, C., Wæver, O. (2011): Estimating Climate Sensitivity - Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions
Steckel, J., Brecha, R., Strefler, Jessica, Luderer, Gunnar (2011): Energy, sustainable development and integrated assessment models - Energy, sustainable development and integrated assessment models
Knopf, B., Kondziella, H., Pahle, Michael, Götz, M., Bruckner, T., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2011): Der Einstieg in den Ausstieg: Energiepolitische Szenarien für einen Atomausstieg in Deutschland - Der Einstieg in den Ausstieg: Energiepolitische Szenarien für einen Atomausstieg in Deutschland
Yeh, S., Berndes, G., Mishra, G. S., Wani, S. P., Neto, A. E., Suh, S., Karlberg, L., Heinke, J., Garg, K. K. (2011): Evaluation of water use for bioenergy at different scales - Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
Jakob, M. (2011): Reframing International Climate Policy: Essays on Development Issues and Fragmented Regimes - Reframing International Climate Policy: Essays on Development Issues and Fragmented Regimes
Kremser, S., Schofield, R., Bodeker, G. E., Connor, B. J., Rex, M., Barret, J., Mooney, T., Salawitch, R. J., Canty, T., Frieler, Katja, Chipperfield, M. P., Langematz, U., Feng, W. (2011): Retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters from Antarctic ClO microwave radiometer measurements - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Reckien, D., Martinez-Fernandez, C. (2011): Why do cities shrink? - European Planning Studies
Mitchell, C., Sawin, J. L., Pokharel, G. R., Kammen, D., Wang, Z., Fifita, S., Jaccard, M., Langniss, O., Lucas, H., Nadai, A., Blanco, R. T., Usher, E., Verbruggen, A., Wüstenhagen, R., Yamaguchi, K., Arent, D., Arrowsmith, G., Bazilian, M., Bird, L., Boermans, T., Bowen, A., Breukers, S., Bruckner, T., Busch, S., Clemens, E., Connor, P., Creutzig, F., Droege, P., Ericsson, K., Greacen, C., Grisoli, R., Hamilton, K., Harnisch, J., Hepburn, C., Hunt, S., Kalkuhl, M., Lamers, P., Madsen, B., Nemet, G., Nilsson, L. J., Panitchpakdi, S., Popp, D., Radzi, A., Resch, G., Schei, T., Schimschar, S., Seyboth, K., Trindade, S., Truffer, B., Truitt, S., van der Horst, D., Vermeylen, S., Wilson, C., Wiser, R., Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Seyboth, K., Matschoss, P., Kadner, S., Zwickel, T., Eickemeier, P., Hansen, G., Schlömer, S., von Stechow, C. (2011): Policy, Financing and Implementation - Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN)
Kemp, A. C., Horton, B. P., Donnelly, J. P., Mann, M. E., Vermeer, M., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Reply to Grinsted et al.: Estimating land subsidence in North Carolina - [Letter] - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Werner, P. C., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm (2011): Spatial-temporal Changes of Meteorological Parameters in Selected Circulation Patterns - Spatial-temporal Changes of Meteorological Parameters in Selected Circulation Patterns, PIK-Report ; 123
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2011): Es geht um die Zukunft der repräsentativen Demokratie - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Weedon, G. P., Gomes, S., Viterbo, P., Shuttleworth, W. J., Blyth, E., Österle, H., Adam, J. C., Bellouin, N., Boucher, O., Best, M. (2011): Creation of the WATCH Forcing Data and its use to assess global and regional reference crop evaporation over land during the twentieth century - Journal of Hydrometeorology
Anishchenko, V. S., Khairulin, M., Strelkova, G., Kurths, Jürgen (2011): Statistical characteristics of the Poincaré return times for a one-dimensional nonhyperbolic map - The European Physical Journal B
Yang, X. S., Cao, J. D., Lu, J. Q. (2011): Synchronization of delayed complex dynamical networks with impulsive and stochastic effects - Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
Born, A., Nisancioglu, K. H., Risebrobakken, B. (2011): Late Eemian warming in the Nordic Seas as seen in proxy data and climate models - Paleoceanography
Chen, F., Kusaka, H., Bornstein, R., Ching, J., Grimmond, C. S. B., Grossmann-Clarke, S., Loridan, T., Manning, K. W., Martilli, A., Miao, S., Sailor, D., Salamanca, F. P., Taha, H., Tewari, M., Wang, X., Wyszogrodzki, A. A., Zhang, C. (2011): The integrated WRF/urban modelling system: development, evaluation, and applications to urban environmental problems - International Journal of Climatology
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2011): Kipp-Punkte in der Arktis? - Kipp-Punkte in der Arktis?, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
García Cantú Ros, A., Antonopoulos, C. G., Basios, V. (2011): Emergence of coherent motion in aggregates of motile coupled maps - Chaos, Solitons and Fractals