
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Winter ade - Winter ade, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Gädeke, A., Hölzel, H., Koch, H., Grünewald, U. (2012): Assessing possibilities of reducing the uncertainty related to climate change impact studies - Assessing possibilities of reducing the uncertainty related to climate change impact studies
Chum, H., Faaij, A., Moreira, J., Berndes, G., Dhamija, P., Dong, H., Gabrielle, B., Goss Eng, A., Lucht, Wolfgang, Mapako, M., Masera Cerutti, O., McIntyre, T., Minowa, T., Pingoud, K., Bain, R., Chiang, R., Dawe, D., Heath, G., Junginger, M., Patel, M., Yang, J., Warner, E., Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Seyboth, K., Matschoss, P., Kadner, S., Zwickel, T., Eickemeier, P., Hansen, G., Schlömer, S., von Stechow, C. (2012): Bioenergy - Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Is journalism failing on climate? - Environmental Research Letters
Tavoni, M., de Cian, E., Luderer, Gunnar, Steckel, J. C., Waisman, H. (2012): The value of technology and of its evolution towards a low carbon economy - Climatic Change
Hirth, L., Ueckerdt, F. (2012): Redistribution Effects of Energy and Climate Policy - Redistribution Effects of Energy and Climate Policy, Note di lavoro ; 2012.82
Calvin, K., Clarke, L., Krey, V., Blanford, G., Jiang, K., Kainuma, M., Kriegler, Elmar, Luderer, Gunnar, Shukla, P. R. (2012): The role of Asia in mitigating climate change: Results from the Asia modeling exercise - Energy Economics
Bai, X., Dhakal, S., Steinberger, J., Weisz, H., Grubler, A., Fisk, D. (2012): Drivers of Urban Energy Use and Main Policy Leverages - Energizing Sustainable Cities
Forkel, M., Thonicke, Kirsten, Beer, C., Cramer, W., Bartalev, S., Schmullius, C. (2012): Extreme fire events are related to previous-year surface moisture conditions in permafrost-underlain larch forests of Siberia - Environmental Research Letters
Wechsung, Frank, Grünewald, U., Bens, O., Fischer, H., Hüttl, R. F., Kaiser, K., Knierim, A. (2012): Veränderungen der Stadt-Land-Fluss Beziehung im Klimawandel - Ergebnisse einer Szenarienstudie für das deutsch-tschechische Flussgebiet der Elbe - Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel
Lass, W., Christ, T., Gellrich, A., Ide, T. (2012): Ökonomische Folgen des Klimawandels - Zugänge zur Klimadebatte in Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Psychologie, Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung ; 4
Schewe, Jacob, Levermann, Anders, Cheng, H. (2012): A critical humidity threshold for monsoon transitions - Climate of the Past
Hof, A. F., Hope, C. W., Lowe, J., Mastrandrea, M. D., Meinshausen, M., van Vuuren, D. P. (2012): The benefits of climate change mitigation in integrated assessment models: the role of the carbon cycle and climate component - Climatic Change
de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Boisier, J.-P., Pitman, A., Bonan, G. B., Brovkin, V., Cruz, F., Delire, C., Gayler, V., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., Lawrence, P. J., van der Molen, M. K., Müller, C., Reick, C. H., Strengers, B. J., Voldoire, A. (2012): Determining robust impacts of land-use-induced land cover changes on surface climate over North America and Eurasia: results from the first set of LUCID experiments - Journal of Climate
Lilliestam, J., Battaglini, A., Finlay, C., Fürstenwerth, D., Patt, A., Schellekens, G., Schmidt, P. (2012): An alternative to a global climate deal may be unfolding before our eyes - Climate and Development
Mattauch, L., Creutzig, F., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2012): Avoiding Carbon Lock-In: Policy Options for Advancing Structural Change - Avoiding Carbon Lock-In: Policy Options for Advancing Structural Change, Climatecon working paper series ; 1-2012
Lehmann, P., Creutzig, F., Ehlers, M.-H., Friedrichsen, N., Heuson, C., Hirth, L., Pietzcker, Robert C. (2012): Carbon lock-out: Advancing renewable energy policy in Europe - Energies
Gädeke, A., Hölzel, H., Koch, H., Grünewald, U. (2012): Analysis of uncertainties related to regional climate and hydrological models on the water balance in a subcatchment of the Spree river, Germany - Analysis of uncertainties related to regional climate and hydrological models on the water balance in a subcatchment of the Spree river, Germany
Hinkel, J., Jaeger, C. C., Hasselmann, K., Leipold, G., Mangalagiu, D., Tàbara, J. D. (2012): Climate Impacts: From Numbers to Stories - Reframing the Problem of Climate Change
Reyer, C., Lasch, P., Gutsch, M., Pötzelsberger, E., Mäkelä, A., Mohren, G., Palahí, M., Tomé, M., Hasenauer, H. (2012): Simulated Forest Productivity and Biomass Changes under Global Change in Europe - Modelling Forest Ecosystems - Concepts, Data and Application
Keys, P. W., van der Ent, R. J., Gordon, L. J., Hoff, H., Nikoli, R., Savenij, H. H. G. (2012): Analyzing precipitationsheds to understand the vulnerability of rainfall dependent regions - Biogeosciences
Setia, R., Smith, P., Marschner, P., Gottschalk, P., Baldock, J., Verma, V., Setia, D., Smith, J. (2012): Simulation of salinity effects on past, present and future soil organic carbon stocks - Environmental Science and Technology
Schubert, S., Grossman-Clarke, S., Martilli, A. (2012): A double-canyon radiation scheme for multi-layer urban canopy models - Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Bergner, A., Frasca, M., Sciuto, G., Buscarino, A., Ngamga, E. J., Fortuna, L., Kurths, Jürgen (2012): Remote synchronization in star networks - Physical Review E
Robinson, A., Calov, R., Ganopolski, A. (2012): Multistability and critical thresholds of the Greenland ice sheet - Nature Climate Change