
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Arathi, S., Rajasekar, S., Kurths, Jürgen (2013): Stochastic and coherence resonances in a modified chua's circuit system with multi-scroll orbits - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Birkmann, J., Böhm, H. R., Büscher, D., Daschkeit, A., Fleischhauer, M., Franck, E., Frommer, B., Janssen, G., Kufeld, W., Overbeck, G., Schanze, J., Schlipf, S., Sommerfeldt, P., Stock, Manfred, Vollmer, M., Birkmann, J., Vollmer, M., Schanze, J. (2013): Klimawandel und räumliche Planung - eine Einführung - Raumentwicklung im Klimawandel, Forschungsberichte der ARL ; 2
Acosta, L. A., Galli, F. (2013): Crisis Probability Curves (CPCs): A model for assessing vulnerability thresholds across space and over time - Journal of Environmental Science and Management
Knopf, B., Chen, Y.-H. H., De Cian, E., Förster, H., Kanudia, A., Karkatsouli, I., Keppo, I., Koljonen, T., Schumacher, K., Vuuren, D. P. van (2013): Beyond 2020 - Strategies and costs for transforming the European energy system - Climate Change Economics
Yu, W., Chen, G., Lu, J., Kurths, Jürgen (2013): Synchronization via pinning control on general complex networks - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Lindeskog, M., Arneth, A., Bondeau, A., Waha, K., Seaquist, J., Olin, S., Smith, B. (2013): Implications of accounting for land use in simulations of ecosystem carbon cycling in Africa - Earth System Dynamics
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Flachsland, C., Jakob, M., Lessmann, K. (2013): The Atmosphere as a Global Commons - Challenges for International Cooperation and Governance - The Atmosphere as a Global Commons - Challenges for International Cooperation and Governance, Discussion Paper ; 13-58
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2013): Botschaften aus dem Eis - taz. die tageszeitung, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Medien
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Neher, E.-M. (2013): Die Klimakrise - Aus den Elfenbeintürmen der Wissenschaft, XLAB Science Festival ; 6
Zalewski, M., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2013): Budować, czy nie budować zbiorniki zaporowe w Polsce? - Energetyka Wodna
Hare, B., Vieweg, M., Höhne, N., Braun, N., Gütschow, J., Macey, K., Rocha, M. (2013): Australia. Backtracking on Promising Progress - Australia. Backtracking on Promising Progress, Climate Action Tracker Policy Brief
Balasis, G., Donner, Reik V., Potirakis, S. M., Runge, J., Papadimitriou, C., Daglis, I. A., Eftaxias, K., Kurths, Jürgen (2013): Statistical mechanics and information-theoretic perspectives on complexity in the earth system - Entropy
Lilliestam, J., Patt, A. (2013): Energy Security in Scenarios for Europe's Future Electricity Supply - Energy Security in Scenarios for Europe's Future Electricity Supply, SEFEP working paper
Peron, T. K., Rodrigues, F. A., Kurths, Jürgen (2013): Synchronization in clustered random networks - Physical Review E
Müller, C., Freedman, B. (2013): Impacts of Climate Change on Food Availability: Agriculture - Global Environmental Change, Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution ; 1
Hansjürgens, B., Wechsung, Frank, Gräfe, P., Wechsung, F., Hartje, V., Kaden, S., Venohr, M., Hansjürgens, B., Gräfe, P. (2013): Szenarien und Wirkungsanalyse - eine integrative Schlussbetrachtung für das Elbeeinzugsgebiet - Die Elbe im globalen Wandel, Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft ; 9
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Flachsland, C., Leitschuh, H., Michelsen, G., Simonis, U. E., Sommer, J., Weizsäcker, E. U. von (2013): Globale Energiewende. Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft - Mut zu Visionen, Jahrbuch Ökologie ; 2014
Levermann, Anders, Bamber, J. L., Drijfhout, S., Ganopolski, A., Haeberli, W., Harris, N. R. P., Huss, M., Krüger, K., Lenton, T. M., Lindsay, R. W., Notz, D., Wadhams, P., Weber, S. (2012): Potential climatic transitions with profound impact on Europe. Review of the current state of six ’tipping elements of the climate system' - Climatic Change
Brunner, S., Flachsland, C., Marschinski, R. (2012): Credible commitment in carbon policy - Climate Policy
Knopf, B., Pahle, Michael, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2012): Die Energiewende hängt vom Strompreis ab - aber noch fehlt eine robuste Energiestrategie - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen
Schneider von Deimling, T., Meinshausen, M., Levermann, Anders, Huber, V., Frieler, Katja, Lawrence, D. M., Brovkin, V. (2012): Estimating the near-surface permafrost-carbon feedback on global warming - Biogeosciences
Malik, N., Zou, Y., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2012): Dynamical regimes and transitions in Plio-Pleistocene Asian monsoon - Europhysics Letters (epl)
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Perrette, M., Vermeer, M. (2012): Testing the robustness of semi-empirical sea level projections - Climate Dynamics
Manju Shrii, M., Senthilkumar, D. V., Kurths, Jürgen (2012): Delay coupling enhances synchronization in complex networks - Europhysics Letters (epl)
Creutzig, F., von Stechow, C., Klein, D., Hunsberger, C., Bauer, Nicolas, Popp, Alexander, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2012): Can bioenergy assessments deliver? - Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy
Boisier, J. P., de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Pitman, A. J., Cruz, F. T., Delire, C., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., van der Molen, M. K., Müller, C., Voldoire, A. (2012): Attributing the impacts of land-cover changes in temperate regions on surface temperature and heat fluxes to specific causes: Results from the first LUCID set of simulations - Journal of Geophysical Research