
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Kurgat, B. K., Stöber, S., Mwonga, S., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Rosenstock, T. S. (2018): Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production - Agricultural Systems
Reese, Ronja, Gudmundsson, G. H., Levermann, Anders, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2018): The far reach of ice-shelf thinning in Antarctica - Nature Climate Change
Wallach, D., Martre, P., Liu, B., Asseng, S., Ewert, F., Thorburn, P. J., Ittersum, M. van, Aggarwal, P. K., Ahmed, M., Basso, B., Biernath, C., Cammarano, D., Challinor, A. J., De Sanctis, G., Dumont, B., Eyshi Rezaei, E., Fereres, E., Fitzgerald, G. J., Gao, Y., Garcia-Vila, M., Gayler, S., Girousse, C., Hoogenboom, G., Horan, H., Izaurralde, R. C., Jones, C. D., Kassie, B. T., Kersebaum, K. C., Klein, C., Koehler, A.-K., Maiorano, A., Minoli, Sara, Müller, Christoph, Naresh Kumar, S., Nendel, C., O'Leary, G. J., Palosuo, T., Priesack, E., Ripoche, D., Rötter, R. P., Semenov, M. A., Stöckle, C., Stratonovitch, P., Streck, T., Supit, I., Tao, F., Wolf, J., Zhang, Z. (2018): Multimodel ensembles improve predictions of crop-environment-management interactions - Global Change Biology
Vantuch, T., Zelinka, I., Adamatzky, A., Marwan, Norbert, Stepney, S., Verlan, S. (2018): Phase Transitions in Swarm Optimization Algorithms - Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 10867
Wyzga, B., Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., Konieczny, R., Piniewski, Mikolaj, Zawiejska, J., Radecki-Pawlik, A. (2018): Comprehensive approach to the reduction of river flood risk: Case study of the Upper Vistula Basin - Science of the Total Environment
Stock, Manfred, Blotevogel, H. H. (2018): Klima, Klimawandel - Handwörterbuch der Stadt- und Raumentwicklung
Fuglestvedt, J., Rogelj, J., Millar, R. J., Allen, M., Boucher, O., Cain, M., Forster, P. M., Kriegler, Elmar, Shindell, D. (2018): Implications of possible interpretations of ‘greenhouse gas balance’ in the Paris Agreement - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Calov, Reinhard, Beyer, Sebastian, Greve, R., Beckmann, Johanna, Willeit, Matteo, Kleiner, T., Rückamp, M., Humbert, A., Ganopolski, Andrey (2018): Simulation of the future sea level contribution of Greenland with a new glacial system model - The Cryosphere
Rödig, E., Cuntz, M., Rammig, A., Fischer, R., Taubert, F., Huth, A. (2018): The importance of forest structure for carbon fluxes of the Amazon rainforest - Environmental Research Letters
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Schmidt, C. M. (2018): Eckpunkte einer CO2-Preisreform - Eckpunkte einer CO2-Preisreform, RWI Positionen ; 72
Eichenauer, Eva (2018): Energiekonflikte - Proteste gegen Windkraftanlagen als Spiegel demokratischer Defizite - Energiewende: Politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Energietransformation
Blumenthal, Ines (2018): Den Klimawandel verstehen - Perspektive wechseln
Agarwal, A., Maheswaran, R., Marwan, Norbert, Caesar, L., Kurths, Jürgen (2018): Wavelet-based multiscale similarity measure for complex networks - The European Physical Journal B
Hoffmann, P., Menz, C., Spekat, A. (2018): Bias adjustment for threshold-based climate indicators - Advances in Science and Research
Ionescu, C., Jansson, P., Botta, N., Margaria, T., Steffen, B. (2018): Type Theory as a Framework for Modelling and Programming - Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 11244
Ozturk, U., Wendi, D., Crisologo, I., Riemer, A., Agarwal, A., Vogel, K., López-Tarazón, J. A., Korup, O. (2018): Rare flash floods and debris flows in southern Germany - Science of The Total Environment
Webber, H., Ewert, F., Olesen, J. E., Müller, Christoph, Fronzek, S., Ruane, A. C., Bourgault, M., Martre, P., Ababaei, B., Bindi, M., Ferrise, R., Finger, R., Fodor, N., Gabaldón-Leal, C., Gaiser, T., Jabloun, M., Kersebaum, K.-C., Lizaso, J. I., Lorite, I. J., Manceau, L., Moriondo, M., Nendel, C., Rodríguez, A., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Semenov, M. A., Siebert, S., Stella, T., Stratonovitch, P., Trombi, G., Wallach, D. (2018): Diverging importance of drought stress for maize and winter wheat in Europe - Nature Communications
Peron, T. K. DM., Ji, P., Kurths, Jürgen, Rodrigues, F. A. (2018): Spectra of random networks in the weak clustering regime - Europhysics Letters (epl)
Weber, C., McCollum, D. L., Edmonds, J., Faria, P., Pyanet, A., Rogelj, J., Tavoni, M., Thoma, J., Kriegler, Elmar (2018): Mitigation scenarios must cater to new users [Comment] - Nature Climate Change
Agarwal, A., Marwan, Norbert, Maheswaran, R., Merz, B., Kurths, Jürgen (2018): Quantifying the roles of single stations within homogeneous regions using complex network analysis - Journal of Hydrology
Hasegawa, T., Fujimori, S., Havlik, P., Valin, H., Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Doelman, J. C., Fellmann, T., Kyle, P., Koopman, J. F. L., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Mason D'Croz, D., Ochi, Y., Perez Dominguez, I., Stehfest, E., Sulser, T. B., Tabeau, A., Takahashi, K., Takakura, J., van Mejl, H., Zeist, W.-J. van, Wiebe, K., Witzke, P. (2018): Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy - Nature Climate Change
Werner, Constanze, Schmidt, H.-P., Gerten, Dieter, Lucht, Wolfgang, Kammann, C. (2018): Biogeochemical potential of biomass pyrolysis systems for limiting global warming to 1.5 °C - Environmental Research Letters