
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Protachevicz, P. R., Borges, R. R., Reis, A. S., Borges, F. S., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Lameu, E. L., Macau, E. E. N., Viana, R. L., Sokolov, I. M., Ferrari, F. A. S., Kurths, Jürgen, Batista, A. M., Lo, C.-Y., He, Y., Lin, C.-P. (2018): Synchronous behaviour in network model based on human cortico-cortical connections - Physiological Measurement
Allen, M., Babiker, M., Chen, Y., Coninck, H. de, Connors, S., Diemen, R. van, Dube, O. P., Ebi, K. L., Engelbrecht, F., Ferrat, M., Ford, J., Forster, P., Fuss, S., Guillén Bolanos, T., Harold, J., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Hourcade, J.-C., Huppmann, D., Jacob, D., Jiang, K., Johansen, T. G., Kainuma, M., Kleijne, K. de, Kriegler, Elmar, Ley, D., Liverman, D., Mahowald, N., Masson-Delmotte, V., Matthews, J. B. R., Millar, R., Mintenbeck, K., Morelli, A., Moufouma-Okia, W., Mundaca, L., Nicolai, M., Okereke, C., Pathak, M., Payne, A., Pidcock, R., Pirani, A., Poloczanska, E., Pörtner, H.-O., Revi, A., Riahi, K., Roberts, D. C., Rogelj, J., Roy, J., Seneviratne, S. I., Shukla, P. R., Skea, J., Slade, R., Shindell, D., Singh, C., Solecki, W., Steg, L., Taylor, M., Tschakert, P., Waisman, H., Warren, R., Zhai, P., Zickfeld, K. (2018): Global Warming of 1.5 °C. Summary for Policymakers - Global Warming of 1.5 °C. Summary for Policymakers
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2018): Verwirrspiel um die absolute globale Mitteltemperatur - Climate Science Weblog KlimaLounge
Feng, M., Qu, H., Yi, Z., Kurths, Jürgen (2018): Subnormal distribution derived from evolving networks with variable elements - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Wang, X., Yang, T., Yong, B., Krysanova, Valentina, Shi, P., Li, Z., Zhou, X. (2018): Impacts of climate change on flow regime and sequential threats to riverine ecosystem in the source region of the Yellow River - Environmental Earth Sciences
Krysanova, Valentina, Donelly, C., Gelfan, A., Gerten, Dieter, Arheimer, B., Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W. (2018): How the performance of hydrological models relates to credibility of projections under climate change - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Blumenthal, I., Schlenther, C. (2018): Research Workshop: Viticulture - Research Workshop: Viticulture, Lehrer-Online
de Fleurian, B., Werder, M A., Beyer, S., Brinkerhoff, D. J., Delaney, I., Dow, C. F., Downs, J., Gagliardini, O., Hoffmann, M. J., LeB Hooke, R., Seguinot, J., Sommers, A. N. (2018): SHMIP The subglacial hydrology model intercomparison Project - Journal of Glaciology
Driessen, P. P. J., Hegger, D. L. T., Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., Van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Crabbé, A., Larrue, C., Matczak, P., Pettersson, M., Priest, S., Suykens, C., Raadgever, G. T., Wiering, M. (2018): Governance strategies for improving flood resilience in the face of climate change - Water
Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A. de, Jones, B., Bergmann, J., Clement, V., Ober, K., Schewe, Jacob, Adamo, S., McCusker, B., Heuser, S., Midgley, A. (2018): Groundswell : Preparing for Internal Climate Migration - Groundswell : Preparing for Internal Climate Migration
Stock, Manfred, Göpel, M., Leitschuh, H., Brunnengräber, A., Ibisch, P., Loske, R., Müller, M., Sommer, J., Weizsäcker, E. U. von (2018): Vom Wissen, Handeln und Nichthandeln - 'Leitkultur' Ökologie?, Jahrbuch Ökologie ; 2017/18
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Vinke, K., Schewe, Jacob, Mair, S., Messner, D., Meyer, L. (2018): Warum Sicherheitspolitik auf eine effektive Klimapolitik angewiesen ist - Deutschland und die Welt 2030
Levesque, Antoine, Pietzcker, Robert C., Baumstark, Lavinia, De Stercke, S., Grübler, A., Luderer, Gunnar (2018): How much energy will buildings consume in 2100? A global perspective within a scenario framework - Energy
Siegmeier, J., Mattauch, L., Franks, R. Maximilian, Klenert, David, Schultes, Anselm, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2018): The fiscal benefits of stringent climate change mitigation: an overview - Climate Policy
Rosenzweig, C., Ruane, A. C., Antle, J., Elliott, J., Ashfaq, M., Chatta, A. A., Ebert, F., Folberth, C., Hathie, I., Havlik, P., Hoogenboom, G., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, MacCarthy, D. S., Mason-D'Croz, D., Mencos Contreras, E., Müller, Christoph, Perez-Dominguez, I., Phillips, M., Porter, C., Raymundo, R. M., Sands, R. D., Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich, Valdivia, R. O., Valin, H., Wiebe, K. (2018): Coordinating AgMIP data and models across global and regional scales for 1.5°C and 2.0°C assessments - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Sándor, R., Ehrhardt, F., Brilli, L., Carozzi, M., Recous, S., Smith, P., Snow, V., Soussana, J.-F., Dorich, C. D., Fuchs, K., Fitton, N., Gongadze, K., Klumpp, K., Liebig, M., Martin, R., Merbold, L., Newton, P. C. D., Rees, R. M., Rolinski, Susanne, Bellocchi, G. (2018): The use of biogeochemical models to evaluate mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from managed grasslands - Science of the Total Environment
Liersch, Stefan, Tecklenburg, Julia, Rust, H., Dobler, A., Fischer, M., Kruschke, T., Koch, Hagen, Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2018): Are we using the right fuel to drive hydrological models? A climate impact study in the Upper Blue Nile - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Wechsung, Frank, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2018): When climate projections return: Unusual insights for German rivers from a climate impact study for Beijings Guanting region - When climate projections return: Unusual insights for German rivers from a climate impact study for Beijings Guanting region, Short Communication
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Flachsland, C., Schmid, L. K., Angrick, M., Kühleis, C., Landgrebe, J., Weiß, J. (2018): Wie der Emissionshandel wieder zur zentralen Säule der europäischen Klimapolitik werden kann - 12 Jahre Europäischer Emissionshandel in Deutschland
Heino, M., Puma, M. J., Ward, P. J., Gerten, Dieter, Heck, Vera, Siebert, S., Kummu, M. (2018): Two-thirds of global cropland area impacted by climate oscillations - Nature Communications
Leimbach, Marian, Roming, Niklas, Schultes, Anselm, Schwerhoff, Gregor (2018): Long-term development perspectives of Sub-Saharan Africa under climate policies - Ecological Economics
Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., Piniewski, Mikolaj, Mezghani, A., Okruszko, T., Pińskwar, I., Kardel, I., Hov, Oe., Szcześniak, M., Szwed, M., Benestad, R. E., Marcinkowski, P., Graczyk, D., Dobler, A., Førland, E. J., O'Keefe, J., Choryński, A., Parding, K. M., Haugen, J. E. (2018): Assessment of climate change and associated impact on selected sectors in Poland - Acta Geophysica
Schaphoff, Sibyll, Forkel, M., Müller, Christoph, Knauer, J., von Bloh, Werner, Gerten, Dieter, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Lucht, Wolfgang, Rammig, A., Thonicke, Kirsten, Waha, Katharina (2018): LPJmL4 - a dynamic global vegetation model with managed land - Part 2: Model evaluation - Geoscientific Model Development
Wu, X., Kurths, Jürgen, Kan, H. (2018): A robust and lossless DNA encryption scheme for color images - Multimedia Tools and Applications
Maluck, J., Glanemann, N., Donner, Reik V. (2018): Bilateral trade agreements and the interconnectedness of global trade - Frontiers in Physics