
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
McCollum, D. L., Zhou, W., Bertram, Christoph, Boer, H.-S. de, Bosetti, V., Busch, S., Deprés, J., Drouet, L., Emmerling, J., Fay, M., Fricko, O., Fujimori, S., Gidden, M., Harmsen, M., Huppmann, D., Iyer, G., Krey, V., Kriegler, Elmar, Nicolas, C., Pachauri, S., Parkinson, S., Poblete-Cazenave, M., Rafaj, P., Rao, N., Rozenberg, J., Schmitz, A., Schoepp, W., Vuuren, D. P. van, Riahi, K. (2018): Energy investment needs for fulfilling the Paris Agreement and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - Nature Energy
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2018): Tauwetter am Nordpol, Eiszeit bei uns – was ist da los? - Climate Science Weblog KlimaLounge
Lenzi, D., Lamb, W. F., Hilaire, Jérôme, Kowarsch, M., Minx, J. C. (2018): Weigh the ethics of plans to mop up carbon dioxide [Comment] - Nature
Kurgat, B. K., Ngenoh, E., Bett, H. K., Stöber, S., Mwonga, S., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Rosenstock, T. S. (2018): Drivers of sustainable intensification in Kenyan rural and peri-urban vegetable production - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Lu, J., Li, M., Liu, Y., Ho, D. W. C., Kurths, Jürgen (2018): Nonsingularity of Grain-like cascade FSRs via semi-tensor product - Science China - Information Sciences
Reese, Ronja, Albrecht, Torsten, Mengel, Matthias, Asay-Davis, Xylar S., Winkelmann, Ricarda (2018): Antarctic sub-shelf melt rates via PICO - The Cryosphere
Blumenthal, I., Schlenther, C. (2018): Research Workshop: Forest - Research Workshop: Forest, Lehrer-Online
Bleischwitz, R., Spataru, C., VanDeveer, S. D., Obersteiner, M., Voet, E. van der, Johnson, C., Andrews-Speed, P., Boersma, T., Hoff, H., Vuuren, D. P. van (2018): Resource nexus perspectives towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Nature Sustainability
Kreidenweis, Ulrich, Humpenöder, Florian, Kehoe, Laura, Kuemmerle, Tobias, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander (2018): Pasture intensification is insufficient to relieve pressure on conservation priority areas in open agricultural markets - Global Change Biology
Beckmann, J. (2018): Impacts of Arctic climate change on sea level and atmospheric circulation in the Northern mid-latitudes - Impacts of Arctic climate change on sea level and atmospheric circulation in the Northern mid-latitudes
Gidden, M. J., Fujimori, S., Berg, M. van den, Klein, David, Smith, S. J., Vuuren, D. P. van, Riahi, K. (2018): A methodology and implementation of automated emissions harmonization for use in Integrated Assessment Models - Environmental Modelling and Software
Collalti, A., Trotta, C., Keenan, T. F., Ibrom, A., Bond-Lambertry, B., Grote, R., Vicca, S., Reyer, Christopher P. O., Migliavacca, M., Veroustraete, F., Anav, A., Campioli, M., Scoccimarro, E., Sigut, L., Grieco, E., Cescatti, A., Matteucci, G. (2018): Thinning can reduce losses in carbon use efficiency and carbon stocks in managed forests under warmer climate - Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Hornberg, C., Niekisch, M., Calliess, C., Kemfert, C., Lucht, Wolfgang, Messari-Becker, L., Rotter, V. S. (2018): Wohnungsneubau langfristig denken - Für mehr Umweltschutz und Lebensqualität in den Städten - Stellungnahme
Mugnaine, M., Reis, A. S., Borges, F. S., Borges, R. R., Ferrari, F. A. S., Iarosz, K. C., Caldas, I. L., Lameu, E. L., Viana, R. L., Szezech, J. D., Kurths, Jürgen, Batista, A. M. (2018): Delayed feedback control of phase synchronisation in a neuronal network model - The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Rasmussen, D. J., Bittermann, K., Buchanan, M. K., Kulp, S., Strauss, B. H., Kopp, R. E., Oppenheimer, M. (2018): Extreme sea level implications of 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and 22nd centuries - Environmental Research Letters
Heitzig, Jobst, Barfuss, Wolfram, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann (2018): A thought experiment on sustainable management of the Earth System - Sustainability
Hornberg, C., Niekisch, M., Calliess, C., Kemfert, C., Lucht, Wolfgang, Messari-Becker, L., Rotter, V. S. (2018): Für einen flächenwirksamen Insektenschutz - Stellungnahme
Osorio, S., Pietzcker, R. C., Pahle, Michael, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2018): How to Deal with the Risks of Phasing out Coal in Germany through National Carbon Pricing - How to Deal with the Risks of Phasing out Coal in Germany through National Carbon Pricing, CESifo Working Papers ; 7438
Barfuss, W., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Lade, S. J., Kurths, Jürgen (2018): When optimization for governing human-environment tipping elements is neither sustainable nor safe - Nature Communications
Blumenthal, I., Schlenther, C. (2018): Research Workshop: Winter Tourism - Research Workshop: Winter Tourism, Lehrer-Online
Unni, V. R., Krishnan, A., Manikandan, R., George, N. B., Sujith, R. I., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2018): On the emergence of critical regions at the onset of thermoacoustic instability in a turbulent combustor - Chaos
Schmidt, S. R., Gerten, Dieter, Hintze, T., Lischeid, G., Livingston, D. M., Adrian, R. (2018): Temporal and spatial scales of water temperature variability as an indicator for mixing in a polymictic lake - Inland Waters
Lekscha, J., Wilming, H., Eisert, J., Gallego, R. (2018): Quantum thermodynamics with local control - Physical Review E
Sterl, S., Liersch, Stefan, Koch, Hagen, Lipzig, N. P. M. van, Thiery, W. (2018): A new approach for assessing synergies of solar and wind power: implications for West Africa - Environmental Research Letters
Spangenberg, J. H., Beaurepaire, A. L., Bergmeier, E., Burkhard, B., Chien, H. V., Cuong, L. Q., Görg, C., Grescho, V., Hai, L. H., Heong, K. L., Horgan, F. G., Hotes, S., Klotzbücher, A., Klotzbücher, T., Kühn, I., Langerwisch, Fanny, Marion, G., Moritz, R. F. A., Nguyen, Q. A., Ott, J., Sann, C., Sattler, C., Schädler, M., Schmidt, A., Tekken, V., Thanh, T. D., Thonicke, Kirsten, Türke, M, Václavík, T., Vetterlein, D., Westphal, C., Wiemers, M., Settele, J. (2018): The LEGATO cross-disciplinary integrated ecosystem service research framework: an example of integrating research results from the analysis of global change impacts and the social, cultural and economic system dynamics of irrigated rice production - Paddy and Water Environment
Jewell, J., McCollum, D., Emmerling, J., Bertram, Christoph, Gernaat, D. E. H. J., Krey, V., Paroussos, L., Berger, L., Fragkiadakis, K., Keppo, I., Saadi, N., Tavoni, M., Vuuren, D. P. van, Vinichenko, V., Riahi, K. (2018): Limited emission reductions from fuel subsidy removal except in energy-exporting regions - Nature