Lurin, B., Cramer, W., Moore, B. III, Rasool, S.I. (1994):
Global Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity
- IGBP Newsletter
Grote, R. (1994):
Simulation of Climatic and Anthropogenic Effects in Forest Ecosystems of Eastern Germany
- Simulation of Climatic and Anthropogenic Effects in Forest Ecosystems of Eastern Germany
Leimbach, Marian (1994):
Expertsystem-Model Coupling within the Framework of an Ecological Advisory System
- Ecological Modelling
Jonas, M., Fleischmann, K., Ganopolski, A.V., Krabec, J. Nitschke, Olendrzynski, K., Petoukhov, V., Shaw, R.W. (1994):
Applying Regional and Global GCM Surface Air Temperature Changes in an Integrated Model of Climate Change
- Climatic Change
Svirezhev, Y.M., Brovkin, V.A., Denisenko, E.A. (1994):
Structural Organization of Agroecosystem and Flows of Artificial Energy and Information
- Ecological Modelling
Petoukhov, V., Ganopolski, A. (1994):
A Set of Climate Models for Integrated Modelling of Climate Impacts, Part II: A 2.5-Dimensional Dynamical-Statistical Climate Model
- A Set of Climate Models for Integrated Modelling of Climate Impacts, Part II: A 2.5-Dimensional Dynamical-Statistical Climate Model
Enke, W. (1994):
Ein zweistufiges Verfahren zur Untersetzung von Klimamodell Outputs in regionale und lokale Wetterelemente
- PIK Report
Werner, P.C., Böhm, U., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Brazdil, R. (1994):
Methods and Problems of Validation of Results of Different Climate Model Types at a Regional Scale.
- Methods and Problems of Validation of Results of Different Climate Model Types at a Regional Scale., Contemporary Climatology
Sprinz, D.F. (1994):
Editorial Overview: Strategies of Inquiry into International Environmental Policy and Empirical-Quantitative Analyses of International Environmental Policy
- International Studies Notes, Special Section on "Strategies of Inquiry into International Environmen, , 19
Moulin, S., Fischer, A., Del,colle, R., Guyot, G (1994):
Assimilation of satellite measurements in short wavelengths into production model. Test of several radiative transfer models
- Assimilation of satellite measurements in short wavelengths into production model. Test of several radiative transfer models
Cramer, W. (1994):
Wirkung von Klimaänderungen auf natürliche und vom Menschen beeinflußte Ökosysteme
- PIK Report
Bruschek, G.J. (1994):
Phytoplankton- und Zooplankton-Phänomene in der Nordsee im Trockensommer 1992
- PIK Report
Kropp, Jürgen P., Klenke, T., Matschullat, J., Müller, G. (1994):
Multifraktalanalyse und Modellierung von Mineralisationsprozessen in porösen Medien
- Multifraktalanalyse und Modellierung von Mineralisationsprozessen in porösen Medien, Geowissenschaften und Umwelt
Krysanova, Valentina (1994):
Simulation Modelling of Biogeochemical Processes and Retention in the Medium-Scale Catchments
- Simulation Modelling of Biogeochemical Processes and Retention in the Medium-Scale Catchments
Graßl, H., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, et al, None (1994):
World in Transition: Basic Structure of Global People - Environment Interactions
- World in Transition: Basic Structure of Global People - Environment Interactions
Werner, P. C., von Storch, H. (1993):
Interannual variability of Central European mean temperature in January-February and its relation to large-scale circulation
- Climate Research
Bürger, G. (1993):
Complex Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis
- Journal of Climate
Kaya, Y., Nakicenovic, N., Nordhaus, W.D., Toth, F.L. (1993):
Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation
- Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, CP-93-2
Cramer, W.P., Solomon, A.M (1993):
Climatic Classification and Future Redistribution of Global Agricultural Land
- Climate Research
Linneweber, V., Harloff, H.J. (1993):
Wer sind die Experten? User Needs Analysis (UNA), Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) und Städtebau aus sozial- und umweltpsychologischer Perspektive.
- Wer sind die Experten? User Needs Analysis (UNA), Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) und Städtebau aus sozial- und umweltpsychologischer Perspektive., Psychologie des Wohnungs- und Siedlungbaus: Psychologie im Dienste von Architektur und Stadtplanung
Toth, F.L. (1993):
From no-man's land to a congested paradise: An environmental history of mauritius
- From no-man's land to a congested paradise: An environmental history of mauritius, WP-93-27
Grote, R. (1993):
Physiologische Reaktionen an Altfichten (picea abies (L.) Karst,) unter Trockenstressbedingungen im Solling
- Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme der Universität Göttingen, , Reihe A, 103
Toth, F.L., Kaya, Y., Nakicenovic, N., Nordhaus, W.D. (1993):
Measurements for Measures: Current Economic Analyses of Climate Change
- Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, , CP-93-2
Prentice, I.C., Sykes, M.T., Cramer, W. (1993):
A simulation model for the transient effects of climate change on forest landscapes
- Ecological Modelling
Svirezhev, Y.M., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Mander, Ü., Feyer, J., Oja, T., Mikk, M. (1993):
Climate impact on social systems: The risk assessment approach
- Climate impact on social systems: The risk assessment approach, Energy, environment and natural resources management in the Baltic Sea region
Krysanova, Valentina, Gabowitsch, E. (1993):
Modelling approach for heavy metals dynamics in the system soil-plant (case study cadmium)
- Modelling approach for heavy metals dynamics in the system soil-plant (case study cadmium)
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, von Bloh, Werner, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Sterr, H. (1993):
Homöostase und Katastrophe: Ein geophysiologischer Zugang zur Klimawirkung
- Homöostase und Katastrophe: Ein geophysiologischer Zugang zur Klimawirkung, Klimaänderung und Küste
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Urbschat, H., Doebner, H.D., Scherer, W., Schroeck jun., F. (1993):
Linearizing a Nonlinear Paradigm
- Linearizing a Nonlinear Paradigm, Classical and Quantum Systems: Foundations and Symmetries
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (1993):
The selection of extreme events
- The selection of extreme events
Svirezhev, Y.M., Rachko, P. (1993):
Minimum Risk Criterion for Optimal Allocation of Crops
- Ecological Modelling