Cramer, W. (1995):
Schwerpunkte des Deutschen Beitrages zu IGBP-GCTE
- Schwerpunkte des Deutschen Beitrages zu IGBP-GCTE
Bronstert, A. (1995):
An Integrated Modelling Study for the Piaui and Ceara Region
- An Integrated Modelling Study for the Piaui and Ceara Region
Stock, Manfred (1995):
Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen auf das Land Brandenburg
- Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen auf das Land Brandenburg
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995):
Grand Challenges to Science in the 21st Century
- Grand Challenges to Science in the 21st Century
Prince, S.D., Olson, R.J., Dedieu, G., Esser, G., Cramer, W. (1995):
Global Primary Production Data Initiative Project Description
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Lasch, P., Lindner, M. (1995):
Wirkung von Klimaveränderungen auf Waldökosysteme: Abschlußbericht zum BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben DLR 01LK9109
- Wirkung von Klimaveränderungen auf Waldökosysteme: Abschlußbericht zum BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben DLR 01LK9109, PIK Reports ; 12
Toth, F. (1995):
Integrated Assessments and Integrated Environmental Modeling
- Integrated Assessments and Integrated Environmental Modeling
Kohlmaier, G.H., Häger, C., Nadler, A., Würth, G. (1995):
Global carbon dynamics of higher latitude forests during an anticipated climate change: ecophysiological versus biome- migration view
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution
Linneweber, V. (1995):
Justice considerations in Environmental-Economic Accounting
- Justice considerations in Environmental-Economic Accounting
Kartschall, T., Grossman, S., Pinter Jr., P.J., Garcia, R.L. Kimball, Wall, G.W., Hunsaker, D.J., LaMorte, R.L. (1995):
A Simulation of Phenology, Growth, Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Yields under Ambient Atmosphere and Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Maricopa, Arizona, for Wheat
- Journal of Biogeography
Bugmann, H., Fischlin, A. (1995):
Simulating Forest Dynamics in Complex Topography using Gridded Climatic Data
- Climatic Change
Wechsung, G., Wechsung, Frank, Wall, G.W., Adamsen, F.J. Kimball, Kartschall, T., Pinter Jr., P.J., Garcia, R.L. (1995):
Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment-Wheat Experiment Maricopa 1992/93: Influence of Elevated Atmospheric CO2-Concentration on Root Characteristics
- Journal of Biogeography
Lüdeke, M.K.B., Dönges, S., Otto, R.D., Kindermann, J. Badeck, Ramge, P., Jaekel, U., Kohlmaier, G.H. (1995):
Responses in NPP and Carbon Stores of the Northern Biomes to a CO2-induced Climatic Change, as Evaluated by the Frankfurt Biosphere Model (FBM)
- Tellus B
Bronstert, A. (1995):
Das Modellsystem HILLFLOW zur physikalisch begründeten Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes von Hängen und kleinen Einzugsgebieten
- Das Modellsystem HILLFLOW zur physikalisch begründeten Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes von Hängen und kleinen Einzugsgebieten
Becker, A. (1995):
BAHC-Studies along Altitudinal Gradients and in Connected Research Watersheds
- BAHC-Studies along Altitudinal Gradients and in Connected Research Watersheds
Kergoat, L., Fischer, A., Moulin, S., Dedieu, G. (1995):
Satellite Measurements as a Constraint on Estimates of Vegetation Carbon Budget
- Tellus B
Claussen, M. (1995):
Sukzessions-Szenarien aus Klima- und Vegetationsmodellen
- BIOP/EPOKA-Seminar GSF-Forschungszentrum Neuherberg, 7.2.1995
Moulin, S., Fischer, A., Dedieu, G. (1995):
Interannual Variations of Radiometric Time Profile and Crop Yield: Coupling of Functional Model and Short Wavelength Remote Sensing Observations.
- Interannual Variations of Radiometric Time Profile and Crop Yield: Coupling of Functional Model and Short Wavelength Remote Sensing Observations.
Bronstert, A. (1995):
User Manual for the HILLFLOW-3D Catchment Modelling System Version 1.1 (English Edition)
- Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology and CSIRO Division of Water Resources, CRC-Worki, , 2
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (1995):
Two Methods to Describe the Statistical Quality of Cluster Analysis Patterns
- Two Methods to Describe the Statistical Quality of Cluster Analysis Patterns
Toth, F.L., Crookall, D., Arai, K. (1995):
Policy Exercises: The First 10 years
- Policy Exercises: The First 10 years, Simulation/Gaming Across Disciplines and Cultures: ISAGA at a Watershed
Stock, Manfred (1995):
Der sich verstärkende Treibhauseffekt der Atmosphäre - Globale Herausforderung der Menschheit
- Der sich verstärkende Treibhauseffekt der Atmosphäre - Globale Herausforderung der Menschheit
Cramer, W. (1995):
Mögliche Auswirkungen globaler Klimaänderungen auf Mitteleuropa", FH Eberswalde, 13.12.95
- Mögliche Auswirkungen globaler Klimaänderungen auf Mitteleuropa", FH Eberswalde, 13.12.95
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995):
Globaler Wandel und Katastrophenvorbeugung - Eine Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft
- Globaler Wandel und Katastrophenvorbeugung - Eine Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft
Toth, F. (1995):
The Socioeconomic Context of Land-Use Changes in Eurasia
- The Socioeconomic Context of Land-Use Changes in Eurasia
Bronstert, A. (1995):
1, 2, and 3 Dimensional Simulation of the Water Dynamics of Rural Catchments Using the Physically Based Modelling System HILLFLOW", University of Melbourne, Australien, 10.1.1995
- 1, 2, and 3 Dimensional Simulation of the Water Dynamics of Rural Catchments Using the Physically Based Modelling System HILLFLOW", University of Melbourne, Australien, 10.1.1995
Flechsig, M. (1995):
9. Internationales Symposium "Computer Science for Environmental Protection", Berlin, 27.-29.9.1995
- 9. Internationales Symposium "Computer Science for Environmental Protection", Berlin, 27.-29.9.1995
Franck, S., Bounama, C., Franck, S., Ahrens, T. (1995):
Effects of water-dependent creep rate on the volatile exchange between mantle and surface reservoirs
- Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
Bronstert, A. (1995):
Änderung der Hochwassercharakteristiken - Stand Der Forschung
- Änderung der Hochwassercharakteristiken - Stand Der Forschung
Böhm, U., Ganopolski, A., Jacob, D., Podzun, R. (1995):
First experiences in adapting and validating the regional climate model REMO for Northeast Brazil
- First experiences in adapting and validating the regional climate model REMO for Northeast Brazil