
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Ganopolski, A., Boer, G.J. (1994): Multilayer Isopycnal Ocean Model for Climate Simulation - Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, WMO ICSU World Climate and WMO Weather Pre
Ganopolski, A.V., Jonas, M., Krabec, J., Olendrzynski, K. Petoukhov, Venevsky, S. (1994): IIASA's Climate-Vegetation-Biogeochemical Cycle Module as a Part of an Integrated Model for Climate Change - IIASA's Climate-Vegetation-Biogeochemical Cycle Module as a Part of an Integrated Model for Climate Change
Plöchl, M., Cramer, W. (1994): Coupling global models of vegetation structure and ecosystem processes - An example from Arctic and boreal systems - Coupling global models of vegetation structure and ecosystem processes - An example from Arctic and boreal systems, PIK Reports ; 05
Jonas, M., Fleischmann, K., Ganopolski, A.V., Krabec, J. Nitschke, Olendrzynski, K., Petoukhov, V., Shaw, R.W., Boer, G.J. (1994): Applying Regional and Global GCM Surface Air Temperature Changes in an Integrated Model of Climate Change - Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, WMO ICSU World Climate and WMO Weather Pre
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Enke, W., Flechsig, M. (1994): Extermer Nordsommer - Extermer Nordsommer, PIK Reports ; 02
Graßl, H., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, et al, None (1994): Welt im Wandel: Die Gefährdung der Böden; Jahresgutachten 1994 - Welt im Wandel: Die Gefährdung der Böden; Jahresgutachten 1994
Krysanova, Valentina (1994): Applicability of Medium Scale Watershed Modelling for the Study of the Baltic Sea Catchment Area - Applicability of Medium Scale Watershed Modelling for the Study of the Baltic Sea Catchment Area
Stock, Manfred (1994): Konsequenzen aus dem globalen Klimawandel - Ökologische Briefe
Fischer, A., Cabot, F. (1994): Seasonal behavior of crop canopies: Linkage of functional models and radiosity - Seasonal behavior of crop canopies: Linkage of functional models and radiosity
Toth, F., Nakicenovic, N., Nordhaus, W.D., Richels, R., Toth, F. (1994): Practice and Progress in Integrated Assessments of Climate Change: A Review - Practice and Progress in Integrated Assessments of Climate Change: A Review, Integrative Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C., Böhm, U. (1994): Definition und Beschreibung klimatologischer Extreme und ihr Zusammenhang mit der Zirkulation. Teil I. Definition und Beschreibung klimatologischer Extreme - Forschungsbericht des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung e.V.
Toth, F., Lutz, W., Baguant, J., Prinz, C., Toth, F., Wills, A.B. (1994): Modeling the Water Systems - Modeling the Water Systems, Population-Development-Environment: Understanding their Interactions in Mauritius
Cramer, W.P. (1994): Using plant functional types in a global vegetation model - Using plant functional types in a global vegetation model, PIK Reports ; 03
Lantermann, E.-D. (1994): Handeln fYr den Naturschutz - Mit Wissen und GefYhl - Naturwissenschaften
Jonas, M., Ganopolski, A.V., Krabec, J., Olendrzynski, K. Petoukhov (1994): A Relationship between Regional and Global GCM Surface Air Temperature Changes and its Application to an Integrated Model of Climate Change - A Relationship between Regional and Global GCM Surface Air Temperature Changes and its Application to an Integrated Model of Climate Change
Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Haase, M., Gitschel, C., Ostendorf, B. (1994): The Modular Hydrologic Modelling System'- Eine einführende Übersicht - The Modular Hydrologic Modelling System'- Eine einführende Übersicht, Räumlich differenzierte Modellierung von Ökosystemen, 13
Bugmann, H., Fischlin, A., Beniston, M. (1994): Comparing the Behaviour of Mountainous Forest Succession Models in a Changing Climate - Comparing the Behaviour of Mountainous Forest Succession Models in a Changing Climate, Mountain Environments in Changing Climates
Linneweber, V. (1994): Perspektiven von Experten auf die Veränderbarkeit urbaner Umwelten - Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie
Bruschek, G.J. (1994): Beziehungsgeflechte, Wechselwirkungen und Folgen zwischen Witterungsextrema, klimatischen Veränderungen und ökonomischem, ökologischem und administrativem Strukturwandel, Teil 2: Berlin - Beziehungsgeflechte, Wechselwirkungen und Folgen zwischen Witterungsextrema, klimatischen Veränderungen und ökonomischem, ökologischem und administrativem Strukturwandel, Teil 2: Berlin, Landschaft und Ökologie im Trockensommer 1992
Fernandez, E., Eldred, W. D., Ammermüller, J., Block, A., von Bloh, Werner, Kolb, H. (1994): Complexity and scaling properties of amacrine, ganglion, horizontal, and bipolar cells in the turtle retina - Journal of Comparative Neurology
Krysanova, Valentina, Kaganovich, I., Jansson, A.-M., Folke, C., Constanza, R. (1994): Modelling of Ecological and Economic Systems at the Watershed Scale for Sustainable Development - Investing in natural capital: The ecological economic perspective, Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economic Perspective