KLARA – Klimawandel – Auswirkungen, Risiken, Anpassung
M. Stock (Hrsg.) (July 2005)
regional study KLARA, an acronym for ‘Climate change - impacts, risks,
Adaptation’, presents results of investigations on different areas of
potential vulnerability for the German federal state of
The areas covered are:
1. Analysis of vulnerabilities
2. Regional climate change in Baden-Württemberg
3. Possible impacts on human health
4. Impacts on agriculture including fruit-growing and viticulture
5. Impacts on forestry
6. Possible chances for tourism in the summer
7. Impacts on nature, in particular ornithology
8. Impacts on river navigation and use of hydropower
9. Development of extreme events with high damage potential
An essential objective of the study is the identification of impact-reducing measures of adaptation in the areas considered.
Stock, M., Walkenhorst, O., Haße, C.: Verwundbarkeit Baden-Württembergs im Klimawandel
Gerstengarbe, F.-W., Werner, P. C., Österle, H., Wodinski, M.: Klimatische Belastungen und Extreme
Koppe, C., Jendritzky, G., Holst, T.: Gesundheitsgefahren
Wechsung, F., Krysanova, V., Hanspach, A., Menzel, L., Kartschall, T., Wolff, M., Wodinski, M., Stock, M.: Landwirtschaft, Obst- und Weinbau
Suckow, F., Lasch, P., Badeck., F.-W., Hauf, Y.: Forstsektor
Wolff, M., Walkenhorst, O., Stock, M.: Tourimus
Peintinger, M., Fiedler, W., Bauer, H.-G., Schuster, S.: Naturschutz
Menzel, L.: Schifffahrt und Energieerzeugung
Kottmeier, C., Kunz, M., Hofherr, T., Lichtenberger, N., Sander, J.: Meteorologische Ereignisse mit großem Schadenspotenzial