
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Toth, F. (1995): Energy Price Reform in Hungary: Implications for the Environment - Energy Price Reform in Hungary: Implications for the Environment
Lindner, M. (1995): Regional Impacts of Possible Climate Changes on Forest Environment and Species Composition of the Forests in the State of Brandenburg, Germany - Regional Impacts of Possible Climate Changes on Forest Environment and Species Composition of the Forests in the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Lahmer, W., Becker, A., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. (1995): Für die Regionalisierung und großskalige Modellierungen geeignete Ansätze und Module der hydrologischen Modelle EGMO und TOPMODEL - Für die Regionalisierung und großskalige Modellierungen geeignete Ansätze und Module der hydrologischen Modelle EGMO und TOPMODEL
Toth, F. (1995): Integrated Environmental Assessment: Concepts and Methods - Integrated Environmental Assessment: Concepts and Methods
Linneweber, V., Altner, G., Mettler-von Meiborn, B., Simonis, U. (1995): Das Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung - Das Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, Jahrbuch Ökologie
Moulin, S., Fischer, A., Dedieu, G., Guyot, G. (1995): Assimilation of Short Wavelength Remote Sensing Observations Within a Crop Model: Methodological Development and Interannual Field Scale Study - Assimilation of Short Wavelength Remote Sensing Observations Within a Crop Model: Methodological Development and Interannual Field Scale Study, Photosynthesis and Remote Sensing. Satellite Meeting of the 10th International Congress of Photosynt
Helm, C. (1995): Sind Freihandel und Umweltschutz vereinbar? Ökologidscher Reformbedarf des GATT/WTO-Regimes - Sind Freihandel und Umweltschutz vereinbar? Ökologidscher Reformbedarf des GATT/WTO-Regimes
v. Storch, H., Bürger, G., v. Storch, J.X., Schnur, R. (1995): Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis: A Review - Journal of Climate
Toth, F., Crookall, D., Arai, K. (1995): Simulation/Gaming for Long-Term Policy Problems - Simulation/Gaming for Long-Term Policy Problems, Simulation/Gaming Across Disciplines and Cultures: ISAGA at a Watershed
Wenzel, V. (1995): Was schert uns das Klima? - Journal Zukünfte
Erhard, M. (1995): Investigation and Simulation of Pollution Effects on Pine Forests in Eastern Germany - Investigation and Simulation of Pollution Effects on Pine Forests in Eastern Germany
Stock, Manfred (1995): Klimawandel: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Nutzung fossiler Energieträger - Klimawandel: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Nutzung fossiler Energieträger
Franck, S., Bounama, C. (1995): Rheology and volatile exchange in the framework of planetary evolution - Advances in Space Research
Grote, R. (1995): Mechanistic Simulation of Forest Growth under a Changing Climate - Mechanistic Simulation of Forest Growth under a Changing Climate
Bugmann, H. (1995): A Dynamic Model of the Structure of Boreal and Temperate Forests Based on Plant Functional Types - A Dynamic Model of the Structure of Boreal and Temperate Forests Based on Plant Functional Types
Petschel-Held, G., Block, A., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995): Syndrome des Globalen Wandels: Ein systemarer Ansatz für Sustainable Development Indikatoren - Geowissenschaften
Becker, A., Pfützner, B. (1995): Climate Impact Studies in Eastern Brandenburg Using the Semi- Distributed Hydrological Model EGMO and Proposal for Nested Drainage Basin Studies - Climate Impact Studies in Eastern Brandenburg Using the Semi- Distributed Hydrological Model EGMO and Proposal for Nested Drainage Basin Studies
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1995): Gratwanderung - Bild der Wissenschaft
Lasch, P., Lindner, M. (1995): Application of two forest succession models at sites in Northeast Germany, In: Abstracts of the First GCTE Science Conference, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 23-27 May 1994, GCTE Core Project Office, Lyneham - Application of two forest succession models at sites in Northeast Germany, In: Abstracts of the First GCTE Science Conference, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 23-27 May 1994, GCTE Core Project Office, Lyneham, PIK Reports ; 9
Toth, F.L., Farag¢, T., Bartholy, J. (1995): Climate Policy in Eastern Europe: Implications of Economic Transition - Climate Policy in Eastern Europe: Implications of Economic Transition, Regional Climate Change in Central-Eastern Europe
Petschel-Held, G. (1995): Der globale Klimawandel als Steuerungsproblem: Der Tolerable Window Ansatz - Der globale Klimawandel als Steuerungsproblem: Der Tolerable Window Ansatz
Lindner, M., Lasch, P., Cramer, W. (1995): Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe - Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe, PIK Reports ; 10
Wechsung, Frank, Wechsung, G., Kimball, B.A., Pinter Jr., P.J. Garcia (1995): CO2-(Düngungs-)effekt im Freilandversuch: Ergebnisse von Versuchen mit Weizen und Gerste in Maricopa, Arizona, USA - Proceedings of the 'Klimaveränderung und Landwirtschaft- Wechselwirkungen, mögliche Entwicklungen un
Toth, F. (1995): Policy Exercises: An Interface Between Models and Policy - Policy Exercises: An Interface Between Models and Policy
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Sprinz, D., Kaiser, K., Maull, H.W. (1995): Umweltkrisen und internationale Sicherheit - Umweltkrisen und internationale Sicherheit, Deutschlands neue Außenpolitik, Bd. 2 Herausforderungen
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P.C. (1995): Referat zu: "Klimatologie v. C.-D. Schönwiese" - Referat zu: "Klimatologie v. C.-D. Schönwiese"
Bugmann, H., Solomon, A. (1995): The use of a European forest model in North America: A study of ecosystem response to climate gradients - The use of a European forest model in North America: A study of ecosystem response to climate gradients, PIK Reports ; 06