
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Svirezhev, Y.M., Svirejeva-Hopkins, A. (1996): Sustainable Biosphere (Critical Overview of the Basic Concepts of Sustainability) - Sustainable Biosphere (Critical Overview of the Basic Concepts of Sustainability)
von Bloh, Werner, Block, A., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1996): Conceptual Ecosphere Model Based on Lovelock/Watson Approach - Conceptual Ecosphere Model Based on Lovelock/Watson Approach
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1996): Non-Linear Problems in Mathematical Ecology - Non-Linear Problems in Mathematical Ecology
Bronstert, A. (1996): Änderung von Hochwassercharakteristiken im Zusammenhang mit Klimaänderungen - Stand der Forschung - Änderung von Hochwassercharakteristiken im Zusammenhang mit Klimaänderungen - Stand der Forschung, PIK Reports ; 15
Kropp, Jürgen P. (1996): Methoden zur Modellierung des Globalen Wandels - Methoden zur Modellierung des Globalen Wandels
Bronstert, A. (1996): The Role of the Space-Time Variability of Precipitation and Soil Moisture for Hillslope Hydrological Modelling - The Role of the Space-Time Variability of Precipitation and Soil Moisture for Hillslope Hydrological Modelling
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1996): Thermodynamics and Ecology: Thermodynamic Criteria of Environmental Degradation - Thermodynamics and Ecology: Thermodynamic Criteria of Environmental Degradation
Toth, F. (1996): Modeling Framework for Scenario Development - Modeling Framework for Scenario Development
Bronstert, A. (1996): Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review - Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review
Sprinz, D. (1996): Monitoring the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes - Monitoring the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes
Kropp, Jürgen P. (1996): Modellierung der Mensch-Naturschnittstelle: Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Methoden - Modellierung der Mensch-Naturschnittstelle: Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Methoden
Krysanova, Valentina, Meiner, A., Roosaare, J., Vasilyev, A., Jørgensen, S. E., Halling-Sorensen, B., Nielsen, S. N. (1996): MATSALU - The System of Simulation Models for Agricultural Watershed and Shallow Sea Bay - MATSALU - The System of Simulation Models for Agricultural Watershed and Shallow Sea Bay, Handbook of Environmental and Ecological Models
Becker, A., Lahmer, W., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Pfützner, B., Stock, M., Toth, F. (1996): Hydrologische Verhältnisse und Verfügbarkeit der Wasserresourcen - Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen auf das Land Brandenburg - Pilotstudie
Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Becker, A. (1996): Integrated modelling of hydrology and water quality in mesoscale watersheds - Integrated modelling of hydrology and water quality in mesoscale watersheds, PIK Reports ; 18
Cramer, W. (1996): Modelling the possible impact of climate change on board-scale vegetation structure - Examples from Northern Europe - Modelling the possible impact of climate change on board-scale vegetation structure - Examples from Northern Europe, PIK Reports ; 22
Bronstert, A. (1996): Hydrological Modelling in NE-Brazil - Hydrological Modelling in NE-Brazil
Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.J., Becker, A. (1996): Mesoscale Integrated Modelling of Hydrology and Water Quality with GIS Interface - Mesoscale Integrated Modelling of Hydrology and Water Quality with GIS Interface
Bronstert, A. (1996): Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review - Climate Change and River Flooding: A German Review
Franck, S. (1996): Die Erde als globales Ökosystem - Sitzungsberichte der LEIBNIZ-SOZIETÄT e. V.
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Reußwig, Fritz (1996): Vom Winde verweht. Bodenzerstörung - Die zwölf Syndrome einer globalen Krise - Bild der Wissenschaft
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1996): Globalistics: A New Synthesis. Global Modelling and Global Models - Globalistics: A New Synthesis. Global Modelling and Global Models
Cramer, W. (1996): Intercomparison of Global Models of Net Primary Productivity - Intercomparison of Global Models of Net Primary Productivity
Bronstert, A., Merkel, U., Zischak, R. (1996): Strömungsverhältnisse im Hangbereich einer Deponie- Oberflächenabdichtung. - Wasser und Boden
Cramer, W. (1996): A Systematic Approach for Scenario Development in Climate Change Impact Studies - A Systematic Approach for Scenario Development in Climate Change Impact Studies
Becker, A., Krysanova, Valentina, Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Lahmer, W. (1996): Modelling of Hydrological and Hydrochemical Variability under Environmental Change Impact - Acta Geologica Hispanica
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1996): Stability Concept in Ecology - Stability Concept in Ecology
Lahmer, W., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Krysanova, Valentina, Becker, A. (1996): Topography-Based Modelling at Different Scales - Topography-Based Modelling at Different Scales
Svirezhev, Y.M. (1996): Global Modelling and Global Vegetation Pattern, 7.11.1996 University of Maryland - Global Modelling and Global Vegetation Pattern, 7.11.1996 University of Maryland
Woodward, F.I., Cramer, W. (1996): Plant Functional Types and Climatic Change - Plant Functional Types and Climatic Change
Lütkemeier, S., Lütkemeier, S. (1996): Bericht über den zweiten deutschen LOICZ-Workshop, 16.- 18.11.1995, Institut für Ostseeforschung - Bericht über den zweiten deutschen LOICZ-Workshop, 16.- 18.11.1995, Institut für Ostseeforschung, , .