
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Klein, R.J.T. (1999): Adaptation to climate change: how to determine the benefits? - Adaptation to climate change: how to determine the benefits?
Lüdeke, M.K.B., Moldenhauer, O., Petschel-Held, G. (1999): Rural poverty driven soil degradation under climate change: the sensitivity of disposition towards the Sahel syndrome with respect to climate - Environmental Modeling and Assessment
Wechsung, G., Wechsung, Frank, Wall, G.W., Adamsen, F.J. Kimball, Pinter Jr., P.J., LaMorte, R.L., Garcia, R.L., Kartschall, T. (1999): The effects of free-air CO2 enrichment and soil water availability on spatial and seasonal patterns of wheat root growth - Global Change Biology
Lindner, M., Bugmann, H., Cramer, W., Lasch, P., Vancura, K., Sramek, V. (1999): Impact of climate change on forests: application of forest succession models across Central and Eastern Europe - Impact of climate change on forests: application of forest succession models across Central and Eastern Europe
Duranceau, M., Ghashghaie, J., Badeck, F.-W., Deleens, E. Cornic (1999): Delta 13C of CO2 respired in the dark in relation to delta 13C of leaf carbohydrates in Phaseolus vulgaris L. under progressive drought - Plant, Cell and Environment
Scurlock, J. M. O., Cramer, W., Olson, R. J., Parton, W. J., Prince, S. D. (1999): Terrestrial NPP: toward a consistent data set for global model evaluation - Ecological Applications
Claussen, M., Ganopolski, A., Schröder, M., Lingner, S. (1999): The climate system model CLIMBER - Modelling climate change and its economic consequences - a review, Graue Reihe
McIntyre, S., Diaz, S., Lavorel, S., Cramer, W. (1999): Plant functional types and disturbance dynamics. Introduction - Journal of Vegetation Science
Lahmer, W. (1999): Konzepte der großskaligen GIS-basierten hydrologischen Modellierung - Konzepte der großskaligen GIS-basierten hydrologischen Modellierung
Bronstert, A. (1999): Zur Bedeutung von Boden- und Niederschlagseigenschaften für das Auftreten von Infiltrationsüberschuß - Zur Bedeutung von Boden- und Niederschlagseigenschaften für das Auftreten von Infiltrationsüberschuß
Lasch, P., Lindner, M., Erhard, M., Wenzel, A. (1999): Regional impact assessment on forest structure and functions - the Brandenburg case study - Regional impact assessment on forest structure and functions - the Brandenburg case study
Toth, F. (1999): Incorporating impacts in integrated assessments - Incorporating impacts in integrated assessments
Sprinz, D.F., Carius, A., Lietzmann, K.M. (1999): Modeling environmental conflict - Modeling environmental conflict, Environmental change and security. A European perspective
Mügge, B., Savvin, A., Calov, R., Greve, R., Hutter, K., Wang, Y., Beer, H. (1999): Numerical age computations of the Antarctic ice sheet for dating deep ice cores - Numerical age computations of the Antarctic ice sheet for dating deep ice cores, Advances in cold-region thermal engineering and sciences
Krysanova, Valentina, Wechsung, Frank, Meiner, A., Vasiljev, A., Ennuste, Ü., Wilder, L. (1999): Land use change in Europe and implications for agriculture and water resources - Harmonization with the western economics: Estonian developments and related conceptual and methodological frameworks, Harmonization with the western economics: Estonian developments and related conceptual and methodolo
Flechsig, M., Deuflhard, P., Klein, R., Reinefeld, A., Stueben, H. (1999): SPRINT-S: Eine parallele Simulationsumgebung - SPRINT-S: Eine parallele Simulationsumgebung, Power-user und supercomputer, Preprint SC 99-19
Krysanova, Valentina, Bronstert, A, Menzel, L. (1999): Comparison of data requirements and performance of two semi- distributed models of different complexity - Comparison of data requirements and performance of two semi- distributed models of different complexity
Bruckner, T. (1999): Klimafaktor Energie - Klimafaktor Energie
Kuhlbrodt, T. (1999): Der Einfluß von Rauschen in einem Box-Modell der Tiefenkonvektion - Der Einfluß von Rauschen in einem Box-Modell der Tiefenkonvektion
Toth, F. (1999): Adaptation and the guardrail approach to tolerable climate change - Adaptation and the guardrail approach to tolerable climate change
Kartschall, T., Gräfe, J., Michaelis, K., Waloszcyk, S., Grossman-Clarke, S. (1999): Untersuchung der Auswirkungen erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentrationen innerhalb des Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment-Experimentes: Ableitung allgemeiner Modellösungen - Untersuchung der Auswirkungen erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentrationen innerhalb des Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment-Experimentes: Ableitung allgemeiner Modellösungen, PIK Reports ; 53
Reußwig, Fritz (1999): Umweltsoziologie wohin? Beobachtungen und Reflexionen - Berliner Journal für Soziologie
Levis, S., Foley, J.A., Brovkin, V., Pollard, D. (1999): On the stability of the high-latitude climate-vegetation system in a coupled atmosphere-biosphere model - Global Ecology and Biogeography
Kropp, Jürgen P. (1999): Topology preserving neural networks for object character recognition of city systems - International Journal of Systems Research and Information Science
Lahmer, W., Becker, A., Pfützner, B. (1999): Modelling land use change on a regional scale - Modelling land use change on a regional scale
Bronstert, A. (1999): Experiences from the regional integrated modelling in the WAVES-project - Experiences from the regional integrated modelling in the WAVES-project
Wechsung, Frank, Krysanova, Valentina, Flechsig, M., Schapoff, S. (1999): May land use changes reduce the water deficiency problem caused by reduced brown coal mining in the state of Brandenburg? - May land use changes reduce the water deficiency problem caused by reduced brown coal mining in the state of Brandenburg?
Sprinz, D.F., Helm, C. (1999): The effect of global environmental regimes: a measurement concept - International Political Science Review