
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Mogensen, I. A., Johnsen, S. J., Ganopolski, A., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2002): An investigation of rapid warm transitions during MIS2 and MIS 3 using Greenland ice core data and the CLIMBER-2 model - Annals of Glaciology
Reußwig, Fritz, Erdmann, K.-H., Schell, C. (2002): Die Bedeutung von Lebensstiltypen für den Umwelt- und Naturschutz - Naturschutz und gesellschaftliches Handeln
Ewald, M., Runge, D., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2002): Ein Sustainability-Portfolio für die Deutsche Telekom - Ein Sustainability-Portfolio für die Deutsche Telekom
Svirezhev, Y.M. (2002): Ecosystem as a text: Semantic analysis of the global vegetation pattern - Integrated assessment and decision support proceedings of the 1st biennial meeting of the international environmental modelling and software society ; Vol. 2
Becker, A., Klöcking, B., Lahmer, W., Pfützner, B., Singh, V. P., Frevert, D., Meyer, S. (2002): The hydrological modelling system ARC/EGMO - Mathematical models of large watershed hydrology
Krysanova, Valentina, Wechsung, Frank, Beniston, M. (2002): Impact of climate change and higher CO2 on hydrological processes and crop productivity in the state of Brandenburg, Germany - Advances in global change research
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Held, H., In: Briden, J.C., Downing, T.E. (2002): How fragile is the Earth system? - Managing the Earth: The Linacre Lectures 2001
Scheffran, J., Chamoni, P., Leisten, R., Martin, A., Minnemann, J., Stadtler, H. (2002): Economic growth emission reduction and the choice of energy technology in a dynamic-game framework - Economic growth emission reduction and the choice of energy technology in a dynamic-game framework
Kriegler, Elmar, Bruckner, T., Rizzoli, A.E., Jakeman, A.J. (2002): Global and Annex I emissions corridors for the 21st century - Integrated assessment and decision support proceedings of the 1st biennial meeting of the international environmental modelling and software society ; Vol. 3
Mohr, S., Gerten, Dieter, Adrian, R. (2002): Minimal algal food requirements in the presence of protozoan prey for the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus - Journal of Plankton Research
Egorov, P., Svirezhev, Y.M. (2002): Weathering in terrestrial ecosystems: Carbon sink - Integrated assessment and decision support proceedings of the 1st biennial meeting of the international environmental modelling and software society ; Vol. 2
Biermann, F., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2002): Johannesburg 2002: Vom Weltgipfel über nachhaltige Entwicklung zum Erdsystemmanagement - Süddeutsche Zeitung
Radziejewski, M., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm (2002): Analiza Zmienności Opadów Atmosferycznych W Poczdamie, 1893-2000 - Detekcja Zmian Klimatu I Procesów Hydrologicznych
Sprinz, D.F. (2001): Summary Notes of the 7th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - Summary Notes of the 7th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Thonicke, Kirsten, Venevski, S., Sitch, S., Cramer, W. (2001): The role of fire disturbance for global vegetation dynamics: coupling fire into a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model - Global Ecology and Biogeography
Clark, W., van Eijndhoven, J., Dickson, N.M., Dinkelman, G., Haas, P., Huber, M., Liberatore, A., Liverman, D., Parson, E., Schreurs, M., Smith, H., Sokolov, V., Toth, F.L., Wynne, B., Clark, W.C., Jäger, J., van Eijndhoven, J., Dickson, N.M. (2001): Option assessment in the management of global environmental risks - Learning to manage global environmental risks: A comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain
Stoll-Kleemann, S., ORiordan, T., Jaeger, C.C. (2001): The psychology of denial concerning climate mitigation measures: Evidence from Swiss focus groups - Global Environmental Change
Lahmer, W., Pfützner, B., Becker, A. (2001): Assessment of land use and climate change impacts on the mesoscale - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B
van Eijndhoven, J., Wynne, B., Dobell, A.R., Cowling, E., Dickson, N.M., Dinkelman, G., Haas, P., Jäger, J., Liberatore, A., Liverman, D., Schreurs, M., Sokolov, V., Toth, F.L., Clark, W.C., Jäger, J., van Eijndhoven, J., Dickson, N.M. (2001): Evaluation in the management of global environmental risks - Learning to Manage Global Environmental Risks: A Comparative History of Social Responses to Climate Change, Ozone Depletion and Acid Rain
Stoll-Kleemann, S., Erdmann, K.-H., Schell, C. (2001): Chancen und Grenzen kooperativer und partizipativer Ansätze im Naturschutz - Naturschutz und gesellschaftliches Handeln. Aktuelle Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Block, A., Held, H., Lüdeke, M.K.B., Moldenhauer, O., Petschel-Held, G., Coenen, R. (2001): Syndrome & Co. - Qualitative und semi-quantitative Ansätze in der Forschung zum Globalen Wandel - Stand der Wissenschaft - Integrative Forschung Forschung zum Globalen Wandel
Franck, S., Block, A., von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2001): Planetary habitability: Estimating the number of gaias in the milky way - Planetary habitability: Estimating the number of gaias in the milky way
Dietrich, J., Schöniger, M., Hattermann, F. (2001): Anwendung eines numerischen Grundwassermodells als Entscheidungshilfe im Rahmen der prognostischen Effizienzprüfung von Maßnahmen zum Grundwasserschutz - Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Ehlers, E., Krafft, T. (2001): Earth system analysis and management - Understanding the Earth system: Compartments, processes and interactions
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Radtke, J. (2001): Der globale Klimawandel und die Rolle des Menschen - Brockhaus Weltatlas
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2001): Warum das Eiszeitklima Kapriolen schlug - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Bronstert, A., Katzenmaier, D., Leibundgut, C (2001): The role of infiltration conditions for storm runoff generation at the hillslope and small catchment scale - Runoff generations and implications for river basin modelling, Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie
Moosbruger, V., Claussen, M., Negendank, J.F.W. (2001): Paläoklimaforschung als Klimasystemforschung - Terra Nostra. Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung. Klimaweißbuch