
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Mata, L. J., Arnell, N., Döll, P., Jiménez, B., Miller, K., Oki, T., Sen, Z., Shiklomanov, I. (2008): The implications of projected climate change for freshwater resources and their management - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Ehrenstein, C. (2008): 'Unfug und blinder Aktionismus' - Die Welt
Cramer, W., Fritsch, U., Leemans, R., Lütkemeier, S., Schröter, D., Watt, A. (2008): Training future experts in 'biodiversity and ecosystem services': a progress report - Regional Environmental Change
Levermann, Anders (2008): Sicherheitsrisiko Klimaspiralen - Are we 'tumbling down the rabbit hole'? - Sicherheitsrisiko Klimaspiralen - Are we 'tumbling down the rabbit hole'?
Krause, J. (2008): A bayesian approach to german agricultural yield expectations - Agricultural Finance Review
Plattner, G.-K., Knutti, R., Joos, F., Stocker, T. F., von Bloh, Werner, Brovkin, V., Cameron, D., Driesschaert, E., Dutkiewicz, S., Eby, M., Edwards, N. R., Fichefet, T., Hargreaves, J. C., Jones, C. D., Loutre, M. F., Matthews, H. D., Mouchet, A., Mueller, S. A., Nawrath, S., Price, A., Sokolov, A., Strassmann, K. M., Weaver, A. J. (2008): Long-term climate commitments projected with climate–Carbon cycle models - Journal of Climate
Schubert, R., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Buchmann, N., Epiney, A., Grießhammer, R., Kulessa, M, Messner, D., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Schmid, J. (2008): Climate change as a security risk - Climate change as a security risk, WBGU Report 2007
Graham, L. P., Chen, D., Christensen, O. B., Kjellström, E., Krysanova, Valentina, Meier, H. E. M., Radziejewski, M., Räisänen, J., Rockel, B., Ruosteenoja, K., Bolle, H.-J., Menenti, M., Rasool, I. (2008): Projections of future anthropogenic climate change. Country specific hydrological assessment studies - Assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin, Regional Climate Studies
Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2008): Der Klimawandel hat bereits begonnen - Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt Westfalen-Lippe
Moshel, S., Zivotofsky, A. Z., Jin-Rong, L., Engbert, R., Kurths, Jürgen, Kliegl, R., Havlin, S. (2008): Persistence of phase synchronisation properties of fixational eye movements - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2008): Die globale Erwärmung - Der Bürger im Staat
Münch, M. (2008): MOLOCH - Ein Strömungsverfahren für inkompressible Strömungen - Technische Referenz 1.0 - MOLOCH - Ein Strömungsverfahren für inkompressible Strömungen - Technische Referenz 1.0, PIK-Report ; 109
Hinkel, J. (2008): Transdisciplinary knowledge integration: cases from integrated assessment and vulnerability assessment - Transdisciplinary knowledge integration: cases from integrated assessment and vulnerability assessment
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2008): Seltsame Umfragen 2 - Seltsame Umfragen 2, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Svirezhev, Y. M., Svirejeva-Hopkins, A., Jørgensen, S. E., Fath, B. (2008): Biosphere: Vernadsky’s concept - Encyclopedia of Ecology (Vol.1: Global Ecology)
Hoff, H., Dinar, A., Garrido, A. (2008): Challenges in upland watershed management: the green-blue water approach - Managing water resources in a time of global change: mountains, valleys and flood plains, Contributions from the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy
von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Eisenack, K., Knopf, B., Walkenhorst, O. (2008): Estimating the biogenic enhancement factor of weathering using an inverse viability method - Ecological Modelling
von Bloh, Werner, Bounama, C., Cuntz, M., Franck, S. (2008): Habitability of super-Earths: Gliese 581c & 581d - Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (2007)
Förster, H. (2008): Rationing & bayesian expectations with application to the labour market - Rationing & bayesian expectations with application to the labour market, PIK-Report ; 110
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2008): Aus der Arktis 2 - Aus der Arktis 2, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Reußwig, Fritz, Greisberger, H. (2008): Energie als Stilfrage? Lebensstile und ihre Bedeutung für den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Energieverbrauch - Forum Wissenschaft und Umwelt Interdisziplinär
Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2008): Flood risk and vulnerability in the changing climate - Annals of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Graczyk, D. (2008): Zmiany klimatu i ich przyczyny - Przeglad Komunalny
Schinkel, S., Dimigen, O., Marwan, Norbert (2008): Selection of recurrence threshold for signal detection - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Dreblow, E., Wechsung, Frank (2008): Landwirtschaft und Klimawandel weltweit - Schonende Bodenbearbeitung - Systemlösungen für Profis
Rock, J. (2008): Klimaschutz und Kohlenstoff in Holz - Vergleich verschiedener Strategien - Klimaschutz und Kohlenstoff in Holz - Vergleich verschiedener Strategien