
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Jeltsch, F., Blaum, N., Lohmann, D., Meyfarth, S., Rossmanith, E., Schütze, S., Tews, J., Tietjen, B., Wichmann, M., Wieczorek, M., Schmiedel, U., Jürgens, N. (2010): Modelling vegetation change in arid and semi-arid savannas - Patterns and processes at regional scale, Biodiversity in southern Africa ; 2
Knopf, B. (2010): Die Laufzeitverlängerung: mehr Wachstum, geringe Importrisiken, niedrige Strompreise - oder doch nicht? - Die Laufzeitverlängerung: mehr Wachstum, geringe Importrisiken, niedrige Strompreise - oder doch nicht?, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Mechler, R. (2010): Assessing adaptation to extreme weather events in Europe - Assessing adaptation to extreme weather events in Europe, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change ; 15, 7 - Special Issue
Koseska, A., Ullner, E., Volkov, E., Kurths, Jürgen, García-Ojalvo, J. (2010): Cooperative differentiation through clustering in multicellular populations - Journal of Theoretical Biology
Donner, Reik V., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Zou, Y., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Recurrence-based evolving networks for time series analysis of complex systems - Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2010 (Krakow 2010)
Kok, M. T. J., Lüdeke, M. K. B., Sterzel, T., Lucas, P. L., Walter, C., Janssen, P., de Soysa, I. (2010): Quantitative analysis of patterns of vulnerability to global environmental change - Quantitative analysis of patterns of vulnerability to global environmental change, Background studies
Blaum, N., Rossmanith, E., Popp, Alexander, Schwager, M., Steinhäuser, J., Wichmann, M., Jeltsch, F., Schmiedel, U., Jürgens, N. (2010): Modelling animal responses to changes in climate and landuse - Patterns and processes at regional scale, Biodiversity in southern Africa ; 2
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2010): Hitze, Brände, Fluten... - Hitze, Brände, Fluten..., Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P. (2010): Zagrożenia naturalnymi zdarzeniami ekstremalnymi - Nauka
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2010): Der Klimarat kommt auf den Prüfstand - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Messner, D., Leggewie, C., Leinfelder, R., Nakicenovic, N., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Schlacke, S., Schmid, J., Schubert, R. (2010): Klimapolitik nach Kopenhagen - Klimapolitik nach Kopenhagen, WBGU-Politikpapier
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, F., Krysanova, Valentina (2010): Model-supported implementation of the Water Framework Directive - Water 21
Hickler, T., Vohland, K., Costa, L., Cramer, W., Miller, P. A., Smith, B., Feehan, J., Kühn, I., Sykes, M., Settele, J., Penev, L. D., Georgiev, T. A., Grabaum, R., Grobelnik, V., Hammen, V., Klotz, S., Kotarac, M., Kühn, I. (2010): Vegetation on the move - where do conservation strategies have to be re-defined? - Atlas of Biodiversity Risk
Kwaśniewski, J., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Juda-Rezler, K. (2010): Aksjologia zagrożeń - Nauka
Schmidt, G., Mann, M., Ammann, C., Benestad, R., Bradley, R., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Steig, E., Archer, D., Pierrehumbert, R., de Garidel, T., Bouldin, J. (2010): IPCC errors: facts and spin - IPCC errors: facts and spin
Marwan, Norbert, Wessel, N., Stepan, H., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Recurrence based complex network analysis of cardiovascular variability data to predict Pre-Eclampsia - Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2010 (Krakow 2010)
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2010): Neue Qualität des Surrealen - zeo2 - Magazin für Umwelt, Politik und Neue Wirtschaft
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P., Sadowski, Z. (2010): Wprowadzenie do raportu o zagrożeniach - Nauka
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Astfalk, C., Sigrist, F., Zeidler, S. (2010): Impulsreferat - Klimagerechtigkeit - Neue Perspektiven für die Internationale Umweltpolitik
Sun, X., Zou, Y., Nikiforova, V., Kurths, Jürgen, Walther, D. (2010): The complexity of gene expression dynamics revealed by permutation entropy - BMC Bioinformatics
Koch, H., Kaltofen, M., Kaden, S., Grünewald, U., Servat, E., Demuth, S., Dezetter, A., Daniell, T. (2010): Effects of global change and adaptation options for water resources management in the Czech part of the River Elbe basin - Global Change : Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources, IAHS Publication ; 340
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Knopf, B., Leimbach, Marian, Bauer, Nicolas (2010): ADAM's modeling comparison project - intentions and prospects - The Energy Journal
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2010): Das Jahrzehnt der Wetterextreme - Das Jahrzehnt der Wetterextreme, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Kissling, W. D., Field, R., Korntheuer, H., Heyder, U., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2010): Woody plants and the prediction of climate-change impacts on bird diversity - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
Nagy, L., Badeck, F.-W., Pompe, S., Gottfried, M., Pauli, H., Grabherr, G., Kuehn, I., Settele, J., Penev, L. D., Georgiev, T. A., Grabaum, R., Grobelnik, V., Hammen, V., Klotz, S., Kotarac, M. (2010): Is atmospheric nitrogen deposition a cause for concern in alpine ecosystems? - Atlas of Biodiversity Risk
Pradhan, P., Wrobel, M., Förster, H., Kropp, J. P. (2010): Systematic access to climate change knowledge and adaptation experiences: a web-based approach - Systematic access to climate change knowledge and adaptation experiences: a web-based approach
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2010): Jetzt bremsen beim Klimaschutz? - Jetzt bremsen beim Klimaschutz?, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge