
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Kunreuther, H., Heal, G., Allen, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Field, C. B., Yohe, G. (2013): Risk management and climate change - Nature Climate Change
Dass, P. (2013): The Role of Bioenergy Production in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle and Energy Balance - The Role of Bioenergy Production in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle and Energy Balance, Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung ; 143
Schierhorn, F., Müller, D., Beringer, T., Prishchepov, A. V., Kümmerle, T., Balmann, A. (2013): Post-Soviet cropland abandonment and carbon sequestration in European Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus - Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Schwerhoff, G., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2013): Is Capital Mobility Good for Public Good Provision? - Is Capital Mobility Good for Public Good Provision?, CESifo Working Paper ; 4420
Österle, H., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C., Wechsung, F., Hartje, V., Kaden, S., Venohr, M., Hansjürgens, B., Gräfe, P. (2013): Ein meteorologischer Datensatz für Deutschland, 1951-2003 - Die Elbe im globalen Wandel, Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft ; 9
Piniewski, M., Voss, F., Bärlund, I., Okruszko, T., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2013): Effect of modelling scale on the assessment of climate change impact on river runoff - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Pietzcker, Robert C., Manger, S., Stetter, D., Luderer, Gunnar (2013): Solar Power for Climate Protection: the Competition between Photovoltaics and Concentrating Solar Power - Solar Power for Climate Protection: the Competition between Photovoltaics and Concentrating Solar Power
Lass, W., Haas, A., Hinkel, J., Jaeger, Carlo C., Shi, P., Jaeger, C. C., Ye, Q. (2013): Avoiding the Avoidable: Towards a European Heat Waves Risk Governance - Integrated Risk Governance, IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Project Series
Perrette, M., Landerer, F., Riva, R., Frieler, Katja, Meinshausen, M. (2013): A scaling approach to project regional sea level rise and its uncertainties - Earth System Dynamics
Holsten, A., Dominic, A. R., Costa, L., Kropp, J. P. (2013): Evaluation of the performance of meteorological forest fire indices for German federal states - Forest Ecology and Management
Liersch, S., Cools, J., Kone, B., Koch, H., Diallo, M., Reinhardt, J., Fournet, S., Aich, V., Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2013): Vulnerability of rice production in the Inner Niger Delta to water resources management under climate variability and change - Environmental Science and Policy
Cornell, S., Berkhout, F., Tuinstra, W., Tàbara, J. D., Jäger, J., Chabai, I., de Wit, B., Langlais, R., Mills, D., Moll, P., Otto, I. M., Petersen, A., Pohl, C., van Kerkhoff, L. (2013): Opening up knowledge systems for better responses to global environmental change - Environmental Science and Policy
Schmid, E. (2013): On the Exploration of German Mitigation Scenarios - On the Exploration of German Mitigation Scenarios
Koch, H., Liersch, S., Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2013): Integrating water resources management in eco-hydrological modelling - Water Science and Technology
Asseng, S., Ewert, F., Rosenzweig, C., Jones, J. W., Hatfield, J. L., Ruane, A. C., Boote, K. J., Thorburn, P. J., Rötter, R. P., Cammarano, D., Brisson, N., Basso, B., Martre, P., Aggarwal, P. K., Angulo, C., Bertuzzi, P., Biernath, C., Challinor, A. J., Doltra, J., Gayler, S., Goldberg, R., Grant, R., Heng, L., Hooker, J., Hunt, L. A., Ingwersen, J., Izaurralde, R. C., Kersebaum, K. C., Müller, C., Naresh Kumar, S., Nendel, C., O'Leary, G., Olesen, J. E., Osborne, T. M., Palosuo, T., Priesack, E., Ripoche, D., Semenov, M. A., Shcherbak, I., Steduto, P., Stöckle, C., Stratonovitch, P., Streck, T., Supit, I., Tao, F., Travasso, M., Waha, K., Wallach, D., White, J. W., Williams, J. R., Wolf, J. (2013): Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change - Nature Climate Change
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C., Gerstengarbe, F.-W., Welzer, H. (2013): Das Klimaszenario: Modellauswahl und Datengrundlage - Zwei Grad mehr in Deutschland, Forum für Verantwortung
Zhang, W., Tang, Y., Miao, Q., Du, W. (2013): Exponential synchronization of coupled switched neural networks with mode-dependent impulsive effects - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Li, L., Yang, C., Hui, S., Yu, W., Kurths, Jürgen, Peng, H., Yang, Y. (2013): A reconfigurable logic cell based on a simple dynamical system - Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Wolf, S., Fürst, S., Mandel, A., Lass, W., Lincke, D., Pablo-Martí, F., Jaeger, C. (2013): A multi-agent model of several economic regions - Environmental Modelling and Software
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2013): Sustainability Science: Eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte - Nachhaltigkeit in der Wissenschaft, Nova acta Leopoldina ; N.F., 398 = Bd. 117
Zhou, B., Rybski, Diego, Kropp, Jürgen P. (2013): On the statistics of urban heat island intensity - Geophysical Research Letters
Stock, Manfred, Birkmann, J., Vollmer, M., Schanze, J. (2013): Der Klimawandel: global und regional in Europa und Deutschland - Raumentwicklung im Klimawandel, Forschungsberichte der ARL ; 2
Levermann, Anders, Rahmstorf, Stefan, Visbeck, M. (2013): 1 Million: Die KlimaLounge Highlights - 1 Million: Die KlimaLounge Highlights, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Huber, R., Rigling, A., Bebi, P., Brand, F. S., Briner, S., Buttler, A., Elkin, C., Gillet, F., Grêt-Regamey, A., Hirschi, C., Lischke, H., Scholz, R. W., Seidl, R., Spiegelberger, T., Walz, A., Zimmermann, W., Bugmann, H. (2013): Sustainable land use in mountain regions under global change: Synthesis across scales and disciplines - Ecology and Society
Huggel, C., Stone, D., Auffhammer, M., Hansen, G. (2013): Loss and damage attribution - Nature Climate Change
Boettle, M., Rybski, Diego, Kropp, J. P., Schmidt-Thomé, P., Klein, J. (2013): Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: Calculating Costs and Benefits for the Case Study Kalundborg, Denmark - Climate Change Adaptation in Practice