
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Reyer, C., Brouwers, N., Rammig, A., Brook, B., Epila, J., Grant, R. F., Holmgren, M., Langerwisch, Fanny, Leuzinger, S., Lucht, Wolfgang, Medlyn, B., Pfeiffer, M., Steinkamp, J., Vanderwel, M., Verbeeck, H., Villela, D. (2015): Forest resilience and tipping points at different spatio-temporal scales: approaches and challenges - Journal of Ecology
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2015): Eine neue Meeresspiegelkurve - Eine neue Meeresspiegelkurve, Climate Science Weblog KlimaLounge
Mathesius, S., Hofmann, M., Caldeira, K., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2015): Long-term response of oceans to CO2 removal from the atmosphere - Nature Climate Change
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Köhler, C., Fellner, R., Mayr, A., Pirklbauer, K. (2015): Klima, Energie und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung - Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung erfolgreich umsetzen
Jakob, M., Chen, C., Fuss, S., Marxen, A., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2015): Development incentives for fossil fuel subsidy reform [Commentary] - Nature Climate Change
Steckel, J. C., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Jakob, M. (2015): Drivers for the renaissance of coal - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2015): Mehr als heiße Luft [Interview] - Tree of Hope. Wie wir die Welt verändern können
Runge, J., Riedl, M., Müller, A., Stepan, H., Kurths, Jürgen, Wessel, N. (2015): Quantifying the causal strength of multivariate cardiovascular couplings with momentary information transfer - Physiological Measurement
Bodirsky, B., Rolinski, Susanne, Biewald, A., Weindl, I., Popp, Alexander, Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2015): Global food demand scenarios for the 21st century - PloS ONE
Aich, V., Liersch, S., Vetter, T., Andersson, J. C. M., Müller, E. N., Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2015): Climate or land use? - Attribution of changes in river flooding in the Sahel Zone - Water
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Kowarsch, M. (2015): Cartography of pathways: A new model for environmental policy assessments - Environmental Science and Policy
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2015): Städte sind Opfer und Täter - Robert Bosch Stiftung Magazin
Klingenfeld, D. (2015): How can we tackle climate change and extreme poverty? - How can we tackle climate change and extreme poverty?, Agenda
Pradhan, Prajal, Fischer, G., Velthuizen, H. van, Reusser, Dominik E., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2015): Closing yield gaps: How sustainable can we be? - PloS One
Baiocchi, G., Creutzig, F., Minx, J., Pichler, P.-P. (2015): A spatial typology of human settlements and their CO2 emissions in England - Global Environmental Change
Siegmeier, J., Mattauch, L., Franks, M., Klenert, D., Schultes, A., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2015): A Public Finance Perspective on Climate Policy: Six Interactions That May Enhance Welfare - A Public Finance Perspective on Climate Policy: Six Interactions That May Enhance Welfare, Nota di lavoro ; 31.2015
Rocha, M., Hare, B., Schaeffer, M., Jeffery, L., Höhne, N., Fekete, H., Breevoort, P. van, Blok, K. (2015): G20 - all INDCs in, but large Gap remains - G20 - all INDCs in, but large Gap remains, Climate Action Tracker Briefing
Rumbaur, C., Thevs, N., Disse, M., Ahlheim, M., Brieden, A., Cyffka, B., Duethmann, D., Feike, T., Frör, O., Gärtner, P., Halik, Ü., Hill, J., Hinnenthal, M., Keilholz, P., Kleinschmit, B., Krysanova, Valentina, Kuba, M., Mader, S., Menz, C., Othmanli, H., Pelz, S., Schroeder, M., Siew, T. F., Stender, V., Stahr, K., Thomas, F. M., Welp, M., Wortmann, Michel, Zhao, X., Chen, X., Jiang, T., Luo, J., Yimit, H., Yu, R., Zhang, X., Zhao, C. (2015): Sustainable management of river oases along the Tarim River (SuMaRiO) in Northwest China under conditions of climate change - Earth System Dynamics
Hirth, L., Ziegenhagen, I. (2015): Balancing power and variable renewables: Three links - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Bertram, Christoph, Kriegler, Elmar, Luderer, Gunnar, Humpenöder, Florian, Popp, Alexander, Edenhofer, Ottmar, Elzen, M. den, Vuuren, D. van, Soest, H. van, Spencer, T., Pierfederici, R., Waisman, H., Colombier, M. (2015): Building the Bridge from INDCs to 2 Degrees: Implications for the Paris Agreement - Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Transformation Induced by INDCs, IDDRI Study 05/2015