
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Gerten, Dieter (2021): Wassermangel, Dürren und Welternährung - Warnsignal Klima: Boden & Landnutzung
Herrero, Analía Fernández, Pflüger, Mika, Puls, Jana, Scholze, Frank, Soltwisch, Victor (2021): Uncertainties in the reconstruction of nanostructures in EUV scatterometry and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering - Optics Express
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2021): Wachstum, Demokratie und internationale Kooperation - Bekenntnisse zur Verantwortung für die Umwelt
Herzfeld, Tobias, Heinke, Jens, Rolinski, Susanne, Müller, Christoph (2021): Soil organic carbon dynamics from agricultural management practices under climate change - Earth System Dynamics
Thomas-Rüddel, Daniel O., Hoffmann, Peter, Schwarzkopf, Daniel, Scheer, Christian, Bach, Friedhelm, Komann, Marcus, Gerlach, Herwig, Weiss, Manfred, Lindner, Matthias, Rüddel, Hendrik, Simon, Philipp, Kuhn, Sven-Olaf, Wetzker, Reinhard, Bauer, Michael, Reinhart, Konrad, Bloos, Frank (2021): Fever and hypothermia represent two populations of sepsis patients and are associated with outside temperature - Critical Care
Ringeval, Bruno, Müller, Christoph, Pugh, Thomas A.M., Mueller, Nathaniel D., Ciais, Philippe, Folberth, Christian, Liu, Wenfeng, Debaeke, Philippe, Pellerin, Sylvain (2021): Potential yield simulated by global gridded crop models: a process-based emulator to explain their differences - Geoscientific Model Development
Sprinz, Detlef F. (2021): Effectiveness - Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance
Weith, Thomas, Barkmann, Tim, Gaasch, Nadin, Rogga, Sebastian, Strauß, Christian, Zscheischler, Jana (2021): Sustainable Land Management in a European Context - Human-Environment Interactions
Khalil, Tayyaba, Asad, Saeed A., Khubaib, Nusaiba, Baig, Ayesha, Atif, Salman, Umar, Muhammad, Kropp, Jürgen P., Pradhan, Prajal, Baig, Sofia (2021): Climate Change and Potential distribution of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Crop Cultivation in Pakistan Using Maxent - AIMS Agriculture and Food
Weith, Thomas, Barkmann, Tim, Gaasch, Nadin, Rogga, Sebastian, Strauß, Christian, Zscheischler, Jana (2021): A Knowledge-Based European Perspective on Sustainable Land Management: Conceptual Approach and Overview of Chapters - Sustainable Land Management in a European Context, Human-Environment Interactions
Jakob, Michael, Ward, Hauke, Steckel, Jan Christoph (2021): Sharing responsibility for trade-related emissions based on economic benefits - Global Environmental Change
Edenhofer, Ottmar (2021): Weltklimarat (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) - Volk - Zweites Vatikanisches Konzil, Staatslexikon
Barton-Henry, Kelsey, Wenz, Leonie, Levermann, Anders (2021): Decay radius of climate decision for solar panels in the city of Fresno, USA - Scientific Reports
Rockström, Johan, Beringer, Almut, Crona, Beatrice, Gaffney, Owen, Klingenfeld, Daniel (2021): Planetary Boundaries: A Compass for Investing for the Common Good - Sustainable Investing
Tebaldi, Claudia, Debeire, Kevin, Eyring, Veronika, Fischer, Erich, Fyfe, John, Friedlingstein, Pierre, Knutti, Reto, Lowe, Jason, O'Neil, Brian, Sanderson, Benjamin, van Vuuren, Detlef, Riahi, Keywan, Meinshausen, Malte, Nicholls, Zebedee, Hurtt, George, Kriegler, Elmar, Lamarque, Jean-Francois, Meehl, Gerald, Moss, Richard, Bauer, Susanne E., Boucher, Olivier, Brovkin, Victor, Golaz, Jean-Christophe, Gualdi, Silvio, Guo, Huan, John, Jasmin G., Kharin, Slava, Koshiro, Tsuyoshi, Ma, Libin, Olivié, Dirk, Panickal, Swapna, Qiao, Fangli, Rosenbloom, Nan, Schupfner, Martin, Seferian, Roland, Song, Zhenya, Steger, Christian, Sellar, Alistair, Swart, Neil, Tachiiri, Kaoru, Tatebe, Hiroaki, Voldoire, Aurore, Volodin, Evgeny, Wyser, Klaus, Xin, Xiagoe, Xinyao, Rong, Yang, Shuting, Yu, Yongqiang, Ziehn, Tilo (2021): Climate model projections from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) of CMIP6 - Earth System Dynamics
Botta, Nicola, Brede, Nuria, Jansson, Patrik, Richter, Tim (2021): Extensional equality preservation and verified generic programming - Journal of Functional Programming
Yuan, Manman, Wang, Weiping, Wang, Zhen, Luo, Xiong, Kurths, Jürgen (2021): Exponential Synchronization of Delayed Memristor-Based Uncertain Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Image Protection - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Rockström, Johan, Gaffney, Owen (2021): Breaking Boundaries
Vinke, Kira, Dröge, Susanne, Gießmann, Hans-Joachim, Hamm, Charlotte, Kroll, Stefan, Rheinbay, Janna, Wesch, Stefanie (2021): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Herausforderungen für die deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana, Klimova, M., Iskra, T., Bragin, D., Abdurashitov, A., Dubrovsky, A., Khorovodov, A., Terskov, A., Blokhina, I., Lezhnev, N., Vinnik, V., Agranovich, I., Mamedova, A., Shirokov, A., Navolokin, N., Khlebsov, B., Tuchin, V., Kurths, Jürgen (2021): Transcranial Photobiomodulation of Clearance of Beta-Amyloid from the Mouse Brain: Effects on the Meningeal Lymphatic Drainage and Blood Oxygen Saturation of the Brain - Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLII, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Boettner, Christopher, Klinghammer, Georg, Boers, Niklas, Westerhold, Thomas, Marwan, Norbert (2021): Early-warning signals for Cenozoic climate transitions - Quaternary Science Reviews
Röhrig, Felicitas, Gloy, Nele, von Loeben, Sophie Charlotte, Gornott, Christoph, Arumugam, Ponraj, Aschenbrenner, Paula, Baek, Hye-Rin Lea, Cartsburg, M., Chemura, Abel, Fodi, B. I., Habtemariam, Lemlem Teklegiorgis, Kaufmann, J., Koch, Hagen, Liersch, Stefan, Lüttringhaus, Anna Sophia, Murken, Lisa, Neya, O., Ostberg, Sebastian, Schauberger, Bernhard, Shukla, Roopam, Tomalka, Julia, Wesch, Stefanie, Wortmann, Michel (2021): Climate Risk Analysis for Identifying and Weighing Adaptation Strategies in Niger’s Agricultural Sector
Alves, Luiz G. A., Rybski, Diego, Ribeiro, Haroldo V. (2021): Commuting network effect on urban wealth scaling - Scientific Reports
Pavithran, Induja , Unni, Vishnu R. , Saha, Abhishek , Varghese, Alan J. , Sujith, R. I. , Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2021): Predicting the Amplitude of Thermoacoustic Instability Using Universal Scaling Behaviour - Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (Volume 3B)
Wolf, Frederik, Öztürk, Ugur, Cheung, Kevin, Donner, Reik V. (2021): Spatiotemporal patterns of synchronous heavy rainfall events in East Asia during the Baiu season - Earth System Dynamics
Berner, Rico, Yanchuk, Serhiy, Schöll, Eckehard (2021): Modelling Power Grids as Pseudoadaptive Networks - ENERGY 2021: the Eleventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies : May 30th-June 3rd, 2021