
Publications are one of PIKs most important outputs. On this page you will find our latest work and further information
Harwood, Nathanael, Hall, Richard, Di Capua, Giorgia, Russell, Andrew, Tucker, Allan (2021): Using Bayesian Networks to Investigate the Influence of Subseasonal Arctic Variability on Midlatitude North Atlantic Circulation - Journal of Climate
Miron, P., Beron-Vera, F. J., Helfmann, Luzie, Koltai, P. (2021): Transition paths of marine debris and the stability of the garbage patches - Chaos
Habtemariam, Lemlem Teklegiorgis, Will, Meike, Müller, Birgit (2021): Agricultural insurance through the lens of rural household dietary diversity - Global Food Security
Yang, Ziqian, Yu, Jiawei, Kurths, Jürgen, Zhan, Meng (2021): Nonlinear Modeling of Multi-Converter Systems Within DC-Link Timescale - IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
Siderius, Christian, Biemans, Hester, Conway, Declan, Immerzeel, Walter, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Ahmad, Bashir, Hellegers, Petra (2021): Financial Feasibility of Water Conservation in Agriculture - Earth's Future
Caesar, Levke, Rahmstorf, Stefan, Feulner, Georg (2021): Reply to the Comment on "On the relationship between AMOC slowdown and global surface warming" - Environmental Research Letters
Müller, Christoph, Franke, James, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Ruane, Alex C., Elliott, Joshua, Moyer, Elisabeth, Heinke, Jens, Falloon, Peter, Folberth, Christian, Francois, Louis, Hank, Tobias, Izaurralde, R. César, Jacquemin, Ingrid, Liu, Wenfeng, Olin, Stefan, Pugh, Thomas, Williams, Karina E., Zabel, Florian (2021): Exploring uncertainties in global crop yield projections in a large ensemble of crop models and CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate scenarios - Environmental Research Letters
Ruane, Alex C., Phillips, Meridell, Müller, Christoph, Elliott, Joshua, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Arneth, Almuth, Balkovic, Juraj, Deryng, Delphine, Folberth, Christian, Iizumi, Toshichika, Izaurralde, Robert C., Khabarov, Nikolay, Lawrence, Peter, Liu, Wenfeng, Olin, Stefan, Pugh, Thomas A. M., Rosenzweig, Cynthia, Sakurai, Gen, Schmid, Erwin, Sultan, Benjamin, Wang, Xuhui, de Wit, Allard, Yang, Hong (2021): Strong regional influence of climatic forcing datasets on global crop model ensembles - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Wang, Xuhui, Müller, Christoph, Elliott, Joshua, Mueller, Nathaniel, Ciais, Philippe, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Gerber, James, Dumas, Patrice, Wang, Chenzhi, Yang, Hui, Li, Laurent, Deryng, Delphine, Folberth, Christian, Liu, Wenfeng, Makowski, David, Olin, Stefan, Pugh, Thomas A. M., Reddy, Ashwan, Schmid, Erwin, Jeong, Sujong, Zhou, Feng, Piao, Shilong (2021): Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield - Nature Communications
Drupp, Moritz A., Hänsel, Martin C. (2021): Relative prices and climate policy: How the scarcity of nonmarket goods drives policy evaluation - American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Reinecke, Robert, Müller Schmied, Hannes, Trautmann, Tim, Andersen, Lauren, Burek, Peter, Flörke, Martina, Gosling, Simon N., Grillakis, Manolis, Hanasaki, Naota, Koutroulis, Aristeidis, Pokhrel, Yadu, Thiery, Wim, Wada, Yoshihide, Yusuke, Satoh, Döll, Petra (2021): Uncertainty of simulated groundwater recharge at different global warming levels: a global-scale multi-model ensemble study - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Musundire, Robert, Ngonyama, Dianah, Chemura, Abel, Ngadze, Ruth Tambudzai, Jackson, Jose, Matanda, Margaret Jekanyika, Tarakini, Tawanda, Langton, Maud, Chiwona-Karltun, Linley (2021): Stewardship of wild and farmed edible insects as food and feed in Sub-Saharan Africa: A perspective - Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2021): Polarluft auf Abwegen - Climate Science Weblog KlimaLounge
Gruetzmacher, Kim, Karesh, William B., Amuasi, John H., Arshad, Adnan, Farlow, Andrew, Gabrysch, Sabine, Jetzkowitz, Jens, Lieberman, Susan, Palmer, Clare, Winkler, Andrea S., Walzer, Chris (2021): The Berlin principles on One Health – Bridging global health and conservation - Science of the Total Environment
Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M., Peña-Angulo, Dhais, Murphy, Conor, López-Moreno, Juan I., Tomas-Burguera, Miquel, Dominguez-Castro , Fernando, Tian, Feng, Eklundh, Lars, Cai, Zhangzhang, Alvarez-Farizo, Begoña, Noguera, Ivan, Camarero, Jesus J., Sanchez-Salguero , Raúl, Gazol, Antonio, Grainger , San, Conradt, Tobias, Boincean, Boris, El Kenawy, Ahmed (2021): The complex multi-sectoral impacts of drought: Evidence from a mountainous basin in the Central Spanish Pyrenees - Science of the Total Environment
Gernaat, David E.H.J., de Boer, Harmen-Sytze, Daioglou, Vassilis, Yalew, Seleshi G., Müller, Christoph, van Vuuren, Detlef P. (2021): Climate change impacts on renewable energy supply - Nature Climate Change
Fan, Jingfang, Meng, Jun, Ludescher, Josef, Chen, Xiaosong, Ashkenazy, Yosef , Kurths, Jürgen, Havlin, Shlomo, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2021): Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth system - Physics Reports
Wiedermann, Marc, Siegmund, Jonatan F., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Donner, Reik V. (2021): Differential imprints of distinct ENSO flavors in global patterns of very low and high seasonal precipitation - Frontiers in Climate
Müller-Hansen, Finn, Callaghan, Max W., Lee, Yuan Ting, Leipprand, Anna, Flachsland, Christian, Minx, Jan C. (2021): Who cares about coal? Analyzing 70 years of German parliamentary debates on coal with dynamic topic modeling - Energy Research and Social Science
Porkka, Miina, Wang-Erlandsson, Lan, Destouni, Georgia, Ekman, Annica M. L., Rockström, Johan, Gordon, Line J. (2021): Is wetter better? Exploring agriculturally-relevant rainfall characteristics over four decades in the Sahel - Environmental Research Letters
Gädeke, Anne, Langer, Moritz, Boike, Julia, Burke, Eleanor J., Chang, Jinfeng, Head, Melissa, Reyer, Christopher P. O., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Thiery, Wim, Thonicke, Kirsten (2021): Climate change reduces winter overland travel across the Pan-Arctic even under low-end global warming scenarios - Environmental Research Letters
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2021): Achtung, Wetterstörung! - Spiegel Online : Wissenschaft
Sun, Fenglan, Lei, Chengyu, Kurths, Jürgen (2021): Consensus of heterogeneous discrete‐time multi‐agent systems with noise over Markov switching topologies - International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Bjelle, Eivind Lekve , Wiebe, Kirsten S. , Többen, Johannes, Tisserant, Alexandre , Ivanova, Diana , Vita, Gibran , Wood, Richard (2021): Future changes in consumption: The income effect on greenhouse gas emissions - Energy Economics
Wang, Lei, Song, Chunqiao, Conradt, Tobias, Rasmy, Mohamed, Li, Xiuping (2021): Editorial: Climatic and associated cryospheric and hydrospheric changes on the third pole - Frontiers in Earth Science
Pfleiderer, Peter, Jézéquel, Aglaé, Legrand, Juliette, Legrix, Natacha, Markantonis, Iason, Vignotto, Edoardo, Yiou, Pascal (2021): Simulating compound weather extremes responsible for critical crop failure with stochastic weather generators - Earth System Dynamics
He, Guang, Liu, Jing, Hu, Huimin, Fang, Jian-An (2021): Discrete-time signed bounded confidence model for opinion dynamics - Neurocomputing