Climate change brings many highly uncertain impacts onto society and economy, and its risks, incorporating vulnerability, require more
comprehensive assessments. This requires an enhanced understanding of the interdependencies between climate impacts, adaptation and
mitigation measures at high sectoral and spatial granularity, and the temporal evolution and the capacity of the broader socioeconomic
context to cope with the climate challenge. TRACCE will deliver new, cutting-edge methodological capabilities by advancing and
linking knowledge across research communities. Comprehensive assessment of risk will entail production of granular socio-economic
data and projections; bottom-up analyses of multidimensional climate vulnerabilities, including under-researched aspects such as gender
inequality; high-resolution probabilistic hazards, damages and mitigation-adaptation synergies and trade-offs; top-down integrated
assessment frameworks and leading multi-sectoral macro-economic models; socioeconomic analyses incorporating cross-sector and
spillover effects and distributional implications. Stress-test scenarios will be deployed for an advanced understanding of the critical
climate risks and how they can be managed. Tool and process co-design and co-development with private and public sector stakeholders,
including the JRC will enhance exploitation, capacity building and bridge the science-policy-practice gap; all underpinned by established
open science data and models and disseminated through various mediums, including online decision-support platforms and public API.
TRACCE outputs will be guided by the ongoing climate policy ambitions such as Mission Adaptation and EU Green Deal to deliver new
insights and decision-making support tools which inform robust climate mitigation and adaptation policy, and contribute to the design
of societal transformation pathways of for the EU.