Oct 01, 2022
Sep 30, 2027
PECan (The Political Economy of Climate Policy and Finance) is a Junior Research Group based at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The PECan Research Group explores the socio-ecological interactions between climate, political and financial systems, and aims at identifying and analyzing systemic barriers that are not well understood due to disciplinary boundaries as well as consistent scenarios of transformation (including regulation), quantification of transition risks, to improve sustainable investment options for retail investors, and improved climate-stress-tests for central banks. PIK contributes to the project studies employing the shock-propagation model Acclimate.
PIK contributes to the project studies employing the shock-propagation model Acclimate. Subproject B: The political economy of the sustainable transformation of the climate-finance system - Agent-based modelling of risks; Quantifizierung von Risiken (Klimaphysik, Ökonomie, Agentenbasierte Modellierung) Forschungsfrage: Wie hoch sind physische und Transitionsrisiken für das Klima-Finanz-System?