New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society

The NEVERMORE project is determined in supporting excellence in climate research and overcoming the current silo approach in evaluating climate change impacts and risks across sectors and adaptation and mitigation policies and measures. To achieve its ambitious goals, the project will develop an integrated common assessment framework consistent across scales for modelling, simulating and evaluating impacts and risks of climate change, as well as policy measures. Climate science and Earth Systems information (1); methods for impacts (2) and risks analysis (3); social knowledge (4) are included in the models for delivering multi-sectoral climate impact assessments under consistent and integrated socio-economic and climate scenarios. The NEVERMORE approach integrates information from physical modelling of impacts and risk analysis methodologies and aligns them across different scales: from national, EU and global scales (in the IAM) to local and regional scales via five case studies (Sitia-Crete-GR, Trentino-IT, Västerbotten and Norrbotten-SE, Murcia-ES, Danube delta-RO) that represent various socio-ecological EU contexts. Consistency among the different scales is ensured by combining bottom-up and top-down approaches. The NEVERMORE assessment framework will be embedded in a practical and user-friendly ICT toolkit, including decision-making tools, designed and developed with and for different stakeholders and end-users involved throughout the project via five Local and a Transnational Council of Stakeholders, by leveraging social innovation frameworks, participatory processes and co-design techniques. NEVERMORE’s ultimate goal is to better understand the interactions between mitigation and adaptation policies and measures to deliver sound technical and policy recommendations towards a climate neutral and resilient society.


Jun 01, 2022 until May 31, 2026

Funding Agency

EU, Horizon Europe


Jan Volkholz, Martin Park